

Subject- Science


" How do animals survive"?

Do in your book.

Chapter -9
Page no.85
1.  arboreal
2. Webbed
3. Lungs
1. Freezing conditions
2. Die
3. Lungs
4. Sharp Claws and broad hips
5. Seas and oceans
1. Amphibians
2. Carnivorous
3. Camel
4. Parasites
1.a. habitat-The natural home of an animal is called its habitat
b. Camouflage-The ability of animals to look similar or merge with their surroundings is known as camouflage.
2. The highly developed senses of terrestrial animals help them in  hearing and smell thathelps them in the changes in their environment or protect themselves from their enemies.
3.a. ducks-webbed feet
b. Turtles-paddle like limbs
4.a. stick insects-resemble a twig in shape and colour.
b. Chameleons-by changing the colour of their skin to match with their surroundings
c. Elephants-too big to be eaten by other animals.
d. Frogs-move very fast to escape
5.a. gills-Fish breathe with the help of gills.
b. Shape of the body-helps them to cut through the water easily.
c. Tail-help them in changing direction.
6.a. lungs-when on land they breathe with the help of lungs.
b. Moist skin-when in water they breathe through moist skin.
c. Legs-help them to Hop on land and swim in water.
7. Lizards have scales on their bodies, which protect their skin from drying.
8. Polar bears live in freezing conditions and thick fur keeps the body warm.
Subject- Social studies 
"Transport and communication "

S.Std Assignment

Chapter-11(Transport and Communication)
Do Exercise B,C and D in the book only and Ex.E & F in the fair copy..
B:: Fill in the blanks-
2.National highways(NH)
4.Sher Shah Shri
C:: Answers in one word---
1.Eastern and Western regions of the Indian subcontinent.
2.Rajdhani and Shatabdi Express.
3.Speed post
D:: Match the columns--

E. Give reasons.
1. Transport and communication are very essential. 
Ans. Transport network helps people to move from place to place, whereas communication network carriers our thoughts and messages to every corner of the world at an unimaginable speed .
2. People prefer railways to roadways. 
Ans. Railways are the most comfortable means of transport and quicken the travelling time.
3. Air transport is far from the reach of poor people. 
Ans. Air transport is far from the reach of poor people as it's tickets are very costly. 
4. Internet is a fast growing form of communication. 
Ans. Internet is a fast growing form of communication because the use of smartphones and computers has steadily risen.

Moral Science
"Finding a family".
Do in your book
Do it by yourself.👇

Write in your fair copy.
1. Was dadi a kind Lady? Give reasons for your answer.
Ans. Yes, Dadi was a kind lady because when she saw Ria alone and scared, she decided to help her finding her family. 

2. Why was Dadi sad?
Ans. Dadi was sad because she found Ria's orphanage and thought that she will leave her and stay in the orphanage. 

3. How did Ria take care of Dadi?
Ans. Riya took care of Dadi by helping her around the house. She gives cold water when Dadi finishes the work.
Subject- English1 
"How the little kite learned to fly ".
Write in your fair copy.
Poem -How The Little kite Learned To Fly
          Central Idea 
This poem was composed by an American artist, poet and children's writer ' Katherine Pyle'.
This poem is about a little kite that learns to fly. It shows how the kite, who was afraid  of flying at first, slowly stopped being afraid and learned to fly.
(Write the meaning from the book)

Answer these questions:
A1. The little kite was afraid of falling if it tried to fly high in the sky.
A2. The big kite asked the little kite to try and fly because if did not try ,it would never learn to fly.
A3. The little kite decided to be brave and try to fly just as the big kite had advised it to do.
A4.The little kite shook itself and started whirling upwards.It was frightened at first, but then it gradually started rising higher and higher in the air.
It was very happy because its effort had succeeded
Do in your book.

"Interrogative pronouns".

