Subject : English l
English literature
Chapter 7 Rabbit's Turnip
Do it in your book
Difficult words
1. Winter
2. Hopping
3. Pawed
4. Hurried
5. Trotted
6. Cabbage
7. Carefully
8. Trudged
9. Exclaimed
10. Retuned
Word Meaning
1. Pawed __to dug
2. Hurried __moved quickly
3. Trotted _ to walk fast
4. Passed this way _ walked by this way
5. Trudged _ moved slowly
6. Exclaimed __ speak loudly
Answer these chapter
Q1 Why did all the animals have to find food?
Ans All the animals have to find food because it was going to snow.
Q2 "But my potato is enough for me. "
A)who says this line?
Ans The donkey says this line.
B) what does the speaker do next?
Ans The speaker leaves the two at goats door.
C) what does this tell us about the speaker?
Ans This line tell us that the speaker is kind and caring.
Q3 what did Goat do with the turnip?
Ans Goat left the turnip at deer's door.
Q4. "Now how has this come back to me."
A) who says this line?
Ans Rabbit says this line.
B) what has come back to the speaker?
Ans The turnip has come back to the speaker.
C) what is the speaker feeling here?
Ans surprise
Lesson -12
Transport and communication
(Note :-Do in your copy)
Answer the following questions :-
Q-1: Why do we need means of transport?
Ans:We need a means of transport basically to: "Commute or move" from one place to another. ..
Q-2: How are aeroplanes and helicopters useful to us?
Ans:Aeroplanes and helicopters are useful to us because we can reach far off countries in a few hours.
Q-3:How can we travel across a sea or an ocean?
Ans: We can travel across a sea or an ocean by the help of water transport.
Q-4:Think and name the two different kinds of telephones we use.
Ans :1-Cordless phone and smart phone.
Students will do the exercises in their Maths textbooks .
(क)मौखिक उत्तर दीजिए।
प्रश्न १. ईसाईयों के धार्मिक पुस्तक का नाम बताइए।
उत्तर बाइबल।
प्रश्न २. यीशु मसीह का वास्तविक नाम क्या था?
उत्तर यीशु था।
प्रश्न ३. होली कब मनाई जाती है?
उत्तर मार्च मैं ।
प्रश्न 4 ईसाई लोग प्रार्थना करने कहां जाते हैं?
उत्तर गिरजाघर।
(ख)निम्नलिखित वाक्यों में शब्दों का क्रम ठीक कीजिए।
१. बालक ईसामसीह का जन्म गौशाला में हुआ था
२. लोग ईसामसीह के जन्मदिन को बड़ी धूमधाम से मनाते हैं।
३. गरीबों और बीमारों की सहायता करो।
४. एक अनोखा प्रकाश अचानक दिखाई दिया।
(ड) प्रश्नों के उत्तर दीजिए।
प्रश्न १. ईसामसीह के मां का क्या नाम था?
उत्तर ईसामसीह की मां का नाम मरियम था।
प्रश्न २. ईसामसीह के जन्म के समय कौन सी घटना घटी?
उत्तर देवदूत प्रकट हुआ और अनोखा प्रकाश चमका था।
प्रश्न ३. क्रिसमस के दिन लोग क्या करते हैं?
उत्तर नए कपड़े में सज धज कर के जा घर जाते हैं।
प्रश्न ४. 24 तारीख की रात को बच्चे अपने मुझे बाहर क्यों टांगते हैं?
उत्तर सैंटाक्लॉस उनके मोजे में उपहार देकर जाए।
प्रश्न ५. ईसा मसीह ने लोगों को क्या उपदेश दिया?
उत्तर १. हम सभी भाई भाई हैं।
२. सब से प्रेम करो।
३. गरीबों, बीमारों और दीन दुखियों की हर संभव मदद करो ।
४. अपने पड़ोसी से अपनी तरह प्रेम करो।
५. ईश्वर से प्यार करो।
Do book exercise in your book
Moral science assignment
Those who have not completed the work they will complete it👆
Subject- Drawing
Do the following in your drawing book page no 18.
Make paper Diya with the help of video. 👇
English literature
Chapter 8
The song of the Train
Difficult words
Word Meaning
Whispered spoke in a low voice
Cattle farm animals like cow
Herds group of animals sped moved with a great speed
Answer these questions
1. What did Mini see from the train window in the afternoon?
Ans Mini saw a man working in the field and children working at her from the window in the afternoon.
2. Why did the ticket examiner want the tickets?
Ans The ticket examiner wanted their tickets to check.
3. Where did the train stop?
Ans The train stopped at an important station.
4. Where did Mini sleep?
Ans Mini slept in the middle berth.
5. Do you think Mini likes her first train journey? How can you tell?
Ans Yes, she liked her first train journey because she was enjoying the sound of the train.
Subject :-ENGLISH ll
Do this in class work copy.
Worksheet - 8
Ql. What is conjunction?
Ans A conjunction is a word which joins two or more than two words , phrases ,clauses or sentences.
For example -
1.Veena and Sweta went to market.
