Subject- Science-
Lesson-2  “Teeth  and  Microbes”

    F: Long  Answers. (Do in your fair copy.)
Q3: Mention any four tips to follow to prevent tooth decay.
A3: To prevent tooth decay we should follow the given tips:
1: Brush your teeth twice a day.
2: Rinse your mouth with water after every meal.
3: Eat fibrous food  it helps  to exercise  your teeth and gums.
4: Visit a dentist regularly for  a dental  check up.
Q4: What are the different parts of the tooth? Explain with a diagram.
A4: A healthy tooth has three parts . The part above the gum is called crown and  the part inside  the gum  is called  the root between the crown and the root lies the neck . The outer visible white  part is called  enamel. It is the hardest  part of the human body. Dentine  lies below the enamel which is the main  supporting  structure  of tooth . Below  dentine  lies pulp . It  is  soft  and  filled with  nerves and  blood  vessels.
Q5: Explain the cause of tooth cavity.

A5: When tiny particles of  food  stick  to  our  teeth  germs  grow  and  damage  the  enamel  of the teeth  by  forming  a  sticky  coating  called  plaque .When  germs  reach  the  nerves  with in  the pulp, tooth  begins  to  decay  and  gradually  it  leads  to  make  hole  or  cavity in tooth.
Activity—Make  poster by pasting or  drawing  picture to  show  the  correct ways  of  brushing .  On  chart paper. 

                                                      Social Studies


“Fertile  Plains  of  Northern  India’’     

B: Tick  the  correct  answer  and  write in the  blanks in  your  book.                                       
1:  Satluj
2: Padma
3: Alluvial
4: Allahabad
5: Varanasi
C: Define  the following.( Do  in  your  fair copy).
1: A  river  basin—A basin is a low lying area drained by river  and  their  tributaries.
2: A Tributary--- Tributary  is  a  stream  or  river  that  flows  into  a large  stream  or  main  stream river.
3: A Distributary—Distributary  is  a  branch of    river  that not  return to  the  main stream after  leaving it.
D: Give  reasons.(Write in your  fair copy).
1: The Northern Plain is densely populated--
1: The Northern  Plain is densely  populated  because  of  favourable  climate  conditions  of  firtile  soil. It   is  very  suitable  for  agriculture and  agricultural  products  are  used  as a  raw material  for  industries and  its  plain flat land  provides good  sources  of  transport  too.
2: River  Brahmaputra    over flows and floods the land every year—
2: River Brahmaputra  over flows and  floods  the  land every year because as it flows  through the  mountains  and  hills  it  is  joined  by many  streams .The  river thus becomes swollen during  the rainy.
3: The  Gangetic  Plain is  known as  the ‘ Food  Bowl  of  India’—
3: The  Gangetic Plain  is  known as  the ‘Food  Bowl  of India’ because it  is  the one  of  India’s  most  fertile  region.
E: Answer  the following questions. ( Do  in your fair copy).
Q1: Name  the three  divisions  of   the  Northern  Fertile  Plain.
A1: The  three divisions  of  the  Northern  Fertile  Plain  are –
1: The  Satluj  Basin
2: The  Ganga Basin
3: The  Brahmaputra  Basin.
Q2: Give  two  reasons why  agriculture is the major occupation  of  the  people  living  in the northern plain.
A2: The  two reasons, agriculture  is the major  occupation of  the people living  in the  northern  Plain are—
1:  The  soil  is  very  fertile  in  this  area.
2: Because  of  favourable  climatic  conditions  irrigation is  possible.


Last week’s  answers
 (a):  42315
 (d): 353423
(f):  6244 .


          Do in  book-

Ex  5 B – 
Q1 :  a,b,c    
Q2:  a,b,c    
Q3: a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h   
Q6: a   to   f ,   
Q8: a,b,c,d      
Q9: a,b,c,d.
 Do  in   copy-
  Ex    5  B – 
Q4: a,c,e,f.      
Q10:  b, d, f .
Watch  two videos  sent  before  attempting  the  exercise  and  understand  Subtraction  with  borrowing.    ↓      


                                          Subject- English I
                                            Lesson -2
                                       “The  visit  to the mansion”

A: Complete these sentences with suitable determiners in your book.
1: Many
2: No
3: Many
4: A lot of
5: Any
6: some
B: Page number 23 ( Do in your book ).   

