Q.1. Write the name of five trees?
Ans. Banyan tree, Mango tree, Neem tree, Guava tree, Coconut tree.
Q.2. Write 5 lines how tree is useful to us?
Ans. 1. Tree keeps the atmosphere cool.
2. Tree give us food.
3. Tree help people to stay healthy.
4. Tree provide wood.
5. Tree give shelter to birds, insects and other animals
Q.3. Draw the picture of a tree and colour it.
Q.4. Do page no.12 and 13 in your book itself
English l
Chapter 2- Grandpa Farouk's garden.
Do this in your fair copy.

Q1.Write the meaning of following words.
1.plucked- picked fruits from tree.
2.closely - carefully.
3. pests- insects.
4.chewed off -bitten off.
5. ladybirds- small insects.
6. twigs- small and thin branches of a tree.
Q2.Answer these questions.
Q1.What did Amir like about Grandpa Farouk's garden?
Ans Amir liked the fruits, the leaves, the flowers and the trees of Grandpa Farouk's garden.
Q2."My garden is dying".Why was Grandpa's garden dying?
Ans Grandpa's garden was dying because some pest  were eating the plants of the garden.
Q3.What could Grandpa and Amir do to save the garden ?
Ans They bought ladybirds to eat these pests and save their garden.
Q4."I'll bring you a bug or two", said Amir.
a.Which bugs were these?
Ans These bugs were ladybirds.
b.How many bugs did Amir actually bring?
Ans Amir actually bought nine bugs.
c.What does this tell us about Amir?
Ans This tell us about Amir was a practical  minded boy.
Q5.How did Amir take care of the ladybirds he had collected?
Ans Amir gently put ladybirds inside the box and put some small leaves and twigs.He also kept some food and water for them.
Do this exercise of page 10,11,12 &14.

English ll
Do this in your fair copy.
Worksheet 3 (pronouns)

Q1.Definition of Pronouns with two examples?
Ans Pronouns are used in the place of Nouns.
I, you, he , she, we, they, it are pronouns.
For example- 1.She plays football.
2.They are at school.
Types of pronouns.
1.Object pronouns - It receive action or are affected by it.
I ---- me , we ---- us, he ----- him, she ------ her,  they -----them.
2. Demonstrative pronouns - It help us point at things near or far from us.This, that, these and those are demonstrative pronouns.

Addition and Subtraction of 2 - digit numbers

Addition by forward counting

When we 'put together ' two numbers, we add.
We use + sign for addition.
We can add by forward counting.
For  example- Add 7and 45.
Social Studies
Lesson -4
"Clothes we wear"
1- Read the chapter .(page no.18 to 21)

Draw in your copy:-
1- Two  clothes we wear in summer season (cotton clothes )
2- Two clothes we wear in winter season (Woolen clothes)
3- Two clothes we wear in rainy season (Raincoat and Gumboot)
:-Do in your book page no.22 ,23and 24:
A-Number the picture in the correct order:-
1--     3.    ,   1.     ,  4.     ,   2
2--      2.     ,   3.      ,  1.  ,    4
3--      3.      ,     2.  ,   1.     4

B-Write three things we make from these :-
1- Cotton clothes-  Shirt.  ,    frock ,  pants
2-Wool -   Sweater.  , Muffler.  ,  Glove
3-Silk cloth-  Saree , Dhoti. ,kimono
4-Jute Plant-  Bag.  ,   Rope ,   Mat

C- Look at our uniforms and guess who we are :-
1- Air Hostess, 2- Mechanic. , 3- Pilot. ,
4-  Nurse
D- Tick(√) the correct answer :-
1 -  b
2-   a
3-  b
4-  c
5 - b

E:- Complete the following sentences:-
1-We wear clothes to - protect ourselves from heat ,cold ,rain and insects.
2- Cotton clothes absorb- sweat easily .
3- Wool comes from - the hair on the body of sheep , rabbit and yak.
4- We get silk from - the silkworm .
 Subject - science

Lesson - 5(Bones and muscles)

Write definition -(do in your copy)

1 . Skeleton  - our bones form the skeleton and it gives shape to our body .