2.l went to see him but he was not there.
3.Give me tea or coffee.
Do this page no - 45 ,46 ,47 ,48 & 49 in worksheet book .
Hindi language book exercises will be done in book only and students will learn all the opposite words given in book.
*Students will write all the opposite words given on page no 47 and 48 in their fair copy
पुस्तक के पृष्ठ संख्या 47 और Class 2nd
Mathematics --Multiplication
(DO these exercises in class work copy. )
6×7= --42---
7×10=--- 70--
* Choose the correct answer:--
1-Which is the correct option for the multiplication fact?
4×-----= 20
a) 3. b) 4. c) 5
a) 5. b) 6. c) 7
3- Marrie has 3 toffees in each box . If she has 11 boxes , how many toffees are there in all?
a)22. b) 34 c) 33
4-Write the multiplication facts for this addition facts.
( 5+5+5+5+5)
a) 4×5. b) 5×3. c) 5×5
1--We can multiply two numbers in any order , we always get the same answer. ( true)
2-- 15× 6= 8tens ( false)
3--11×100= hundreds (true)
4-16 × 8tens = 320( false)48 में दिए विलोम शब्द अपनी अपनी कापियों में सुंदर ढांड से लिखेंगे ।
Lesson - 8 ( Housing and clothes)
Do in your copy.
Answer the following questions -
1 . Name three kinds of temporary houses?
Ans - Three kinds of temporary houses are - caravans, tent and houseboat.
2 . Name two kinds of permanent houses?
Ans - Two kinds of permanent houses are - bungalows and flats.
3 . Namr four materials used for building a house?
Ans - Materials are - cement , bricks ,steel and wood.
4 . What is an igloo?
Ans - An igloo is a house made of snow .
5 .What kind of roofs do the houses in the following places have?
Montains - sloping roofs
Plains - flat roofs.
Social Studies
Hindi 1 book work 👆
Class-2 Division
Division is repeated Subtraction
for example- Mummy wants to divide 12oranges equally among Raghav, Sanju and Shreya. To do that , she subtracted 3 oranges the number of times till she was left with 0 oranges.
Raghav-- 🍊🍊🍊🍊
Sanju-- 🍊🍊🍊🍊
Sherya- 🍊🍊🍊🍊
So, we can also divide by repeated subtraction.
Hare 3 was subtracted repeatedly 4 x from 12 to get 0.
We can write this as: 12÷3=4, this is called a division fact.
We read this as 12 divided by 3 is equally
12÷3=4 -- division fact
12-- dividend
÷ symbol of division
3- divisor
Divide by repeated subtraction. write the quotient.
9- 3=6
6- 3=3
(DO these exercises in the classwork copy)
Hindi 2 book work--👇
Hindi 1 book work 👇
Lesson - 9 (Air )
Do in your book.
Page no. 64 and 67
Draw two things which work because of wind . In your copy.
Subject - Moral Science
Lesson -8
Liza's new friends
1-Read the chapter .
2-Do book exercise.
Subject - English ll
Note -Portion for unit test -2
Worksheet 6 & 8
Do this page 51 , 52 , 53 & 54 in worksheet book only.
Subject English l
Chapter 10
Owl and the Moon
Do exercises in the book
Do it in your copy
Difficult words
Word Meaning
Supper _ last meal of the day
Seashore- beach
Following going behind
Tip_ at the top of something
Social Studies
Lesson -15
Answer the following questions:-
Q-1-What things cause change in weather?
Ans-Change in weather is caused by the sun, wind, clouds and rain.
Q2-What type of weather do we have in summer?
Ans- In summer the weather is very hot.
Q3-Why do we use blankets and quilts in winter?
Ans-We use blankets and quilts in winter because we feel cold.
Q-4 In which season do trees shed their leaves?
Ans- In autumn season trees shed their leaves.
Q-5 Which season comes after autumn?
Ans - Winter
Division is related to multiplication
Like--If there are 2 football stickers in each of the four packets, how many stickers are there in all?
🏀🏀/ 🏀🏀/🏀🏀/🏀🏀
There are 4×2=8 stickers. We can group these 8 football stickers as;
We write this as : 8÷4=2
Similarly, we can also equally group these as:
We write this as : 8÷2=4
Multiplication fact----
|--8÷2=division fact
So, division and multiplication are related . You can easily divide using multiplication tables.
For example, 24÷8=3
Remember: 1×8=8 ,2×8=16, 3×8=24
(Students will write only exercise in the class work copy)
Write two division facts for each multiplication fact.
5×3=15 , 15÷5=3 , 15÷3=5
2×7=14 , 14÷2=7 , 14÷7=2
6×4=24 , 24 ÷ 6 =4 , 24÷4=6
4×5=20 , 20÷4=5 ,20÷5=4
Class - 2
Subject - science
Lesson - 9 ( Air )
Answer the following questions -
1 . List two properties of air ?
Ans - Two properties of air -
a) Air has weight.
b) Air is needed for breathing.
2 .Why would we let the windows open?
