
 Subject- Hindi-l 

 पाठ-6  "मौसी"
नोट-कापी में लिखें ।
मौसी-माँ की बहन
रोज़-प्रति दिन 
पेड़ तले-पेड़ के नीचे 
ठिठकर -रूक कर 
गठरी-कपड़े में बंधा हुआ सामान ।
प्याऊ-प्यसों को पानी पिलाने वाली।
मौखिक प्रश्नों के उत्तर ।
1: माँ (मम्मी) का भाई।
2: बच्चे स्वंय लिखे जो आपको कहानियां सुनाते हो उनका नाम व संबंध लिखिए ।
3: जानवरों में मौसी बिल्ली को तथा मामा बन्दर को कहते हैं ।
4: पांच पकवानों के नाम निम्न हैं- खीर,जलेबी,लड्डू,पकौड़ी,
प्रश्नोत्तर -
1: मौसी को बच्चों के साथ खेलना,उन्हे कहानियाँ और चुटकुले सुनाना बहुत पसंद था।
2: मौसी ने बच्चों को तोता-तोती की कहानी काठ के घोड़े की कहानी सुंदरबाई की कहानी  इत्यादि सुनाई थी।
3: मौसी के न होने पर बच्चों को मोहल्ला खाली-खाली तथा सूना -सूना लगता था।
4: क्योंकि मौसी बहुत बीमार थी तथा बीस दिन से बिज्जू के घर पर ही थी और मौसी कुछ काम भी नही कर पा रही थी इस कारण बिज्जू की माँ मौसी को घर पर नही रखना चाहती थी ।
5: स्कूल में मौसी को बच्चों को पानी पिलाने का काम मिला।

Hindi- ll

Hindi- ll
नोट-कॉपी मे लिखें ।
प्र1: सर्वनाम किसे कहते हैं?उदाहरण सहित लिखिए ।
उ1: संज्ञा शब्दों के स्थान पर जिन शब्दों का प्रयोग किया जाता है उन्हे सर्वनाम कहते है।
प्र2: सर्वनाम के कितने भेद होते हैं?प्रत्येक के नाम लिखिये।
उ2: सर्वनाम के छह भेद होते है।
1: पुरुषवाचक सर्वनाम ( personal pronoun)
2:  निश्चयवाचक सर्वनाम ( Definite pronoun)
3: अनिश्चवाचक सर्वनाम (indefinite pronoun)
4: संबंधवाचक सर्वनाम (Relative pronoun)
5: प्रश्नवाचक सर्वनाम( Interrogative pronoun)
6: निजवाचक सर्वनाम (Reflaxive pronoun) I 
प्र3: निश्चयवाचक सर्वनाम और अनिश्च्यवाचक सर्वनाम की परिभाषा उदाहरण सहित लिखिये ।
उ3: निश्चयवाचक सर्वनाम की परिभाषा-जो सर्वनाम किसी निकट(पास) या दूर के व्यक्ति या वस्तु का बोध कराते हैं उन्हें   निश्चयवाचक सर्वनाम कहते हैं। इसे संकेत वाचक सर्वनाम भी कहा जाता है ।
उदाहरण-यह मेरी पुस्तक है।
वह सिनेमाघर है।
ये मेरे दादा जी है।आदि।
अनिश्चय सर्वनाम की परिभाषा- जो सर्वनाम शब्द किसी निश्चित व्यक्ति या वस्तु के विषय में जानकारी नही देते हैं उन्हे अनिश्चय वाचक सर्वनाम कहते हैं ।
उदाहरण-दुध में कुछ पड़ा है ।
मुम्बई से कोई आ रहा है।
यह फ्रॉक किसने दी ।आदि।

Maths assignment
Lesson 7 " Divison"
Do in book
Ex- 7A  Fill in the blanks.
Q- 1, 2,3
  In  Copy 
WRITE Definitions and properties of division from the video in copy.
EX- 6D Q1( b, d),Q2(c,d),Q3 (b) Q4(a)

Also Do the following in copy--

Hindi- II

Assignment Subject- Hindi ll
पुस्तक में लिखें

विलोम शब्द 
विलोम शब्द की परिभाषा 
किसी शब्द का विपरीत या उल्टा अर्थ बताने वाले शब्द विलोम शब्द कहलाते हैं।
सुगंध -दुर्गन्ध ,क्रय-विक्रय
उठना -बैठना,सभ्य-असभ्य 
निचे दीये गए विलोम शब्दों को याद किजीये ।
अमृत -विष 
जय- पराजय
देश- विदेश 

S.St Assignment-
Chapter-6::The Desert Land of India
Do Exercise A,B in the book and C,D,E in the fair copy..

Watch this video👇

E. Give reasons:
Ans.1 Rajasthani men wear turbans to cover their head to protect themselves from the scorching sun.
Ans.2 Population in the desert region is very less due to absence of suitable conditions to live.
Ans. 3 Camels are called the ' Ship of the desert ' because they are the most suitable animals for traveling across the desert. They can live without water for many days.