Q: Write the  meaning of these words in your fair copy from your book.
1: Stately mansion, 2: Be friend ,3: Croaked hoarsely,4: Flew about 5: Briskly,6: 
7: sore,
8: Entertain,
9: Poked the fire,
10: Lined with books,
11: Perched
12: Stern,
13: Gruff.
Home work
Refer to a dictionary and write the meaning in your fair copy.
1: Call in -
2: Call out -
3: Look for-
4: Look up-
5: See out-

6: See off-


“Negative Sentences”

Note – Do in your book.
A: Write the contracted forms of the words given in the brackets.
1: Don’t    
2: Didn’t  
3: Doesn’t  
4: Wasn’t   
5: Weren’t   
6: Can’t  
7: Won’t  
8: Shouldn’t
9: Shan’t   
10: Mustn’t.
B: Change  the  following into negative sentences. (Do in your book ).
1: She is not a nurse.
2: they  are not friends.
3: He was not in the office.
4: We were not neighbours .
5: You cant go now .
6: It  may not rain today.
7: He does not tell a lie.
8: They do not speak Russian fluently.
9: They do not talk to one another .
10: The bus did not  arrive very late .
11: They did not wait for us .
12: He is not driving a car.
13:  The carpenter was not making furniture.
14: She is not knitting a sweater.
15: Farmers are not ploughing the fields.
C: Read the following sentences and write whether they are affirmative or negative. 
(Do in your book).
1: Negative Sentence.
2: Affirmative sentence.
3: Negative sentence
4: Affirmative sentence
5: Affirmative sentence
6: Affirmative sentence
7: Negative sentence
8: Affirmative sentence
9: Negative sentence
10: Affirmative sentence.
Home work
Do page no 17 in your book.

Watch the video sent before doing the exercises.         

Lesson-3 ,4,5 read and write the correct answers in the blanks in your book.

Lesson- 6 "North - East  India" read and leran it.