Ans - We let the windows open for fresh air.
3 .What do we call the dirty air coming out of the factories?
Ans - Smoke is the dirty air coming out of the factories.
4 . What does the air contain?
Ans - The air contains dust particles.
पाठ 13
*पाठ में दिए मुहावरे एवं उनका वाक्य प्रयोग अपनी कॉपी में सुंदर अक्षरों में लिखेंगे एवं याद करेंगे
पेज no.55 और 56
*पुस्तक में दिए अभ्यास कार्य को अपनी पुस्तक में ही करेंगे।पेज no 57 और 58
Portion for unit test -2
Class -II
(Note :- Learn from book and copy both)
1 -Social studies:-
Ch-9 Festivals we celebrate
Ch-12 Transport and communication
2-English l
Portion for unit test - 2
Chapter -6 The man cub.
Chapter - 7 Rabbit's turnip.
English ll
Portion for unit test - 2
Worksheet - 6 & 8
Class ll
Subject - English ll
Note -Portion for unit test -2
Worksheet 6 & 8
Do this page 51 , 52 , 53 & 54 in worksheet book only.
Ch -7 Safety and First Aid
Ch -8 Housing and clothes
4- Computer
Portion of unit test- 2
1- More on M S Paint
2- More on Tux Paint
Portion for unit test-2
Chapter-6 Multiplication
Both copy and book.
6-Portion for unit test- 2
Lesson 11 फूल हमेशा मुस्काता (कविता)
Lesson 12 बड़ा दिन
हिंदी -2
Lesson 9 क्रिया
Lesson 11 विलोम शब्द
Science ( Revision )
Lesson - safety and first Aid
Write in one word -
1 . Do not play on the ------
2 .Traffic light that tells you to stop ----------
3 . It can give you a shock ------------
4 .Cross the road here ------
5 .Traffic light that tells you to wait --------
6 .which traffic light tells you to go --------
7 .Do not tease ------
8 .Do not play with -------
9 .Do not jump on the -------
10 .Do not eat while--------
Answer key --
1 . the road
2 .red light
3 .electric wires
4 .zebra crossing
5 . Yellow light
6 . Green light
7 . animals
8 . Sharp things
9 . Desk
10 . Swimming
Do the following page number in your drawing book19, 20,21
Do the following page number in your craft book17, 18,19
Portion for unit test -2
Class -II
(Note :- Learn from book and copy both)
1 -Social studies:-
Ch-9 Festivals we celebrate
Ch-12 Transport and communication
2-English l
Portion for unit test - 2
Chapter -6 The man cub.
Chapter - 7 Rabbit's turnip.
English ll
Portion for unit test - 2
Worksheet - 6 & 8
Class ll
Subject - English ll
Note -Portion for unit test -2
Worksheet 6 & 8
Do this page 51 , 52 , 53 & 54 in worksheet book only.
Ch -7 Safety and First Aid
Ch -8 Housing and clothes
4- Computer
Portion of unit test- 2
1- More on M S Paint
2- More on Tux Paint
Portion for unit test-2
Chapter-6 Multiplication
Both copy and book.
6-Portion for unit test- 2
Lesson 11 फूल हमेशा मुस्काता (कविता)
Lesson 12 बड़ा दिन
हिंदी -2
Lesson 9 क्रिया
Lesson 11 विलोम शब्द
Lesson -8 (Housing and Clothes )
Write the answer in one word -
1 . A house that can float on water ---------
2 .A house that can be folded and carried along ----------
3 .Give one example of Permanent house ?
4 .we wear clothes according to the -------
5 .Who makes an igloo?
6 .Do you live in pucca house or katcha house ?
7 .Where do we find sloping roofs ?
8 .which kind of clothes do we wear in winter?
9 .A house made on wheels ---------
10 .How many types of houses?
Answer key
1 .house boat
2. Tent
3 .Bungalows
4 .Season
5 .Eskimos
6 .Pucca house
Two types7 .Hill areas
8 .woollen clothes
9 .Carvan
10. Two types
Portion for unit test -2
Class -II
(Note :- Learn from book and copy both)
1 -Social studies:-
Ch-9 Festivals we celebrate
Ch-12 Transport and communication
2-English l
Portion for unit test - 2
Chapter -6 The man cub.
Chapter - 7 Rabbit's turnip.
English ll
Portion for unit test - 2
Worksheet - 6 & 8
Class ll
Subject - English ll
Note -Portion for unit test -2
Worksheet 6 & 8
Do this page 51 , 52 , 53 & 54 in worksheet book only.
Ch -7 Safety and First Aid
Ch -8 Housing and clothes
4- Computer
Portion of unit test- 2
1- More on M S Paint
2- More on Tux Paint
Portion for unit test-2
Chapter-6 Multiplication
Both copy and book.
6-Portion for unit test- 2
Lesson 11 फूल हमेशा मुस्काता (कविता)
Lesson 12 बड़ा दिन
हिंदी -2
Lesson 9 क्रिया
Lesson 11 विलोम शब्द