' The Desert Land of India '
Q.1. Name The Great Indian Desert.
Ans.1. The Great Indian desert is the Thar Desert.
Q.2. Why is rainfall very scanty in the desert region of India?
Ans. Rainfall is very scanty in the desert region of India because the Aravalli Hills do not allowed the moisture- laden winds to enter the desert.
Q.3. State why there is a great difference in the day and the night temperatures in the desert regions.
Ans.3. There is a great difference in the day and night temperatures in the desert regions because send absorbs and loses heat quickly.
Q.4. Name the different types of sand dunes found in the Thar Desert.
Ans.4. The different types of sand dunes found in the Thar Desert are barkhans and seif dunes.
Q.5. What type of vegetation is found in the desert region?
Ans.4. Vegetation is very rare in a desert. Only cacti, babul trees, date palms and thorny brushes can be found in the desert regions.
Q.6. Write a short note on the people of Rajasthan.
Ans.6. People of Rajasthan are highly skilled in handicrafts. A colourful and rich culture prevails in the desert region. Rajasthanis have a great passion for music and dance. The People of Rajasthan speak Rajasthani. Jainism and Hinduism are the major religions of the people of Rajasthan.



Subject-  Science


" Solid, Liquids and Gases".

Note- Do in your book.


Do the following in your fair copy.
Begin the lesson by making flow chart given on page no. 52.
Q: Define the following.
Matter- Anything  that  has mass and volume is called book, box, water etc.
Mass- It is the amount of   matter  or an object.
volume- The amount of space  occupied by a substance or enclosed with a container.
Molecules- These are very tiny particles that make up matter.
Solute- It is a substance that dissolves in a liquid to form a solution.
Solvent- A liquid in which a solute can dissolve.
Solution- A mixture of a solute dissolved  in a solvent.
Short answer questions.
A1: The three states of matter  are solid, liquid, and gas.
A2: Mass is the amount of matter in an object.
Volume is the amount of space  occupied by a substance.
A3: Difference between solute and solvent.
Solute- It is a substance that dissolves in liquid to form a solution.All solutes are not solids.
Solvent- It is a liquid in which a solute can be dissolved .
All solvent are not liquids.
A4: Difference between freezing and condensation.
Freezing - It is a process of changing liquids into solids. eg- water into ice by cooling.
Condensation- It is a process of changing a gas into a liquid on cooling.
Long answer questions.
A1: Difference between solids, liquids and gases.
Solids- This state of matter is usually hard and has fixed shaped.
2: It occupies a difinite space and has definite volume.
3: The molecules of solid  are very tightly packed and cannot move.
Liquids- this state of matter is not hard  and has no fixed shape.
2: It also occupies a difinite space and have definite  volume.
3: The molecules in liquids are loosely packed and can move around.
Gases- This state of matter has no fixed shape.
2: It has no fixed volume.
3: The molecules in gases are very loosely packed and move around freely.
A2: Solids have a fixed shape and a definite volume because the molecules of solids are tightly packed and cannot move around .this makes a solid hold its shape for example- the shape of pencil does not change when you press it.
A3: The state of a substance can be changed by heating or cooling .when a solid substance is heated, the molecules become less closely packed and solid becomes a liquid with more heat , the molecules become more loosley packed and the liquied changes to gas.
similarly when a gas is cooled, the molecules  come closer and the substance changes to the liquid form. if cooled further the molecules come close enough to form the solid state.
example- draw the figure given on page 49. 
change of state of matter .
A4: When sugar is added to water to make a sugar solution, the volume  of water does not increase because the water molecules have spaces between them and the sugar molecules just fill up those space and do not take any extra space.
A5:To show how liquids have a difinite volume but no fixed shape let's do an activity.
Aim- to understand the properties of liquids.
Materials required - three containers of different ,shapes, water.
Procedure- Take some water and pour it into three containers of different shapes for example a glass a bottle and a bowl.
Observation and conclusion- You will notice that water takes the shape of the container it is poured into but occupies a definite space.

Moral science

Lesson 3 The drawing talks

Answer these questions-
Que 1) Why could Pheroze never finish his drawing?
Ans. Pheroze could not complete his drawings because he never put his heart into them. He never stayed with the task, he looked for excuses to escape.

Que 2) What did Pheroze teacher teach him?
Ans. Pheroze teacher taught him to be able to do things we only need to keep trying. We should be patient with our efforts and keep trying till we finish what we had begun.

Do this exercise by yourself.👇


Assignment Subject- English I 
          Poem- "Seeds"
Note- Do in your fair copy. 
Q1: Write and learn the poem.
Q2: Write the central Idea of the poem.
A2: The poem 'Seeds'  is composed by an English poet Walter de la Mare.
In this poem the speaker attempts to show the difference between the weak and the strong .The seedling ,through small and frail, is actually tough and sturdy.It is strong enough to make  a space for itself and grow, even if it has to push aside a large pebble to do so.
Q3: Write the word meaning from the book.
A: Answer these questions. 
1: Many weeks ago.
2: Sprouted small green shoots.
3: The green shout.
4: It basks in the sunshine. 
5: It  indicates  the plant faught for the sunshine it needed. It says that the seed fights for its needs.
B: Think and answer these questions.
A1: The seed's determination  for pushing its way past a heavy pebble  to come into sunlight proves that it badly wants to grow into plant.
A2: Yes, i agree with the speaker. The seeds is tiny, but is quite strong and fights for its needs.
Do page no.36 in book.

