S.St -
Civics -
1 Please read the following lessons and answer the questions
A) Constitutional Design.
B)The French Revolution 1 How was the constituent Assembly formed ?
2 What do you understand by the term'Apartheid' ?

History -
3.Who was Dr.B.R.Ambedkar? How did he play a key role in the making of Indian Constitution?
4. How values of freedom struggle were embedded in the Preamble of the Indian Constitution?
5. Describe the French division of society.
6. What was a Directory? Why was it removed from France?
7. What were the main causes of French Revolution?
8. How did the French people ultimately get the right to vote to all citizens?
 9. Who was Napoleon Bonaparte? Why was he called a liberator?

 Q1-. Find out the latitudinal and longitudinal extent of your state. Draw or paste map of your state. Q2. Collect information about the ' Silk Route ' Also find out the new developments, which are improving communication routes in the region's of high altitude.
Q3. Give a description of the Union Territories of India.

 Q1. Read 'Grandfather's Private Zoo ' by Ruskin Bond or 'Kabuliwala' by Rabindranath Tagore and write summarize in 200 words.
Q2. Write a poem on trees and write it in the fair copies. Highlight the importance of trees through this poem. You can also write a poem on trees of your own but the name of the poet should be mentioned.


Que.1. In a chart paper or is an A-4 size drawing sheet draw an imaginary picture of Corona Virus and some preventive measures to stop it's spread. Hint→ Mask, Sanitizer,hand wash, social distancing Stay safe at home, no spitting etc.
Que.2. In your fair copy paste pictures of five nationally / internationally acclaimed Indian musicians with their musical instrument. 
Que.3.Write a paragraph on famous shehnai vadak Bismillah Khan. Write his work and achievements.Paste picture of Bismillah Khan also. 
Que. 4.Our nature has become beautiful again due to this lockdown. Comment and write your opinion for the statement. Paste pictures to support.
 Que. 5. Frame sentences using the following verb forms:-> i. plays. ii. had painted. iii. are working iv. will be raining. v. am going to vi. have been building vii. learnt viii. has packed. ix. shall have written x. was sleeping.
Que.6. Use the given Prepositions in your own sentences:--> 
in, till, on, along, inside, in front of, to according to, in spite of, at

 Learn and write NCERT questions of chapter 1 ‘The matter in our surrounding’ in your fair copy. 

Chemistry Project Work
Make a working model to demonstrate the movement of particles in all states of matter .

Learn and write NCERT 'Question and answers' of 1st Chapter of Biology i.e; 'IMPROVEMENT IN FOOD RESOURCES' in your class work copies
Biology Project Work

Make a 3D model of Plant Cell and Animal Cell.

1-   Write all the notes of Ch. 1 in your fair copy as it was informed earlier also.
2-Change the given data in m/s-   3.6km/h,  180km/h and 108 km/min.
3-Convert it into km/h _-  70m/s, 42m/s & 18m/s.
4- Velocity of an moving body changes from 90km/h to 144km/h within half hour. Find its acceleration.
5-Explain  any five different types of “YOGA” for the development of our mind and body both with diagram.

1-Collect the weekly data of Corona Infected People of our city in coming four Sunday and represent it by Histogram.
2-Explain all the properties of “Congruent Triangle ” with diagram.
3- Construct a square of side 6cm & construct two different rectangles whose areas are same as the area of the given square.
4-   Factorise:
a.       (x4 – y4)
b.      (1 + m6)
c.       (40 – 18m – m2)
d.      (a/5 + b/2)2
e.       (m2 – 29m + 204)
5   Do Maths Activity No. 1,2,4,6 & 8 in Maths Lab Manual with color diagram & using paper cutting work as you have done in class VIII.

(NOTE- Be serious with your Lab Manual Work .)  
1- What is differnce between machine language and assembly language?
2- Describe utility software and also define type.


  1. NOTE- Be serious with your Lab Manual Work as per CBSE norms Class X Lab Manual records will be sent to the Board
    The homework provided to the students of class 9 is same as class 10 even the note point also?
    -regard parents

  2. Sorry, I am not getting the project materials!!


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