Assignment for class UKG Maths. Learn and write table of 3. Rhymes. Learn one English rhyme My Red Balloon (P. No. -9) Learn one Hindi rhyme डाकिया (P. No. - 5) Assignment for class LKG 27/06/2020 CLASS UKG Write and learn four letter words - ball, book, cake, fish, hand, star, leaf, lamp, kite, park. Draw the pictures and write their names - ball, fish, kite, star, cake, leaf. Maths Learn and write number names 21-30 (Twenty one) Hindi खाली स्थान भरो- ( शहद, अक्षर, मदन) 1. __ घर चल। 2. __ इधर रख। 3. एक एक __ पढ़। प्रश्न उत्तर 1. कौन घर गया? मदन घर गया। 2. क्या इधर रख? शहद इधर रख। Art and craft book Page no. 14 Colour the doll and paste bindis on her dress. ---CLASS LKG --- VIDEO OF CLASS LKG-- ...