Subject- Hindi l

Lesson- 3-
वचन का पालन
1: बच्चे  इस पाठ को पढेंगे ।
2: शब्द                     अर्थ    (कापी मे लिखें)
     स्वामी                   मलिक
    गिड़गिड़ाना            दीन भाव से प्रार्थना करना
          भय                     डर
         मृत                      मरा हुआ
        गला घोटना            गला दबना
       शत्रुता                   दुश्मनी
       अंतिम संस्कार         मृत्यु के बाद की जाने वाली क्रिया
           शरण                       आश्रय
          फूट फूट कर रोना          बिलख-बिलख कर रोना
            व्यर्थ                             बेकार
3: मौखिक प्रश्नोत्तर (कापी मे लिखें)
1: यूरोप मे।
2: दफनाया जाता है।
3: महत्मा गाँधी जी ने।
4: यदि हम भी बगीचे के स्वामी होते तो हम भी वचन का पालन करने के लिये माफ कर देते।
: वाक्यांशों के लिये एक शब्द लिखिये ।(पुस्तक मे लिखें)
1: दयालु   2: डरपोक 3: रक्षक 4: शारणदाता ।
: निम्न वाक्य किसने,किससे कहा?(पुस्तक में लिखें)
1: व्यक्ति ने बगीचे के स्वामी से।
2:बगीचे के स्वामी ने व्यक्ति से।
3: लोगों ने बगीचे के स्वामी से।
4: बगीचे के स्वामी ने हत्यारे से।
5: हत्यारे ने बगीचे के स्वामी से।
: समझिये और लिखिए।(पुस्तक में लिखें)
1: शत्रुता 2: मित्रता 3: पवित्रता 4: कृत्तज्ञता 5: वीरता 6: दुष्टता
. :शब्दों के लिंग बताईये।(पुस्तक में लिखें)
1: पुल्लिंग 2: पुल्लिंग 3: स्त्रीलिंग 4: पुल्लिंग5: पुल्लिंग 6: स्त्रीलिंग।
प्रश्नोत्तर  (कापी में लिखें)
उ1: बगीचे का स्वामी अपने बगीचे को सीचने और पेड़-पौधों को ठीक करने का काम कर रहा था।
उ2: युवक का मृत देह देख कर बगीचे का स्वामी बेटा-बेटा कह कर उस से लिपट कर रोने लगा।
उ3: लोगों ने बगीचे के स्वामी से कहा कि गाँव के बाहर केवेलियर जाति के एक व्यक्ति ने इसे गला घोटकर मार डाला है।हमें बहुत दुख है कि हमारे पहुँचने में देर हो गई । आपके पुत्र का प्राण हम नही बचा सके।
उ4: बगीचे के स्वामी ने हत्यारे को लोगों द्वारा बताये गये रंग-रुप और कोट के रंग से पहचाना।
उ5: इस पाठ से हमें यह शिक्षा मिलती है कि मनुष्य को अपने वचन का पालन करना चाहिए ।
                                  Hindi ll -
                          पाठ-5 “लिंग”
उपरोक्त पाठ को बच्चे पढेंगे ।
नोट-कापी में लिखें ।
लिंग की परिभाषा-शब्द के जिस रुप से संज्ञा के स्त्री जाति या पुरुष जाति का बोध होता है उसे लिंग कहते हैं। जैसे- लड़का-लड़की, माता-पिता,बन्दर-बंदरिया,अध्यापक-अध्यपिका आदि।
लिंग के भेद (kinds of Gender)
लिंग के दो भेद होते हैं।
1: स्त्रीलिंग 2: पुल्लिंग।
1: स्त्रीलिंग-(Feminine Gender)- शब्द के जिस रुप से संज्ञा के स्त्री के होने का बोध होता है वह स्त्रीलिंग कहलाता है।जैसे-माँ,मौसी,दादी,गाय,गायीका,
2: पुल्लिंग (Masculine Gender)-
शब्द के जिस रुप से संज्ञा के पुरुष जाती के होने का बोध होता है वह पुल्लिंग कहलाता है।जैसे-पापा,दादा,मौसा,गायक,बिलाव।
1: कुछ नाम सदैव पुल्लिंग रहते हैं।दिनों के नाम,महिनों के नाम,समुद्रों के नाम।
2: कुछ  नाम सदैव स्त्रीलिंग रहते हैं।भाषा के नाम,लिपियों के नाम,तिथियों के नाम,नदियों के नाम।
3: कुछ शब्द सदैव स्त्रीलिंग होते हैं।जैसे-मछली,छिपकली,कोयल,मक्खी इत्यादि।
4: कुछ शब्द स्त्रीलिंग और पुल्लिंग दोनो मे समान रहते हैं।इन्हे उभयलिंगी कहा जाता है।मन्त्री,राष्ट्रपति,प्रधानमंत्री,
इन्जीनियर ,खिलाड़ी,डॉक्टर आदि।
प्रश्नोत्तर (कापी में लिखें)
प्र1: लिंग किसे कहते हैं?
उ1:शब्द के जिस रूप से संज्ञा के स्त्री जाति का बोध होता उसे लिंग कहते हैं। उदाहरण-मम्मी-पापा,दीदी-भईया,लड़का-लड़की,अध्यपिका-अध्यापक इत्यादि।
प्र2: लिंग कितने प्रकार के होते हैं? उदाहरण सहित लिखें ।
उ 2: लिंग दो प्रकार के होते है। स्त्रीलिंग और पुल्लिंग ।
1: स्त्रीलिंग-शब्द के जिस रूप से संज्ञा के स्त्री जाती का बोध हो उसे स्त्रीलिंग कहते हैं।उदाहरण-दीदी,मौसी,नानी,मम्मी,आंटी
गाय ।
पुल्लिंग-शब्द के जिस रूप से पुरुष जाति का बोध हो उसे पुल्लिंग कहते हैं।उदाहरण-भईया,मौसा,नाना,दादा,पापा,
अंकल,बैल आदि।     

                       “ Name editing in Word"
Q1 :Read  the chapter.
Q2: Draw the picture of MS Word Window and label it .( page no. 33) in your fair copy.
Q3: Draw the icons which is given on page no. 45 under the heading think and tell in the copy and write there names in your fair copy.
Note- Before starting the chapter watch this video.

