

Subject- English 


 Hindi Rivision
1.Learn both the poems of second term and write it in your revision copy.
2. Learn word meaning of lesson11,12,13 and write it in your revision copy
Subject- Social studies  Revision
1.Define the following::
Kharif season,Industry,Monuments,Rabi season,Constitution
2.Answer in One-Word::
a.The fastest train in India.
b.Which fibre is used in making gunny bags?
c.A cash crop used as beverage?
d.The official name of National Television Channel is?
e.Who was the chairman of the Drafting Committee of Indian Constitution?
f.The national river of India is
g.The courier service offered by the Post office is
h.Which spice is hot in taste and replaces chillies?
j.Who is known as the father of the Green Revolution?
3.Give two examples for each of the following::
i.Staple food-
vii.Fibre crops-
4.Write any two differences between the following::
i)Kharif and Rabi season
ii)Food crops and cash crops
6.Give reasons::
a.People prefer railways to roadways.
b.Internet is a fast growing form of communication.
c.Transport and communication are very essential.

Moral Science

Learn the Lord's prayer and write in your revision copy.
Subject- English l
Lesson- 11
  " A Tuesday "
Write in your fair copy.
Answer the following questions.
English ll
Lesson- "The Adverb "

Watch the video sent,Do the following in copy
Do the following in book
Subject- English I 
Lesson- 11
  " A Tuesday "
Write in your fair copy.

S. Std (Revision) 

I. Fill in the blanks:
1.------ is a building enclosed inside the Red Fort. 
2.The Ashoka Chakra has------spokes. 
3.The-------peacock is more colourful. 
4.The most important roads in India are-------. 
5.Indian Railway are divided  into -------zones. 
6.Container ships carry-------. 
7.-------- is a monument  located near Varanasi. 
8.Our constitution  is the -------constitution  in the world. 
9.The ---------- at Kanchi is a marvel of Pallava architecture. 
10.Right to justice come under the fundamental --------.
II. Jumble Words::
5.Garnd Turnk Raod--
III. Answer  the following questions ::
1.What are the different  categories  of transport? 
2.Write a short note on our National  Animal? 
3.Why was lotus selected as the National Flower? 
4.Write any three Fundamental  Duties? 
IV. Mapwork::
Mark and label the following on the outline  map of India--
The Himalayas,The Northern Plain, The Southern Plateau, The Coastal Plain, The Thar Desert
Subject- Computer Revision. 
Do in your revision copy.

Subject :computer

Revision work 
Fill in the blanks
1. We can apply a theme to the presentation using the ____tab.
2. Slide show helps to see the slides in the ___ mode.
3. New slide option is on the __ tab in the __ group.
4. A __ holds objects, such as, text ,picture, chart ,etc, in the slide.
5. World art is present in ___ tab.
6. __ is the area where the code is written.
7. A ___ is the collection of stepwise instructions.
8.The __ is the area where the sprite moves and the performs actions.
9.____is a specific command that is dragged in the script area.
10. The ___  category block is selected by default.
Learn and write.
Subject- Science Revision
Do in your revision copy.

Answer the following -
Q1. Mention any two characteristics of mammals.
Q2. Explain the life cycle of butterfly. 
Q3. Which feature help the birds fly?
Q4.Define simple machines. Write two ways in which simple machines are helpful to us.
Q5. Define energy. Name some forms of energy. 
Q6. How is force useful to us?
Q7.  Name the layers of the earth.
Q8.How are seasons caused?
Q9. Explain the process of filtration in detail. 
Q10. What is sea breeze?
Subject- Maths Revision
Subject- Hindi-l Revision
Hindi II

Hindi Revision 
  हिंदी   व्याकरण 
निम्न प्रश्नो के उत्तर याद कीजिये 
 1 .विशेषण किसे कहते है ? उदाहरण सहित लिखिए 
 2 परिमाण वाचक विशेषण को उदाहरण समझाइये 
काल के प्रत्येक भेदो की परिभाषा उदाहरण सहित लिखिए
👆👆👆👆👆उपरोक्त को पूरा कीजिये
हिंदी साहित्य 
 1 खेल से क्या क्या लाभ होते हैं ?
 2 खेल भावना से आप क्या समझते है ?
 3 अभिमन्यु को हराने के लिए शत्रुओ   ने क्या किया ?
 4 पुष्प की अभिलाषा कविता याद कीजिये
Subject- Social Studies  revision
S.Std Revision

QA. Answer in brief:-
1.What are the necessary conditions for carrying out agricultural activities?
2.How are industries classified?
3.Mention the various means of communication?
4.Write short notes on the monuments at Mahabalipuram.
5.Why was lotus selected as the National Flower?
6.What are Directive Principles?Mention some of them.
Q2.Draw and colour any two national symbols.
Moral science
Learn any four thoughts and moral values and write in your revision copy.
Subject- English I  revision
Write in your fair copy.
Q: Who said these lines .
1: " Its absoulutely fantastic"!
1: Grandpa
2: " How are we going to make chips"?
2: Mother
3: " I know i should fail if i tried to fly."
3: The little kite.
4: Put these on, quick! This light could blind you"!
4: Mr Wonka.
5: " Shouldn't we open the sack first"?
5: Children.
Q2: Who said to whom.
1: " We will be back at twelve noon".
1: Dark haired soldier to family. 
2: " Let's add some herbs."
2: Grandma to mother. 
3: " Welcome to the North pole".
3: White polar to Mary Poppins.
4: " Oh its you,my dear girl".
4: Panda to Marry Poppins.