Write in your fair copy.
Write in your book.
Page- 58
Subject- Hindi-l
पाठ संख्या 11
 खेलो का महत्व
कॉपी में लिखें ।

11 प्रश्नों के उत्तर लिखिए उत्तर 1- शरीर को स्वस्थ रखने के लिए खेल अनिवार्य है| यह एक अच्छा व्यायाम है जिससे कई बीमारियां दूर हो जाती हैं| भूख खूब लगती है और बढ़ने वाले लड़कों का शारीरिक विकास होता है| खेलों से आलस्य दूर भागता है और मन प्रसन्न रहता है|
 उत्तर 2- खेल एक अच्छा मनोरंजन भी है| खेल खेलने वाले को भी मनोरंजन मिलता और इसे देखने वाले को भी| लोग टेलीविजन पर खेल कार्यक्रम देख कर अपना मनोरंजन करते हैं| बड़े-बड़े स्टेडियम में हॉकी, क्रिकेट अथवा फुटबॉल के मैच देखते हैं जिससे खेलने वाले का उत्साहवर्धन होता है और वह अधिक कुशलता से खेलते हैं | उत्तर 3 इंडोर खेल कमरे में खेला जाता है ,जैसे लूडो, ताश ,कैरम और शतरंज| आउटडोर खेल मैदान में खेले जाते हैं जैसे, कुश्ती, क्रिकेट, हॉकी, फुटबॉल, वॉलीबॉल, बास्केटबॉल, टेनिस आदि |
उत्तर 4 खेलकूद से स्वस्थ प्रतिस्पर्धा की भावना जागृत होती है |खेलकूद से मनुष्य में संघर्ष करने की आदत पड़ती है| जीवन में आगे बढ़ने के लिए संघर्ष करना पड़ता है| खेल से ही हमें जीवन की सफलता का सूत्र मिलता है|
उत्तर 5 खेल भावना का अर्थ यह है कि जीतने वाले पक्ष को ना अधिक उत्साहित होना चाहिए और हारने वाले पक्ष को ना ही बहुत हतोत्साहित होना चाहिए |हार और जीत खेल के दो पक्ष हैं| अतः खिलाड़ियों का उद्देश्य मतभेदों एवं दूरियों को मिटाना होना चाहिए|
" Computer memory 

Draw all primary and secondary memory of computer in the copy
Also draw memory units.
Subject- Drawing

Draw and colour elephant in your drawing book page no 20 and in drawing copy  draw elephant also. 
             pencil shading
 Draw and shade  human ear in your drawing book page number 38 
Make a lantern with the help of yarn and balloon.

English workbook 

Worksheet 6
Subject- Maths
Watch the following videos   👇

Do EX-10A in book
Do the following work in copy
Chapter - 34 and 36
Do in your book.

Read and learn the important facts of chapter 36👆
Subject- Hindi l 
       "वीर अभिमन्यु " VIDEO---👇

कॉपी में लिखिए ।👇

(क) मौखिक उत्तर दीजिए-
 1. महाभारत के लेखक का नाम बताइए ?
उत्तर- वेदव्यास 
2. पांडव कितने भाई थे? उत्तर- पांच 
3.अभिमन्यु की मां का नाम बताइए|
 उत्तर -सुभद्रा 
4.महाभारत का युद्ध कितने दिनों तक चला? उत्तर -18 दिनों तक |
प्रश्नों के उत्तर लिखिए 
 उत्तर 1.पांडवों को हराने के लिए द्रोणाचार्य ने दुर्योधन से अर्जुन को दूर ले जाने के लिए कहा| उत्तर 2-अभिमन्यु ने चक्रव्यूह तोड़ने की कला अपनी मां के पेट में सीखी थी |
उत्तर 3- अभिमन्यु  चक्रव्यूह के अंदर पहुंचकर कौरवों की सेना को गाजर मूली की तरह काटने लगा| अभिमन्यु से लड़ने दुर्योधन अकेला ही पहुंच गया जिसका उसने बुरा हाल कर दिया |
उत्तर 4- अभिमन्यु को हराने के लिए कौरवों ने युद्ध के सारे नियम ताक पर रख दिए और सब ने एक साथ मिलकर अभिमन्यु पर हमला कर दिया |उसके घोड़ों और सारथी को मार दिया तथा धनुष की डोरी भी काट दी छल और कपट से कौरवों ने अभिमन्यु को मार दिया| उत्तर 5- अभिमन्यु की मृत्यु की खबर सुनते ही पांडवों की सेना में शोक छा गया|
किताब में लिखें । 👇

Subject- Social Studies 
          Lesson- 11
"Transport and Communication ".
Note- Write in your fair copy.