                                       Subject – Science

                                         Lesson -3

                                   “Saftey  and first aid”

Watch this video before starting the chapter.

Do in your book.

C: Short answer questions. ( Do in your fair copy).

Q1: Why do accidents happen?

A1: Accidents occurs when we are careless or are in hurry.

Q2: Why should we avoid wearing synthetic clothes in the kitchen?

A2: We should avoid wearing synthetic clothes in the kitchen as they catch fire easily.

Q3: What should we use to reach objects kept at a height?

A3: We should use a stool or a step ladder to reach objects  kept at a height.

Q4: Why should we not leave toys  on the floor?

A4: We should not leave toys on the floor because anyone may trip over them and fall.

Q5: Define first aid.

A5:The immediate medical help given to an injured person before medical aid arrives is first aid.

D:   Long  answer questions-

Q1: What safety measures should you follow to avoid accidents in school?

A1: To avoid accidents, we must follow the safety rules-

1: Do not run and push others in the class, corridors or while going up or down the stairs as we may fall and can hurt one another.

2: Do not throw objects  such as pens,pencils or rulers at each other as they can cause injury.

3: Do not climb on the the chairs and desk in the classroom as we may fall down and get hurt.

Q2: List the safety rules that you should follow when handling electrical appliances.

A2 (1): Electrical appliances wires and plugs should not be touched with damp or wet hands.

       2: Do not put your fingers  in electric  sockets .

       3: Do not try to repair electric wires, plug or fuses.

       4: Do not go too close to table fans or heaters when they are on.

Video of science👇


Social studies-

                                                  Lesson -3

                                           “Fertile plains of Northern India”

Note- Write in your fair copy.

Q3: Name the three rivers that  form the Triveni Sangam.

A3: The three rivers that form the Triveni Sangam are-

Ganga, Yamuna and Sarswati.

Q4: What is delta ? Name the largest delta in the world. Where is it located?

A4: Distributaries forming a triangular piece of land before joining the sea . This piece of land is known as a delta . The Sundarban delta is the largest delta in the world. It lies at the mouth of the Ganga and the Brahmaputra rivers.

Q5: What is terrace farming ?  Name the river valley where it is in practice.

A5: Growing crops on the long narrow terraces cut along the slops of the mountains is known as the terrace farming . It is practice in the Brahmaputra valley.

     H.w- Do  activity given on page no.24 in the book.



Answers of Exercise-5B

         Q4: (a): 55849 (c): 656 (e): 388690 (f): 452471.

         Q10: (b): 37265 (d): 743877  (f): 78879.

          Open your books.

Lesson – Subtraction  Ex- 5C-

           Do in copy Q1,2,5,10 11.

    Write Question Statement it is being sent, write statement as shown and solve.



                                 “Word Problems”

  A1: More papayas grow in Hari’s farm by-

                      23, 958

-          23, 689



A2:  T.V. sets made

          In 2009             =47.800

          In December   = -3452


           Till November  =_________

A5:               60220

-          46351


_______ must be added to get 60220

A10: Julie had            =   Rs.8,20,100

          Money left       =  - Rs.  78,950            


             Cost of car       =Rs._____________

A11.    Selling price of plot     =Rs. 6.80,575

             Cost price of plot        =- Rs.  4,50,000


                            Profit            =Rs.______________

            Other questions you practice in rough copy . Check your answers from the key given in book.








Q1. Write in words:

(a) 35,789    (b) 45,56,102   (c) 7,30,00,812    (d) 10,00,000


Q2. Write numeral for the following number names: 

(a) Eighteen crore thirty lakh four thousand one hundred eleven.
(b) Seventy seven lakh forty five thousand thirty six.
(c) Ninety nine lakh.
(d) One crore one lakh one thousand one hundred one.