Do in your revision copy
Subject- Science Revision
Q1: Give two examples  for each.
1: Large animal-
2: Accutic animal-
3: Simple machine-
4: Any two planets-
5: Herbivores animals-
6: Omnivores animals-
7: Parasites
8: Camouflage
Q2: Define
1: Snow
2: Screw
3: Dew
4: Lever
5: Fog
Q3:( 1):Draw the life cycle of a butterfly. 
(2):Revolution of the earth.
(3): Parts of an egg.

Revision work 
Write the full form .
1.www __
2.ISP      __
3.URL    __
4.DVD   __
5.BSNL __
6. MTNL ___
Q2. Answer in one word
1. This is a software in your computer which is needed to open the web pages.____
2. The first page which appears when we open a website is called __
3. Each object in scratch which is programmed to any mate is called a ___.
4. A____ is a collection of related web pages that provide information.
5. The size of the character is called___.
6. The shortcut keys for Italic is___.
7. Any two popular shopping website___.
8. Any two popular search engines____.
9. Any two programming language 
10.MTNL Tata and Reliance are example of ___.
Subject- Maths Revision
G.k Revision
Q1.Write two examples of each:-
1.Great Books-
3.National flower-
4.Strange Sports-
Q2.Complete the following proverbs:-
i.-------wins the race.
ii.------- make more noises.
iii.--------flock together.
iv.The ------- gets the worm.
v.Every cloud has a-------.
Q3.Draw the following sign of traffic signals:-
1.Railway crossing ahead
2.Load limit
3.Give away ahead
4.Sharp curve right
5.U-turn prohibited
हिंदी साहित्य 
पाठ 14 मेरी मां 
1 - शब्द और अर्थ याद कीजिए 
 2 मूल शब्द लिखिए
शिक्षित -- 
ग्रामीण --
परिश्रम --
3 प्रशन उत्तर याद करो

Subject- Hindi ll revision
हिंदी व्याकरण 
1 - विलोम शब्द 
 अगला से सज्जन तक 
याद कीजिये 
2- पर्यायवाची शब्द याद कीजिये 
 दुश्मन से कोयल तक
3 - अनेक शब्दों के लिए एक शब्द-  
(19 ) जिसमे स्वार्थ की भावना हो - स्वार्थी से 
(36) जो कुछ नहीं जनता हो तक याद कीजिये 
4 - मुहावरा 
11 - कान भरना से राई का पर्वत करना तक 
मुहावरों का अर्थ याद कीजिये तथा उनका वाक्य में प्रयोग करने का अभ्यास कीजिये |
Subject- Science Revision.

Class 4 science Revision
Q1.What are the different sources of energy?
Q2. What are the different types types of force?
Q3.Differentiate between  the following -
1.Frictional force and gravitational force
2.Atomic energy and geothermal energy 
Q4.Draw solar system and label it
Q5. Draw layers of earth and label it.
Q6.Differentiate between 
1.Decantation and sedimentation 
2.Evaporation and condensation

I. Answer the following question in short-
1. Define reproduction
2. Define habitat
3. Define revolution
4. Define moulting
5. How does the fur of a polar bear help it?
6. Name the different types of forces.
7. Name six types of simple machines.
8. Name some forms of energy.
9. Name the layers of the earth.
10. Name the planets of the solar system.
II. Draw a neat and well labelled diagram-
1. Cycle of a butterfly
2. Layers of the earth
3. Sea breeze
4. Land breeze  revision
Q1.Answer in one word:-
i.A staple food crop of our country.
ii.A cash crop used  as beverage.
iii.This fibre is used in making gunny bags.
iv.This spice is hot in taste and replaces chillies.
v.Farm waste which is used as food for animals.
vi.Write full form of NHAI,STD,ISD,FAX,ASI
vii.Which peacock is more colourful.
Q2.Give reasons:-
a.People prefer railways to roadways.
b.Air transport is far from the reach of poor people.
Q3.Match the columns:-
1.Varanasi.          a.Jute
c.Iron and steel
d.Machine tools
5.Hooghly basin
e.Cotton textile
Q4 On the outline map of India mark and label the:-
The Himalayas,The Northern Plains,The Coastal Plains,The That Desert,TheSouthern Plateau