English II
Read the Chapter and learn all the examples from book.
Note - Do in your book.
Lesson -6
" The Noun: Number"

In  Gulmohar work book- Do worksheet 3.
Subject- Hindi ll
पर्यायवाची शब्द की परिभाषा
जो शब्द समान अर्थ वाले होते है, उन्हें  पर्यायवाची शब्द कहते है | इन्हे समानार्थी शब्द भी कहते है |
 1.जल =नीर, पानी, अम्बु
 2 .बन्दर=वानर, कपि, मर्कट 
 3 पेड़=वृक्ष, तरु, पादप

बच्चे अपनी पाठ्य पुस्तक पर्यायवाची पाठ से पृष्ठ संख्या 65, 66में *        ( 1से 11 )*
(बगीचा से      दुश्मन  तक )       पर्यायवाची लिख कर याद करेंगे


पुस्तक का कार्य पुस्तक में करें।

1)Draw and colour Lotus flower and Do Pencil shading cup and saucer in your Drawing copy.
2) Do page no 8,9 and 10 in your Drawing Book and colour it.

Make butterfly with the paper and follow the instructions given in the book and in the video.

Subject- Maths-
Watch the video practice the questions solved in rough copy.
Maths assignment

WRITE DEFINITIONS AND POINTS TO REMEMBER from the video in your copy.Do the following Questions in copy
Q1.Find 5 multiples of :
(a)  7= 7,14,21,28,35
(b) 10=
(c)  3=
Q2. Find factors of:
(a) 8
Ans. 1x8=8
         Factors of 8=1,2,4,8
(b)  12
(c) 20

Find out the answers of the following questions and do it in your copy:
1.who is the DM of Gorakhpur? 
2.What is the full name of BRD medical college  Gorakhpur? 
3. What is the name of the   
Airport of Gorakhpur? 
4.Who is the composer of the poem "on the bridge?"
5.Who is the Finance minister of India?
6.Name the Home Minister of India? 
7Name the part of plant
.That is known as 'food factory'.
8. Milk is known as ....?
 Subject Hindi I
हिंदी साहित्य
पाठ संख्या 9
सरपट दौड़ी मेरी गाड़ी
शब्द अर्थ बच्चे अपनी पाठ्य पुस्तक से देख कर अपनी class work कॉपी में लिखे और याद करें
मौखिक प्रश्न उत्तर
1. सी. एन. जी. एक प्रकार का ईंधन गैस है 
2. सायकिल के टियूब में हवा भरी जाती है 
3. केरोसीन ऑयल 
4. घर में खाना एल. पी. जी. गैस पर बनाया जाता है |

पाठ 9
 सरपट दौड़ी मेरी गाड़ी
लिखित प्रश्न उत्तर 
1प्रश्न .नवल किस गांव का रहने वाला था ?
 1.उत्तर-नवल साझापुर  गांव का रहने वाला था |
2.प्रश्न. नवल ने शहर में घुसने पर क्या देखा ?
2. उत्तर. शहर में घुसने पर ना तो उसकी आँखों  में जलन हुई और ना ही साँस लेने में किसी प्रकार की बाधा 
3. प्रश्न. नवल ने ड्राइवर से क्या पूछा ?
3. उत्तर. नवल ने ड्राइवर पूछा "ड्राइवर साहब !यह बताइये , इन सड़को से धुआँ कहाँ चला गया है ?
4. प्रश्न. प्रदूषण से कौन- कौन सी बीमारियां हो सकती है ?
4. उत्तर. प्रदूषण सी कई बीमारिया ही सकती है 
जैसे -आँखों में जलन, साँस फूलना, गाला ख़राब होना, उबकाई आना आदि|
5.प्रश्न. गावं लौट कर नवल ने क्या किया ?
5.उत्तर.  गावं लौट कर नवल ने वहाँ भी सी. एन. जी. से वाहन चलवाने की लिए ख़ूब दौड़ भाग की |
        "समाप्त "

Hindi II
हिंदी व्याकरण
पाठ 15 अनेक शब्दों के लिए एक शब्द की 
परिभाषा---- कुछ शब्द ऐसे होते है जो अनेक शब्दों के स्थान पर प्रयोग किये जाते है |ऐसे शब्दों को अनेक शब्दों के लिए एक शब्द कहा जाता है 
इन्ही शब्दों को वाक्यांश भी कहा जाता है |
अपनी पाठ्य  पुस्तक के पृष्ठ संख्या 68 से क्रम संख्या
 (1 से 18तक) अपनी class work कॉपी में लिख कर याद कीजिये