Answer the following questions. 
1. What are the different categories of transport ?
Ans . The three different categories of transport are
 i. Land transport 
ii. Air transport 
iii. Water transport 
2. Name the cities the Golden Quadrilateral Highways connect.
Ans. The Golden Quadrilateral, a six lane 
highway network has been developed recently connecting the metropolitan cities Delhi ,Kolkata, Chennai and Mumbai .
3. When was the first Indian railways laid and between which two stations?
Ans. The first railway in India was started in 1853 between Mumbai and Thane.
4. Name any two ports on the western and eastern coast of India. 
Ans. The major ports are Kandla and Mumbai on the west coast and Tuticorin, Chennai on the east coast. 
5. Which is the official airways of the government of India? Name any two private airlines operating in India. 
Ans. Air India is the official  airways of the government of India and Jet airways and IndiGo are private airways. 
6. Mention the various means of  communication. 
Ans. Letter, telegram and telephones are used for personal communication. Newspapers, radios, televisions and cinema reach a lot of people at the same time . They are means of mass communication. 
7. Name two satellites launched by India that transmit a variety of information. 
Ans. Metrosat and Oceansat have been launched in space by our country to transmit a variety of information.

Moral science 
"My Best Friend"
Write in your fair copy. 
Answer these questions.
1) Sudama did not want to give roasted grams to Krishna. why?
Ans. Sudama did not wanted to give roasted grams to Krishna because he thought that his roasted grams were no match for Krishna's wealth.

2) Did Krishna prove to be a good friend? Give reasons for your answer.
Ans. Yes, Krishna proved to be a good friend because Sudama didn't tell him anything about his condition and yet he understood everything and he helped him.
Do in your book.

Do it by yourself--👇
Do it by yourself--👇
Subject- English I 
      " Crow Boy"

Write in your fair copy.
Do the word meaning from the book..
Answer the following questions.



Do in copy

Do in your book.---👇

Subject- Science 
" How do animals survive"?
Note- Write in your fair copy.

D. Long answer
A1. Birds have wings covered with feathers that help them fly. They have hollow bones that make their bodies light.
A2. Some of the adaptations seen in aquatic animals are:
a) fish breathe with the help of gills.
b) Fish have fins that help them to swim. The tail help them to change the direction. 
c) Ducks and geese have webbed feet and turtles have paddle-like limbs that help them to swim.
A3. According to the type of food that animals eat, they can be grouped as 1.Herbivores - These are plant eating animals.for example cow, goat, dear etc .
Carnivores- These are flesh eating animals. For example : tigers, lions, and eagles etc.
Omnivores-  These are animals that eat both plants and the flesh of other animals. For example : bears and 
 Scavengers- These are animals that eat the flesh of dead animals. For example: vultures, hyenas etc.
  Parasites- These are the animals that get their nutrition from other animals. They either live inside or on the body of other animals. They are adapted to suck blood from their hosts . For example
Lice, mosquitoes and fleas, tapeworms and round worms.
E: Differentiate between the following. 
1:Scavengers and Carnivores.
Scavenger- vultures and hyenas are called scavengers because they eat the flesh of dead animals. Their mouth parts are suited to tear flesh.
Carnivores- Carnivores  are flesh eating animals for example- tigers,lions and eagles.
2: Aerial animals arboreal animals.
Aerial animals- Animals which spend a greater part of their lives flying in the air are called aerial animals.for ex- birds,bats and most insects are aerial animals.
Arboreal animals- Animals that live mostly on trees are called arboreal animals. Such animals have sharp claws and broad hips that help them to climb trees.
3: Hibernation and Camouflage.
Hibernation- The winter sleep of some animals is called hibernation.During this time they use the stored up food, usually  fat present in their bodies.
Camouflage- Some animals have stripes or spots that help them to look similar or merge with the surrounding.This is known as comouflage.This helps  the animals in hiding from their enimies .ex- Tigers,leopards,grasshoppers,locuts and lizards,polar bears and zebras are some examples of animals that can camouflage themselves. 
3: Omnivore and carnivore.
Omnivore- Omnivores are animals that eat both plants and the flesh of other animals.ex- bears and crows.
Carnivore- Cornivores are flesh eating animals .for example- Tigers, Lions and Eagles.