Subject- English1 Revision
Answer the following questions. 
1: Why did Mr.Wonka had black glasses to the visitors? 
2: What was the little kite afraid of?
3: What is this? I thought ' What is going on '?
a: What was the narrator thinking about?
b: What did turn out to be in the end?
4: Why is the earth 'friendly'?
5: What did the dolphine plan for  their next meeting? Did the visitors like the idea? How do you know?
Q: Write the synonyms. 
1: Peaceful
2: Scared
3: Shaking out of fear
4: Very excited and happy
Q: Write the opposite. 
1: Continued
2: Impossible 
3: War
4: Fear
5: Pride
6: Amazed

Match the following.
1: Chips                   P.L.Travers
2: A Tueday            H.G.Wells
3: Running away    Taro Yashima
4: Crow Boy            Deb Scott Lovric

Revision work

Subject- English1 (Literature)
Term ll
1: The Television Chocolate Room.(Chapter -7)
2: Chips (Chapter-8).
3: How the little kite learned to fly. ( Poem).
4: Crow Boy.
5: Running away.
Great ,wide,Beautiful,wonderful. (Poem).
6: A Tuesday. 
  English-ll ( Language).
1: Personal pronouns.
2: Compound personal pronouns. 
3: Demonstrative Pronouns. 
4: Interrogative pronouns.
5: Relative pronouns.
6: The Adjective. 
7: Comparison of Adjectives. 
8: Articles. 
9: The Verb.
10: Tenses.(Chapter-19)
11: Forms of Verbs. ( Chapter- 20).
12: The Adverb (Chapter- 21).
13: The preposition. ( Chapter- 23).
14: The conjunction. (Chapter- 24).
15: The interjection.( Chapter- 25).
16: Punctuation ( Chapter- 26).

Hindi-l ( Literature)
1: खेलों का महत्त्व ।(Chapter- 11).
2: वीर अभिमन्यु ।(Chapter-12).
3: पुष्प की अभिलाषा ।(कविता)।
4: मेरी माँ ।(Chapter- 14).
5: ओणम ।(Chapter-15).
6: पंच परमेश्वर ।(Chapter- 16).
7: रहीम के दोहे। (कविता)।
Hindi- ll (Language)
Term 2
13.विलोम (आधा )
अगला से सज्जन तक 
14.पर्यायवाची ( आधा )
 12से 22तक 
15.अनेक शब्दों के लिए एक शब्द (आधा )
(19से 36 तक )
16.मुहावरे (आधा )
( 14 से 25 तक ) 
 ये ठीक है
1: Fractions ( unit: 9)
2: More on fractions.( unit: 10)
3: Decimal fractions. (unit: 11).
4: Time ( unit- 14).
5: Shapes and designs. ( unit: 18).
6: Perimeter and Area.( unit: 19).
1: Animals and their young ones.( Chapter- 8)
2: How do animals survive? (Chapter 9).
3: Force work and energy.( Chapter- 10).
4: The earth and its neighbours. ( chapter- 11).
5: Air, water and weather.( Chapter- 12).
1: Formatting in word.
2: Computer memory. 
3: Let's use power point 2010.
4: Let's learn scratch.
5: More about internet.
1: Agriculture and Livestock. 
2: Our Important Industries. 
3: Transport and communication. 
4: Our Heritage. 
5: Our National Symbols. 
6: Our Rights and Duties

Moral science 

Subject- Moral science     revision 
Q: Answer the following questions. 
1: Why was the river water dirty?
2:What did Rubi's do that was different?
3: How did Ria take care of Dadi?
4: Did Krishna prove to be a good friend? Give reasons for your answers. 
5: Why did the Sultan ask the servant to take  Tahir away?
Q: Tick the correct options. 
1: Zeto came in search of.
1: Good friends  , pure water ,pure milk.
2: Which pond did Ruby and her sister go to?
2: Lee  ,  Harper  , Corner.
3: When Ria could not see Aliya and Mina, she felt.
3: Happy , angry , scared.
4: When your friend does not know an answer,do you.
4: Refuse to help your friend.
Help your friend. 
Make fun of your friend for not knowing the answer. 
Q: Write why you should be thankful to the following people.
1: I am thankful to my parents for -
2: I am thankful to my sister/brother for-
3: I am thankful to my teachers for-
4: I am thankful to my friends for-

Match the phrases with their meanings.
   A                         B
1: Set about   -                  
2: Set aside  -    begin a 
3: Set up -     begin
4: Set back -    make something special and more noticeable than others.
5: Set forth - delay
6: Set something apart-         seprate something and keep it for a special use.
Q: Tick the correct answers.
1: The sahara desert is a vast / mighty desert. 
2: The wrestler is very strong and grand/ mighty. 
3: Ritu caught a gigantic / grand fish from the lake.
4: The school's annual function was a grand/ vast success

Subject- English ll revision


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