Subject- English1 
"The Trumpet of the Swan".
1: Write the word meanings from the book.
A: Choose the correct option. (Do in your book).
1:(a)    2: (b)    3: (b)  4: (b)     5: (a).
B: Answer these questions. (Do in your fair copy).
1: (a) The  swan saw a small boy sitting on a log near her nest. The boy was observing them quietly.She was surprised because she could not understand how the boy had reached the place so deep inside the jungle where there were no jungle where there were no roads.
(b): The swan pointed out the cob that the boy was observing them. 
2:(a) The swan had been sitting on her eggs for many weeks, warming them one warm afternoon she felt thirsty as the cob was gliding near the nest and keeping a watch on the nest the swan felt it would be safe to leave the eggs for a while. 
No the swan was wrong. 
(b): The swan covered the eggs with some loose feathers to keep the eggs warm and hidden.Then,she left the nest and stepped into the pond. She quickly drank some water. She pulled up some greens from the bottom of the pond to eat. Finally she got out and stepped on the grassy bank and started cleaning her feathers there. 
3: (a) The cob said this  to the swan .The fox was creeping towards the swan as she stood on the grassy bank preening her feathers .
(b): The cob warned the swan about the fox he however, did not do anything to try and save the swan the cob actually was a timid bird.
4:(a)The swan was very surprised to see the boy inside the forest and disturbed to notice him observing them.The cob had thought that the boy may try to harm him.
(b): When the fox started creeping to wards the swan,the cob watched helplessly all of a sudden,a stick flew through air,hitting the fox on the nose,forcing him to turn away when Sam stepped out of the bushes, the birds realised that he had thrown the stick to save the swan.He was there friend and was not going to harm them.
C: Discuss the answers to these questions.
1: The cob said this to the swan.The swan was laying eggs and the cob wanted to keep her safe and secure when he saw the boy sitting on the log,observing them the cob felt disturbed because he felt that the boy might try to hurt them.He also could not understand how the boy managed to find them in spite of the precaution they took by building the nest deep inside a jungle with no roads.
2: The swan wanted to protect her eggs from the boy so she waited for the boy to leave before leaving her nest.
3: This tells us that Sam respected the trumpeter swans and did not want to do anything that would scare or harm them. He also cared deeply about birds and wanted to protect them so when he first discovered there nest he sat and watched them from distance after watching them carefully for sometime ,he got up quietly left.Later when a fox crouched in the bush waiting to spring on the swan he threw a carefully aimed stick at the fox to scare him away and to save the swan.

Moral science 
Lesson -4
"The Lazy Zebra".
Do this in your book.
Do this exercise by yourself.

Do question and answer in your fair copy.
Q1: How was zebra different from his brothers?
A1: The zebra was lazy .He never showed any iterest in any activity. All he did was laze around in his pyjamas.
Q2: Zebra was always found to be in his pyjamas why?
A2: Zebra was always found in his pyjamas because he was the youngest one among his brothers and his brothers never said  anything to him and by day he became lazier.

Subject- English1 
Chapter- 4
"The Trumpet of the Swans."
Grammar and usage. 
(Do it in your fair copy).
B: Write the auxiliary verbs in brackets in the correct places in these sentences. 
1:(b) I was doing my homework last night when the power went of.
(c):She is not feeling well and is absent today.
(d): They were not at home when we called.
2:(b)Yes,Shikha and Vikram do enjoy watching Hindi films.
(c): Their mother does not like flims which have fight scenes. 
(d): When he spoke rudely,i did tell him that it was not right.
3:(b) They have written to say they like the gift very much.
(c): You can cut the jackfruit now because it has become ripe.
(d): But we have not been invited, how can we go?
Words in use.(Do in book).
1: Prowling
2: Hurted
3: Glide
4: Waddle

English II
"The Noun:Gender."
Read the chapter and learn all the examples.


Do in your book.

H.w  (Do it by yourself)
Word Game.
Subject- Science 
"How plants make and store food"?
Note- Exercise A and B do in your book and exercise C and D do in your copy.

C: Short answer questions. 
1: The leaves takes in carbondioxide and gives out oxygen through the stomata.
2: Plants need sunlight ,air and water to make food.
3: Food is prepared in the form of sugar,which is later converted into starch.
4: Cactus is a plant that has green and fleshy stems.
5: We eat flower of cauliflower and roots of carrot.
D: Long answer questions. 
A1:Materials required- A green leaf,2 beakers,2 tripod stands,2 wire gauzes, 2 spirit lamps,test tube,saucer,water,alcohol,iodine .
Procedure- Take a freashly fallen green leaf of a plant.
2: Pour water in a the beaker on a wire gauze  over a tripod stand.Light a spirit lamp below the stand so that water in the beaker begins to boil.Place the leaf in boiling water after sometime,place the boiled leaf in alcohol kept in a test tube.Place the  test tube with the alcohol and the leaf in another beaker in which water is being heated.After some time,the leaf loses its green colour and is said to be bleached.
3: Wash the bleached leaf in cold water and place it in a saucer.
OBSERVATION-The colour of the leaf  changes to bluish-black.
CONCLUSION- Changing of the colour of leaf to bluish-black confirms the presence of starch in the leaf.
A2: Yes plants need chlorophyll to make food.
Materials required-A leaf from a colous plant,paper,marker pen ,other things.
PROCEDURE- Pluck a leaf from a coleus plant (leaves having green and non-green patches).
2: Make an accurate drawing of the leaf showing the green and non- green patches.
3: Bleach the leaf as you did in the previous activities.
4: Test the leaf with iodine.
5: Compare the leaf to your drawing.
Observation and Conclusion- You will observe that the part that was green turned bluish-black and the part that was not green did not turn bluish-black as it did not have chlorophyll. Thus,chlorophyll is necessary for photosynthesis.
A3: Materials required- A potted plant, black strip of paper,all other things needed in activity -1
Procedure- Take a potted plant and cover a part of one of its leaves with a piece of black paper.
2: keep this in a dark chamber for about 24 hours.
3: Then place the plant in sunlight for a few hours.
4: Remove the cover and bleach the leaf .
5: Test this leaf for the presence of starch.
Observation and Conclusion-The part of the leaf that was covered does not turn bluish-black while the rest of the leaf does.This shows that no starch was prepared in the covered part this is because the covered part of the leaf did not get sunlight and could not carry out the process of photosynthesis. Thus sunlight is essential for photosynthesis.
Draw the picture of plant given on page no.58