2 . Joint - The place where two or more bones meet is called a joint.

3 . Muscles - The soft parts below the skin are called muscles.

4.Posture - posture is the position of the body while standing, sitting or moving.
 Bones and muscles 
Draw or paste the picture of skeleton and joints in your fair copy.

Homework - 
Read this lesson and learn the question anwers of this lesson.

विषय  - हिन्दी 2-

अवकाश के लिए प्रार्थना पत्र  अपनी कापी में लिखे । ( पेज नंबर 59)
विषय  - हिन्दी 1-

पाठ  -   5  (पेड़)

इस कविता को अपनी काॅपी में सुदंर अक्षरों में लिखे। 

शब्दार्थ  - 

मजा - सुख  , आनंद। 

सताती  ( सताना) - कष्ट देना। 

सुस्ताते (सुस्ताना)  - आराम  करना। 

मधुर  - मीठा। 
(काॅपी में लिखे)
Computer lesson 2 page no19 do this in book⇙

Lesson- 2
Do all the question- answers in copy.
English l
Learn chapter l&2
Fair copy & book.
English ll
Do this exercise form page 12,13,14,15&16
Revision sheet for computers
1. Trick 【√】 the correct answer:-
A) Where are computers used to draw and play games?
i) Mall ii) hospital  iii) home
B) the printed copy is called a_____
I) computer copy   ii) hard copy  iii) soft copy

2. Write true and false:-
I) A smart phone is bigger then a laptop.
II) A pendrive is used to store a lot of information.

3. Who I am ?
I) I have two buttons and a scroll wheel .
II) I have the cpu inside me.

4. Write two examples of each.:-
I) Type of computers
II) Storage devices.

5. Draw any two parts of computer
Rivision work of science 

1 . Tick the correct options  - 
1 . Trees are - 
a) small plants  b)big and tall plants   c) weak stems

2 . Which one is the herbs - 
a) grasses and water plants  b) mehndi  c) pea

3 . Backbone of the plant - 
a) root  b) stem  c)leaf

4 . Which one is the part of a plant - 
a ) root  b) grass  c)rose plant

5 .Tree has a hard and strong stem  called - 
a)leaf  b) flower  c) trunk

Draw a beautiful flower .

Class -II
Food We Eat

A-Complete the following sentences.
1-A balanced diet includes -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.

2- Food that gives energy is called ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------.

3-A non vegetarian eats-----------------------------------------------------------.

4-A meal is --------------------------------------------------

5- The food that protects us from diseases is called -------------------------------------------------------

B:-Write true or false .
1- It is healthy to eat food from roadside shops.(           )

2-We eat some vegetables raw .(          )

3-We must chew our food properly (         )

4-It is not important to rinse our mouth after meals .(         )

5-We should not overeat.It can make us unwell.(       )

C-One word answer:-
1- Which is not energy giving food ?

2-Which food do we eat raw ?

3-Which food does a vegetarian not eat ?

4-Which of these do we take at night?

5-Which of the food items add flavour and colour to our food?
Ans --------

1-Draw four things we get from plants or tree to eat.

2-Draw four things we get from animals to eat .

3-Draw four energy giving food and write their name.