Q3. Do as directed :
(a) Expand 56,78, 905
(b) Write the smallest and the greatest number formed by using digits : 5,2,0,1,8,6,3.
(c) write short form of : 30000 + 7000+300 +90+2
(d) Write in descending order : 36,85,496 ; 7, 37,123 ; 40,40,400 ; 18,00,431.
(e) Write predecessor of 46000 .
(f)  What comes between 80100 ....... 80102.

Q4. Write Roman Numerals of the following:

(a)  12   (b) 27   (c)  31   (d) 47   (e) 50   (f) 10   (g) 100

Q5. Write Hindu Arabic numeral for the following :

(a) LIV    (b)  XXV    (c) XLIX   (d) III  (c) XXXVI

Q6. Add:

(a) 3567 + 23105 + 65024                              (b) 64315 + 10634 + 210251

Q7 Subtract :

(a)  50000 – 45678                                          (b) 88888 – 5555

Q8 Put >,< = Sign :

(a) 5090 ...... 5123     (b) 30896 ....... 45623    (c)  XVI..... XIII   (d)  XXXI .....  6 X 5

Q9 Word problems:

(a) In a city number of men are 5,35,678 ,women are 4,56,645 and children are 3,15,435.

       Find the total population of the city.

(b) How much is 7,54,600 greater than 55,870.





English Revision

Q1: Write the meaning of the following.


Q2: Choose the correct option.

1: Jo wanted to ask her mother.

A: If she could invite Laurie home.

B: If she could visit Laurie.

C: What to gift Laurie .

2: Jo felt sorry for Laurie because.

A: His grandfather never talked to him.

B: He was unwell and lovely while she had fun with her family.

C: He did not want to read all the books he had.

3: The lamps slowly float.

A: In the middle of the ocean.

B: On the middle of the road.

C: Away in the river.

Q3: Write 8 lines of the poem “ On the Bridge “.

Q4: Answer the following.

Q1: What gifts did Jo bring for Laurie? Which one did he like the most ?

Q2: Read the line and answer the following.

He had waited for us at the far end of the forest for a couple of hours.

A: Who is he? Why had he waited at the end of the forest?

                                   English ll

1: Define subject and predicate with example  of each.

2: Define sentence with example.

3: Write down the suitable words to make an interrogative sentence.

A: _________ colour is this ?

B: __________  do you gave your pen?

4: Fill in the blanks.

A:  A __________ sentence express an order or a request.

B: A___________  sentence express a strong feeling.

C: A ___________  sentence expresses a statement to tell a fact.

5: Seprate the following sentence in subject and predicate.

A: My little sister is playing with her toys.

B: Stars twinkle in the sky.

C: Barking dogs seldom bite.




          Subject- Social studies

 Do in your rough copy.

Q1: Answer in one word.

1: Which place in India gets the heaviest rainfall?

2:How many states and unoin territories are there  in India?

3: Name an italian explorer, who find a sea route to India?

4: Southernmost  part of India.

5: Where does India lies.

Q2: Define the following.

Duns, Climate,Valleys, Glaciers, Phiran,kangri, Basin, Delta.

Q3: Name the rivers situated on the banks of these cities: Varanasi,Haridwar,Dibrugarh,Jhelum, Guwahati,Shillong,Meerut,Chandigarh , Lucknow,Amritsar.

Q4: Give reasons:

1: The northern plain is densely populated.

2: River Brahmaputra overflow and floods the land every year.

Q5: Fill in the blanks.

1: River beas is a tributary of the river ______.

2: ___________ soil is formed by the river deposition.

3: The city located at the Triveni Sangam is ________.

4: The word ‘anchal' means ___________ .

5: ___________ is the special tea prepared  by the Kashmiris.

6: The highest peak of the Himalayas in India is __________.

7: The Himalayan range covers the __________ part of India.

8: ___________ is known as paradise on earth.

9: ‘Abode of snow' means ____________.

10: The southernmost tip of India is ____________.

Q6: Question and answers.

1: State the location of India?

2:Why is India called a peninsula?

3: Name a few hill station of the lesser Himalayan range?