English l
"Saving the sparrow."
Note- Write in your fair copy.

Wite all the word meaning given in the book.
A: Question and answer. 
1: It supplied at homes.In the evening sparrows came to rest on  power line.
2: Hiralal saw a sparrow trapped in the power line.
3: Hiralal asked the supervisor to shut off power line to rescue the sparrow.The supervisor did not agree to that because everything would stop as work in hospitals and factories.
4: He shut off power at night,got an extension ladder,climbed up and loosened the claw of the sparrow.
B: Who said these words to whom.(Do it in your copy).
1: Hiralal said these words to his father.
2: Hiralal's  mother said this to him and his father.
3:Ram Bharose said this to Hiralal.
4: Hiralal said this to supervisor.
5: A little more to the people who came to rescue the sparrow at night.

Do it in your book

Subject- English ll
"The Noun:Possessive Form."
Note- Do it in your book.

A: Form the possessive case of the following groups of words.
1: The president's speech. 
2: Emperor Ashoka's kingdom.
3: Buddha's teachings.
4: India's  constitution.
5: William Shakespare's plays.
6: William Wordsworth's poetry.
7: Francis Bacon's essays.
8: Charles Lamb's writings.
9: William Blak's collected works.
10: R.K Narayan's novels.
        Joy Drill

Subject- Drawing
1) Draw and colour caterpillar, Pineapple and Do pencil shading  pot in your Drawing copy.
2) Do page no 11,12 and 13,16 in your Drawing Book and colour it
In pencil shading draw Table Lamp in your Drawing copy.
Decorate the peacock with the help of wool pasting.
Follow the instructions  given in the book.👆
Maths Assignment
Do in copy:
Definitions of even and odd number, Prime and Composite numbers ,Divisibility rules of 2,3,5 from the image given below.

Do the following questions
Q1.Write if the following are odd or even numbers
654, 12345,3000,1168
Q2. Write all the prime numbers from 2 to 20.
Q3.Write if the following are divisible by 2
154 - Yes, 2000, 567, 8091
Divisible by 3
1233= 1+2+3+3=9=yes
5055 , 674, 9000
Divisible by 5
5421= No, 7655 ,8650, 2233

Watch the videos sent before attempting.

Watch the video and do Ex-8A in book,Ex 8B Q1,2,3 in book,Ex8C Q3,4,5,6(a to i) in book.

Do the exercises of chapter 11 and 13 in your book.

Do this in your fair copy::
Answer in one word---
Q1.What is the other name of Howrah Bridge?
Ans-Rabindra Setup
Q2.Where is Golden Gate Bridge is located?
Ans-San Francisco
Q3.Name the first woman who go into space?
Ans-Kalpana Chala
Q4.Name the first woman IPS officer?
Ans-Kiran Bedi
Q5.Name the world's highest waterfall?
Ans-Angel falls
Q6.Which is the world's longest river?
Q7.Name the traditional costume of Gujarat?
Q8.Kimono is the traditional costume of which country?
Q9.Where is Chittorgarh fort is located?
Q10.Palace of Versailles is located in which country?
Q11.Name the world's saltiest water body?
Ans-Dead Sea
Q12.Name the highest peak in the world?
Ans-Mount Everest
Q13.Name the smallest state in India?
Q14.Which is the largest railway station in India?
Q15.Name the famous bridge in London?
Ans-Tower Bridge

Do chapter 28,29 and 30 in your book.