: Maths:
" More on fraction".
Do EX 10B Q1 to 12 in book
Q 13 a,b,c, d in copy.
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-Subject- Social Studies 
          Lesson- 12
     " Our Heritage"

 Do in your book.
B: Fill in the blanks.
1: Rang Mahal
2: Sarnath pillar
3: Pancha Pandava Rathas
4:Kailashnath Temple
5: Mehrauli
C: Write true or false.
1: False
2: True
3: False
4: True
5: False
6: False
Exercise A do it by yourself in book.

Moral science 
Lesson- 10
   " Selfless Love"
Do in your fair copy.

Ans1. When the man came to know that the old woman is burning with fever. He brought medicines and food for her and visited her daily and looked after her till she was well again.

Ans2. When the old woman realised that inspite of her bad behaviour the man came to take care of her when she was ill. This made the old woman changed.
H.w do it by yourself.

Subject- English1 
          Chapter- 9
         " Crow Boy

Chapter- 14
" The Adjective "

Write in your fair copy.

Write in your book.

Do it by yourself in book.👆
Subject- Science 
Lesson- 10
" Force , work and energy"
" Computer memory"

Do EX 10B Q1 to 12 in book
Q 13 a,b,c, d in copy.

Subject- Maths
"More on fractions "
Watch the videos
Do the following in book
Lesson 10 More on Fractions
EX 10C Q2 a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,I,j
EX 10D Q1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 all the questions.

Do the following in copy
After writing the definition,
Do the following work in copy
EX10C Q1 b,e,g,I
EX 10D (Q7 c,e) (Q6 b , d) (Q8 c,d) 
EX10E Q1 Add b,d,f
             Q2 Subtract c,f
EX 10 F
The questions that are not solved, you solve and find the answers.

Class lV   subject- Drawing
In drawing do page number 21 in your book. 
               pencil shading
Do page number 39 in your book and also draw nose with the help of video and draw in your  drawing copy.
Subject- Hindi-l 
    "पुष्प की अभिलाषा "

कॉपी में लिखिए ।

पाठ 13 पुष्प की अभिलाषा
मौखिक उत्तर दीजिए:
प्रश्न 1 महिलाओं के पांच गहनों का नाम बताइए|
 उत्तर :कंगन ,अंगूठी,  हार मांग टीका ,चूड़ी|
प्रश्न 2.सैनिकों को वीरता के लिए दिए जाने वाले पुरस्कारों के नाम बताइए| उत्तर :वीर पुरस्कार परमवीर पुरस्कार
 प्रश्न 3 भगवान को  पुष्प क्यों अर्पित किया जाता है?
 उत्तर 3: भगवान को पुष्प उनकी पूजा-अर्चना करने के लिए अर्पित किया जाता है|
प्रश्न 4 वंदे मातरम के रचयिता का नाम बताइए| उत्तर:बंकिम चंद्र चटर्जी| प्रश्न 5  जप करने वाली माला में कितने मन के होते हैं?
उत्तर :108 

भावार्थ लिखिए: 
1. भावार्थ : इस पंक्ति में कवि कहते हैं की पुष्प यह नहीं चाहता है कि उसे देव कन्याओं के गहनों में गूंथा जाए|
2 भावार्थ: इस पंक्ति में कवि कहते हैं की पुष्प यह नहीं चाहता कि उसको सम्राटों के मृत शरीर पर  पर डाला जाए |
3. भावार्थ :इस पंक्ति में कवि कहते हैं कि उसकी इच्छा यह भी नहीं है कि उसी उसे देवताओं के सर पर डाला जाए जिससे वह अपने भाग्य पर घमंड  करने लगे | 
4.भावार्थ: प्रस्तुत पंक्ति में कवि ने पुष्प की अभिलाषा को व्यक्त किया है वह कहते हैं फूल यही चाहता है कि जिस रास्ते से वीर सैनिक देश की रक्षा के लिए अपने प्राणों की बलि देने जाते हैं मुझे उस रास्ते पर डाला जाए यही मेरे लिए परम सौभाग्य की बात होगी|

प्रश्नों के उत्तर लिखिए:
 उत्तर1-पुष्प यह चाहता है, कि उसे वीर सैनिकों के पथ पर अर्पित कर दिया जाए|
 उत्तर 2- पुष्प ने वनमाली से यह इच्छा प्रकट की कि उसे तोड़कर उस मार्ग में डाल दिया जाए जिस मार्ग से वीर सैनिक मातृभूमि की रक्षा के लिए प्राणों को न्यौछावर करने के लिए जाते हैं |
उत्तर 3 - पुष्प सम्राटों के शव पर इसलिए नहीं चढ़ना चाहता क्योंकि वह स्वयं को भाग्यशाली नहीं कहलाना चाहता| 
उत्तर 4- इस कविता से हमें यह शिक्षा मिलती है कि हमें अपने मातृभूमि से सदैव प्यार करना चाहिए और उसका सम्मान करना चाहिए|