4: What is delta?

5: Name the three rivers that form the Triveni sangam?

Hindi I


प्र1: निम्न शब्दों का अर्थ लिखिए।

प्रकाश,कर, दैनिक,प्रबंध।

प्र2: निम्न की पर्यायवाची लिखिए दो-दो।

बगीचा ________       __________

जंगल _________   _________

राजा _________     ________

दोस्त   _________   ________

प्र3: निम्न शब्दों के विलोम शब्द लिखिए।

प्रकाश  ,शुद्ध,मुक्त,संयोग।

प्र4:  इन्हे क्या कहते हैं ।

1: जो कपड़ा धोता है-

2: बगीचे की देखभाल करने वाला -

3: जो खाना बनाता है

4: पूजा करने वाला-

                                Hindi II

प्र1: भाषा से आप क्या समझते हैं। यह कितने प्रकार की होती है?

प्र2: उचित मात्राओं से शब्द पूरा करो।

1: डम-

2: गम-

3: टक-

4: आइसकीम-

प्र3: उचित शब्दों से वाक्य पूरा करो।

1:__________ तारे चमकते हैं। (रात/शाम)

2:___________ कपड़े सिलता है।(धोबी/ दर्जी)

3: ___________ भोजन करना चाहिए (ताजा/ठंडा)

4:____________ कछुआ से तेज दौड़ता है।(खरगोश/गिलहरी)

प्र4: निम्न का भाववाचक संज्ञा बनाइए ।

1: मित्र-

2: मीठा-

3: सुन्दर-

4: बच्चा-

प्र5: निम्न का लिंग बताइए।

1: सांप-

2: माली-

3: पहाड़ी-

4: डिब्बी-

Computer Revision 

I.                    Choose the correct answers

a.       Which one of the following is not a mini computer

IBM 4381.    IBM Z-13.     K-202

b.      Which one of the following is a supercomputer.

PARAM 10000.      PDP-11.     K-202

c.       Which one of the following is software.

Mouse.    Keyboard.   Windows

d.      Which one of the following is hardware

Word.    Paint.   Calculator.    Scanner

e.      Which one of the following is not a storage device.

CD.      DVD.    HDD.   CPU

II.                  Rewrite the name of this output device correctly.

a.       TREINPR


c.       RTLPOTE

III.                Complete the following words.

a.       M__C__O__H__N__

b.      T__U__H___C__E__N

c.       G __ M __N__ C__N__O__E___

IV.                Write the full form of the following.

a.       PC

b.      CPU

c.       ROM

d.      ATM

V.                  Name any two of the following.

a.       Supercomputer

b.      Handheld devices

c.       Printer

VI.                Answer the following questions.

a.       Why do we need system software? Name Some systems software.

b.      Name some input and output devices.

c.       What are handheld devices.

Science revision

A.      Fill in the blanks.

1.Food goes into the stomach through a long_________.

2. ______ are useful substances present in the food.

3. Flu, dengue, chickenpox, corona are caused by __________.

4. Teeth that help us to bite food are _______.

B.      Tick the correct options.

1.       Curd and cheese are rich in-

a.       Sodium  b. Calcium  c.potassium

2.       The hardest part of the tooth is-

a.       Enamel   b. Crown   c. dentine

3.       Starch and sugar are two types of-

a.       Proteins  b. Fats       c. Carbohydrates

4.       ______ is the part of the tooth that has nerves and blood vessels.

a.       Crown    b. Pulp        c. Dentine

C.       True or false-

1.       Brushing once a day prevents teeth decay.

2.       There are 5 canines in our jaw.

3.       Calcium are needed for healthy teeth and bones.

4.       Permanent teeth cannot be replaced.

D.      Answer in one word-

1.       Vitamins and minerals are also known as  ______

2.       Roughage, also known as _______

3.       They grow on dead and decaying matter______

4.        The part is filled with nerves and blood vessels _______.

E.       Short answer questions-

1.       Name any four items rich in fats.

2.       What are the parts of a tooth?

3.       What are milk teeth?

4.       Name four kinds of microbes.

5.       Define food preservation.





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