Subject-Hindi ll
पाठ 16
मुहावरा की परिभाषा 
वह वाक्यांश, जिसका साधारण शब्दार्थ न लेकर कोई विशेष अर्थ ग्रहण किया जाये, मुहावराकहलाता है |
जैसे - 
1-आँख का तारा (बहुत प्यारा ) 
2-हाथ बाटना 
(मदद करना )
आदि |
पाठ 16 मुहावरे 
 प्रश्न उत्तर 
 प्रश्न 1. मुहावरों से आप क्या समझते है ?उदाहरण सहित उत्तर लिखिए 
 उत्तर 1. भाषा में विशेष अर्थ प्रकट करने वाला कथन मुहावरा कहलाता है | इससे भाषा मज़ेदार लगती है और ये वाक्य के अंग होते है |
1.दांत खट्टे करना (हरा देना )
 वाक्य प्रयोग
 1. भारतीय सेना के वीर जवानो ने दुश्मन सेना के दांत खट्टे कर दिए |
 2पीठ दिखाना*
(भाग खड़े होना )
 वाक्य में प्रयोग 
भारतीय सेना के शौर्य से डर कर दुश्मन सेना पीठ दिखा कर भाग खड़ी हुई

पाठ 16 
पुस्तक का कार्य पुस्तक में ही करें

मुहावरे 1
मुहावरे 2
Maths Assignment
Write the following definitions in your copy

Draw the following diagrams in your copy and label them properly.
Subject- Moral science 
     "The real gift"
Note- Write in your fair copy. 
Answer the following. 
Q1: Why did the merchants want to help the people of Assipur?
A1: The merchant wanted to help the people of Assipur because the villagers were starving from last few weeks this made the merchant upset.
Q2: Why do you think first merchant boasted about the help he gave to the towns people?
A2: The first merchant boasted about the help he gave to the towns people because he could get praise from the township.
Q3: " We have helped the villagers in every way we could" Why did the two merchants say this?
A3: The two merchants said this because they gave carriage full of gold,jewels,food and water.They thought that it will be enough for the villagers and they can live easily.

S.St Revision 
(Do it in your rough copy)
A)Answer in one word---
1.The Southernmost tip of India.
2.Name an Italian explorer who find a sea route to India.
3.India is divided into how many divisions.
4.Regular pattern of weather conditions of a place is--
5.In India how many types of seasons are there.
6.Which state in India gets the heaviest rainfall?
7.'Abode of snow' means--
8.Name the highest peak in India.
9.Moving mass of ice is called----
10.How many parallel ranges are there in Himalayas?
11.What is the meaning of 'Purvanchal'?
12.Write the name of any two passages between the mountains of Himalayas?
13.Name the famous occupation of Himalayan region?
14.The word 'anchal' means----
15.Name the special tea prepared by the Kashmiri's?

B)Define the following---
Pass,valley,glacier, loo,climate, phiran
Subject- Computer Revision. 
Do in your revision copy.

Computer revision paper

Class 4

Based on chapter 3 and 4

I. Choose the correct one

a. Shortcut to do copy is


b. Thesaurus feature of word is to find.


c. Shortcut to select a paragraph.

Double click
Thrice click

d. Area to type text in MS Word window is called.

Document area
Status bar

e. __ is an word processing application software.


f. Icon of Taskbar used to start program without opening start menu known as.

Notification area
Quick launch

g. The first version of Window is

Windows XP
Windows 3
Windows 1.0

h. Clock can be seen on the __ part of the taskbar.

Start button

i. Date and time can be changed using.

Clock icon

j. The background picture of Desktop is called


II. Write the shortcut of the following

a. To select two word

b. To select a line.

c. To select a paragraph.

d. To select a sentence.

e. Delete the character right to the cursor.

f. Delete the character left to the cursor

g. To do undo

h. To do redo

i. To open Thesaurus task pane .
Science Revision

A. Fill in the blanks:-
1. Proteins are called ____ foods.
2. Vitamins and minerals are called_____.
3.____ is the part of the food that is not digested.
4. Saliva changes ___ into sugar.
5.___ is also known as dietary fibre.

B. Question and answer:-
1. Name any five foods rich in proteins.
2. Which type of food is needed for growing children?
3. Name any five foods rich in carbohydrates.
4. What is food preservation?
5. What is balanced diet?

C.  State True and false:-
1. Idlies are prepared by roasting.
2. Proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals are the nutrients needed for the proper functioning of the body.
3. The food is completely digested in the small intestine.
4. Curd and cheese are rich in fibre.
5. Overeating can cause in digestion.
Subject- English l   Revision. 
Note- Do in your revision copy.

Write the meaning of the following words:
2.made off
8.frail bask
16.croaked coarsely
18.power shut down

English II Revision
Note- Do in your  revision copy.
Q1: Read the following sentences and write whether they are affirmative or negative.
1: He is not doing his homework.
2: We had old furniture.
3: I have no mobile phone.
4: They are my friends.
5: She will not read the story.
Q2: Change the following sentences into Interrogative sentence.
1: She is an excellent cook.
2: They were suffering from fever.
3: She was writing legibly.
Q3: Answer the following in one word.
1: A person who makes wooden objects.
2: A person who owns or manages a hotel.
3: A person who builds houses and other buildings.
4: A person who practises law.
In Gulmohar work book do worksheet 4 ( by yourself).