Hindi- II
पाठ -12
    "काल "

पाठ 12 काल 
प्रश्न 1-उत्तर क्रिया के जिस रूप से उसके करने या होने के समय का बोध होता है उसे काल कहते है |
उदाहरण -राधा पढ़ रही है 
राधा पढ़ रही थी 
राधा पढ़ेगी 
प्रश्न 2-उत्तर -काल के तीन भेद होते है (1)- वर्तमान काल 
(2)-भूत काल 
(3)-भविष्यत् काल 
 वर्तमान काल -जिस क्रिया से कार्य के वर्तमान  समय में होने का बोध हो उसे वर्तमान काल कहते है |
उदाहरण -माँ खाना बनाती  है 
लड़किया नाच रही है 
 भूत काल-जिस क्रिया से कार्य की समाप्ति का बोध होता है उसे भूत काल कहते है 
उदाहरण माँ खाना  बना चुकि है  |
 भविष्यत् काल -जिस क्रिया से कार्य के आने वाले समय में पूरे होने का बोध हो उसे भविष्यत् काल कहते है |
उदाहरण -माँ खाना बनाएगी

किताब में लिखिए ।

Subject- Social Studies 
Lesson - 12
      " Our Heritage"
Write in your fair copy.

Answer following questions:
1.What are monuments? What is their significance?
Ans. A building or statue that is built to remind people of a famous person or event  are called monuments. These monuments reflect the Heritage of our country and stand as evidence portraying the excellence of architectural style of India.
2 . What is ASI? What are its functions?
Ans. ASI means Archaeological Survey of India. Exploration and excavation of sites and protection and take care of different monuments of India are the duties of Archaeological Survey of India.
3. Name the two famous monuments built by King Ashoka?
Ans. Sanchi Stupa and Sarnath Pillar are the two famous monuments built by king Ashoka. 
4. What is the special feature of the Iron pillar built near Qutub Minar?
Ans. Iron Pillar of 4th century built during the Gupta period though exposed to Sun and rain is not corroded or rusted till date and stands as an evidence for the metallurgical skills of ancient Indians.
5. Name any four famous monuments built during the Mughal period ?
Ans. Taj Mahal ,Moti Masjid in Agra , Red Fort and Jama Masjid in Delhi are  famous monument built during the Mughal period.
6. Write short notes on monuments at Mahabalipuram.
Ans. The Shore temple at Mahabalipuram, closer to the Shore and kailashnath Temple at Kanchi Marvels of their architecture . These monuments bring to light the rich heritage and culture of our motherland, India.


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DO EX 11A and EX 11B in book

Do the following in COPY
Subject- English1 
      Lesson- 10
    " Running Away"

Write word meaning from the book in your fair copy
Do in your book.

Page no. 97 do in your book

Lesson- 15
" Comparison of Adjectives "
Do th following work in copy

Do in your book.

Subject- Science
Lesson- 10
" Force, work and energy "

Watch this video   👇

Moral Science 
Lesson- 11
" Guest of Honour"

H.w do it by yourself

Subject- Hindi-I 
  पाठ -13
      " पुष्प की अभिलाषा "
पुस्तक में लिखिए ।

EX 11C
(Q6 C,D) (Q7 b),(Q8 c)
EX 11D
(Q6 c), (Q7a)
Also do the following in copy
All other questions you practice in book or rough copy.
Subject- Science Revision

Note- Do in your rough copy.
A- Answer in one word :-
1. Which part of an egg is rich in protein.
2. The young one of a cockroach.
3. The growing chick in an egg.
4. Animals, known as hosts. 

B- Fill in the blanks :-
1. The ability to blend with the surroundings is known as _____.
2. The natural home of an animal is called its ____.
3. _____ animals spend most of their times in the air. 

C-  Answer these questions-
1. Name any two animals that lay eggs.
2. Name any two ways in which animals protect themselves.
3. Name any two aquatic animals that are found in salt water.


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