:-Draw the hands of the clocks to show your meal times.
2- lunch 


1) Tick the correct answer--
a) The  smallest three-digit  number is----101,      100.
b) What  comes after?  159------- 
161 ,         160.
c)  The place value of 5 in. 156 is-------
50,             500.
d) The expanded form  of   135= 
10 + 30 +5.       100 + 30 +5
 e)What is the number name  for the number 109?
One hundred one ,  One hundred nine.
f ) The  ordinal  number of  12 is-–
Eleventh ,     Twelfth 
g)Which number  is the missing in 131, 132 ----134.
135  ,       133.
h) Count  forward  and add  - 68 +5=--------
73.        81
i)Which of these  make 61?
54+7.     58+2
 2)Write T for True or F for  False--
a) Numbers  can be added in any order. The sum is the same.  (     )
b) The  place value of  6 in the number 260 is  hundreds.  (      )
c)Numbers 574,268 and 111 are ascending order.   (    )
d ) The number name of 50 is fifteen.  (    )
e)188 is bigger than 198.
f) 10 tens is 100.(   )
g) Numbers that do not form pairs are odd numbers. (    )
h) 99 is the biggest two-digit number. (    )
i)The expanded form of  135=  10 +30+5. (    )
3) Fill in the  blanks---
a) The  --------  of a digit in a number tells the place of that digit in the number. 
b) ---------- comes  after190
c) When we 'put together ' two numbers, we--------.
d) Biggest to smallest  numbers is called---------Order.
 e) We use  the  >,< signs to---------numbers.
f) When 0 is  added to a number, we get the-------- number.
g)'First','Second ' tells  about the  positions.
 These are  called---------numbers.
h)The number-------comes after 199.
i) In 131,132--‐--- ,-------next missing numbers-.
4) Do the  following:-
a) Write the number name. 
190,  117 , 126 ,  185 , 135.
 b) Write the  ordinal  numbers.
8  ,  11  ,   13 ,  10 , 4.
 c)Arrange the number in descending order. 
 100, 189, 123 , 90, 41
  9 , 22 ,  35, 133 , 159
d) Circle the even numbers. 
101 , 180 , 133, 166,141.
199, 169, 174, 131, 190.
e) Write  the  expanded form. 
167--‐------,  123---------
f)Count  forward  and add.
54+8=-------, 41+9=-------
33+ 13+22=--------
Revision work of Hindi l , ll
Class   - 2
1 . रिक्त स्थानों को भरो  - 

1 . चिडियाँ आँगन में  ......... चुगती है। 
2 . जुलाहा बाबा  ............ स्वभाव के थे। 
3 . संत तिरुवल्लुवर को आज भी  .......... में लोग पूजते हैं। 
4 . युवक ने जुलाहा बाबा से  -------                माँगी।

2 . प्रश्नों के उत्तर लिखिए  - 
1 . जुलाहा बाबा का नाम क्या था?
2 . हम  शिक्षा प्राप्त करने कहाँ जाते हैं?
3 . आपके कपड़े कौन सिलता है?
4 . धोती का दाम कितना था?

3 . सही पर (✔️) और गलत पर (✖️) का चिन्ह लगाइए  - 
1 . चिडियाँ दाना चुगती है। 
2 . जुलाहा बाबा घमंडी स्वभाव के थे। 
3 . जीवों को परेशान करना चाहिए। 
4 . सेठ का पुत्र घमंडी था। 

हिन्दी  - 2

1 . निम्नलिखित स्वरों से एक- एक शब्द बनाइये  - 
1 . औ
2  .ओ
3 . इ
4 . आ

2 . प्रश्नों के उत्तर लिखिए  - 
1 . शब्द किसे कहते हैं?
2 . हम अपने घर में भाषा के किस रूप का प्रयोग करते हैं?
3 . भाषा के कितने प्रकार होते हैं?
4 . वाक्य के दो उदाहरण लिखे। 

3 . रिक्त स्थानों को भरो  - 
1 . विचारों के आदान प्रदान को ........ कहते हैं। 
2 . स्वर की संख्या  ........... होती है। 
3 . हमारी राष्ट्रभाषा ........... है। 
4 . वर्ण के  ......... होते हैं।
Lesson - 1 and  2
1 . निम्नलिखित शब्दों के अर्थ लिखिए  - 
1 . चुगते- चुगते  -
2 . शाला  - 
3 . मूल्य  - 
4 . क्षमा  - 
5 . पछतावा - 

2 . प्रश्नों के उत्तर लिखिए  - 
1 . कलियाँ खिलकर क्या बनती हैं?
2 . फूलों के क्या- क्या उपयोग हैं?
3 . कपड़ा किससे बनता है?
 4 . मनुष्य का स्वभाव  किस प्रकार का होना चाहिए?
5 . आप अपने कपड़े कहाँ से खरीदता है?
Lesson   - 1 and 2
परिभाषा लिखिए और याद कीजिए  - 
1 . भाषा किसे कहते हैं?
2 . वर्ण किसे कहते हैं?
3. मात्रा किसे कहते हैं?
4 . स्वर किसे कहते हैं?


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