Subject- Craf

Make a butterfly given on page no 31 ,with the help of ice cream sticks and giggly eyes. Follow the instructions properly given in the book.
Students practice the following in your drawing copy. 
1-Flower Basket
2- Bird
    Pencil shading
1- Jug
2-Cup and saucer
Students practice from book
Page no-5, 6,7,8,9,10

Subject- Maths Revision. 
Note- Do in your revision copy.
Do in Revision copy
1.The -----‐-- bridge is located in San Franscisco
A) Tower bridge
B)Rialto bridge
C)Golden GateBridge
2.Name the special dish made on pongal
A)Til Pitha
B)Sakkarai Pongal
3. Brindavan garden is located in
4.The largest fresh water lake in the world
A)Pangong lake
B)Superior lake
C)Vembanad lake
5.All weather highest altitude bridge is
A)Golden Gate bridge
B)Tower bridge
C) none of these
Say true or false
6.Gorakhpur railway station is world's longest railway station. 
C)neither true nor false
7.We breathe in carbon dioxide
C)neither true nor false
8.Jogimara caves are dedicated to Jains
C)Both A and B
9)Donald Trump is the current Prime minister of USA 
B) False
C)None of these
10.Ravi kishan is D.M.of Gorakhpur
A) False
C) A and B both
Subject- Hindi-l Revision 
Note- Do in your revision copy.
1प्रश्न . पाठ 1दीपक बन रही
कविता याद करें * 
2प्रश्न. विलोम शब्द
3 प्रश्न.वाक्यांश के लिए एक शब्द लिखिए 
1दया करने वाला 
2डरने वाला
3 रक्षा करने वाला
4 शरण देने वाला 
4प्रश्न.वाक्य प्रयोग कीजिए 
3 तारे
5प्रश्न .दो दो शब्द बनाइए 
1. रु
3. च्चे
4. त्र
6.प्रश्न वर्तनी शुद्ध कीजिए 
1. बिमार
7.प्रश्न सही गलत का निशान लगाओ
1.नवल मूर्ख व्यक्ति था 
2.नवल प्रतिदिन शहर घूमने जाता था 
3.नवल बस में सफर कर रहा था 
4.प्रदुषण से कई तरह की बीमारियां फैलती है 
5.बस के ड्राइवर ने टोपी पहन रखी थी
Subject- Social studies  Revision 
Note - Do in your revision copy.

Class-IV S.Std Revision
Do in your revision copy--

A.Define the following--
River basin,tributary,distributary.

B.Give reasons--
1.The Northern Plain is densely populated.
2.The Gangetic Plain is known as the 'Food Bowl of India's.

C.State True and false--
1.The coastal plains are hot and humid during summer.
2.India is surrounded by seas and oceans on all sides.
3.Jammu and Kashmir faces a very hot climate all through the yea.
4.India is a small country but supports a large population.
5.The Himalayas are the mountain ranges that border India in the north.

D.Name the following--
a.Two passes in the Western Ghats.
b.The two rivers which flow westward into the Arabian Sea.
c.The two hill ranges that flank the Deccan Plateau.
d.Which plateau lies between Vindhya and Satpura ranges.
e.Name the highest waterfall of India and the river that forms it.
Subject- English1 Revision
Do in your revision copy.

 Multiple choice questions:
1." You are a naturally gifted climber" Who said this to whom?
A) jo said to Mr Lawrence
 (B) Lori said toJo (C)Dr Meithi said to Tine
(D) Tine said to  doctor meiti
2. "You are in Grave danger" Who said this to whom ?
A) the cob said to the swan
B) the swan said to the cob 
C) the boy said to the cob
 D) speaker said to the boy
3. Who is the author of the poem 'on the bridge "
A) Ruskin Bond  B)Alfred Lord Tennyson 
C)K R Narayanan  D)Kate Greenaway
4.  choose the correct opposite of throw
A) misthrow
B) unthrow
 5. The meaning of Shallow is 
A)not deep 
B)very deep 
6.Her tennis-------- every time she plays against someone better than her.
B)to improve
7)We want -------- our house, but is not easy.
B)to sell
8.He began the job late, --------- he completed it on time.
C)none of these
9.'examine' means
A)a little while
B)stood up very fast
C)check with interest
10.Sam Beaver was
A)three years old boy
B)four year old boy
C)eleven years old boy
Subject- Hindi ll revision 
Do in your revision copy.
Hindi lang 
 हिंदी व्याकरण 
 प्रश्न 1. भाषा की परिभाषा  लिखिए 
 प्रश्न 2. निम्न भाषा की लिपि लिखिए 
1. हिंदी 
2. अँगरेज़ी 
3. संस्कृत 
4. पंजाबी 
5. उर्दू 
 प्रश्न 3. सही कथन पर सही का चिन्ह लगाइये 
1. जो भाषा अधिकांश रूप से किसी राष्ट्र में बोली जाती है, वह कहलाती है 
क. प्रादेशिक भाषा 
ख. राष्ट्र भाषा 
ग. आधारिक भाषा
2.हिंदी दिवस मनाया जाता है 
क. 14 सितम्बर 
ख. 14दिसम्बर 
ग. 18सितम्बर 
3.संस्कृत भाषा की लिपि है 
क. देवनागरी 
ख. रोमन 
ग. फ़ारसी  
 प्रश्न 4. वर्ण की परिभाषा लिखिए 
 प्रश्न 5. सार्थक शब्द की परिभाषा लिखिए 
 प्रश्न 6. वाक्य की परिभाषा लिखिए 
 प्रश्न 7. संज्ञा की परिभाषा  लिखिए 
 *प्रश्न 8.* संज्ञा के कितने भेद होते है 
 *प्रश्न 9.* द्रव्य वाचक संज्ञा की परिभाषा उदाहरण सहित लिखिए 
 प्रश्न 10.  संज्ञा शब्द अलग कीजिये 
क. रितिका अच्छी लड़की है 
ख. गुस्सा कारण अच्छा नहीं होता 
ग. राधिका कल जयपुर जाएगी 
घ. गंगा एक पवित्र नदी है 
 *प्रश्न 11.* लिंग की परिभाषा लिखिए 
 प्रश्न 12. जो शब्द सदैव पुलिंग रहते है उनको लिखिए 
 प्रश्न 13.निम्न का उत्तर लिखिए 
क. जो शब्द पुरुष जाति का बोध कराते है 
ख. दादी शब्द का पुलिंग 
ग. भगवान शब्द का स्त्रीलिंग
घ. राष्ट्रपति किस  लिंग का शब्द है 
 प्रश्न 14. वचन की परिभाषा लिखिए 
 प्रश्न 15. एक वचन से बहु वचन बनाने के दो नियमो को उदाहरण सहित समझाइये 
 प्रश्न 16. सर्वनाम की परिभाषा लिखिए 
 *प्रश्न 17.* सर्वनाम के  कितने भेद होते है
 प्रश्न 18. निज वाचक सर्वनाम की परिभाषा लिखिए 
 प्रश्न 19. विलोम शब्द याद कीजिये (अमृत से वीर तक)
 प्रश्न 20. पर्यायवाची शब्द लिखिए 
क. बगीचा 
ख. पत्ता 
ग. झूठ 
घ. खून 
 *प्रश्न 21.* अनेक शब्दों के लिए एक शब्द की परिभाषा लिखिए
 प्रश्न 22. मुहावरा से आप क्या समझते है  कहते है उदाहरण सहित  लिखिए 
 प्रश्न 23. निम्न मुहावरों का अर्थ लिखिए 
क. गड़े मुर्दे उखाड़ना 
ख. एक के तीन बनाना 
ग. दंग रह जाना 
घ. किनारा करना 
 नोटलिखावट पर विशेष धयान दीजिये 
 May god bless you
 Science revision work
 Q 1. How many canines are there in our mouth ?
A.5    B.4     C.3
 Q2 .The part of tooth that lies below the dentine 
A.pulp        B dentine C.enamel
3.------- is a cream that helps to prevent infection 
A.calamine      B.first aid        C.antiseptic lotion
4.In sugar solution water is a
A.solute       b.solvent       C.solution
5.Jute is a ------- fibre
A.synthetic       B.natural
 C. A and B both
6Microbes or microorganism are very tiny living organism that can be only seen under microscope 
A.true       B. false
7.Dried ------ leaves keep insects away from woollen clothes.
A.neem    B Coconut
C. Mango 
8.Air is a mixture of gases
A true    B.false
C.none of these
9.The flat part of the leaf is called leaf blade.
A. true      B.false
10.Gas has fixed shape.
A.true      B. false
Subject- Computer
Do in your revision copy.
Computer  Revision 
I) Write the correct answer:
1)Making change in documents___ (Editing/Creating)
2)keys which is used to insert blank  lines? (Backspace/Enter)
3)Small computer fixed inside a machine is known as ____(Embedded computer 
4)Wearable  computing device worn on a wrist___ (Smartphones/Smartwatch)
5)ICL 39 IBM 4381 Hitachi Z80 are example of______(MainframeComputer/Supercomputer)
6)PARAM Yuva are Supercomputer developed by___ (India/China)
7)Set of instructions  given to computer to make it work.__(Software/hardware)
8)The part of computer we use to store work___ (Storagedevices/Application software) 
9)The printed copy is called ___(Softcopy/hardcopy) 
10)A word processing applications  software used for creating documents is known as____ (word/Letter)
II) Rearrange  the words 

S.Std Revision
Do in your revision copy--

I)Tick the correct options
a.The Western Ghats are the source of the -----rivers.
i.Deccan  ii) Perennial  iii) Plateau
b.The----- hills lie to the north-east of the Southern Plateau.
I) Vindhya  ii) Satpura  iii)Rajmahal
c.The Malabar Coast covers the entire state of-----
I)Kerala  ii) Karnataka  iii)Goa
d.The Chilka lake is in the state of-----
i) Kerala  ii)Odisha  iii) Karnataka
e.The river that drains the West Coast is-----
i) Narmada  ii)Kaveri  iii)Mahanadi
f.The largest desert in the world is-----
i)Thar desert   ii)Sahara desert

II.Complete the following::
a)Loo is---------------
b)Sand dunes are----------
c)Oases are places-----------
d)A desert is an-----------

III.Give reasons::
i.Camels are called the 'Ship of the desert'.
ii.Rajasthani men wear turbans to cover their head.

IV.Answer the following questions::
a)Name The Great Indian Desert?
b)What type of climate do the coastal plains experience?
c)Name the largest lagoon of India and the state where it is found?
d)What type of vegetation is found in the desert region?


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