English 1-
  Lesson 1
       "Be Prepared"
Do the following exercise in your book page no 8 and 9.
Q1: Match the correct adjectives and nouns from the table to complete the sentences.
1: The fog cleared by the time we reached kasol.A bright and - sunny day greeted us.
2: We heard a - loud noise and rushed out of our house.
3: Zebra was reading a - short story by Leo is about the friendship between two little girls.
4: Our Maths teacher asked us a question. But none of us knew the - correct answer.
5: The - heavy rains have caused floods in two districts of our state.
6: The building was in such a - poor condition that it had to be  repaired at once.
Q2: Read the hints and write the words related to camps by unscrambling these letters.
1: The fire in camps around which people often tell stories - AMRIPFCE- campfire.
2: A light that can be carried- LNRTAEN- lantern.
3: A bag to sleep in - PEILNSEG ABG- sleeping bag.
4: A path to follow- TILRA- trail.
5: Containers used in the kitchen- SLEUTINS- utensils.

English II -
    "The  Sentences "
Write in your class work copy .
Q1: Write the definition of sentence.
A1: A sentence is a group of word  that conveys a complete sense or meaning.
Note- A sentence must  always begin with a capital letter.
Punctuation marks such as full stop(.), question mark (?) or exclamation mark (!) must end a sentence.
Example- He is a good sportsman.  Which is your favourite  colour?
Q2: How many kinds of sentences are there?
A2: There are four kinds of sentences.
1: Absertive sentence
2: Interrogative sentence
3: Imperative sentence
4: Exclamatory sentence.
Example- read page no 5,6,7 of book.


 Subject- Science 
            Chapter -1
"Food and digestion "
Write in your fair copy.
Long answer question.
Q1: Write the tips for healthy digestion?
A1:Chew the food well before swallowing it.
b: Do not over eat.It can cause indigestion.
c: Wash your hands before and after eating food.
d: Eat your meals at fixed time.
e: Avoid eating between meals.
f: Avoid exercising immediately after a meal.
Q2: What is food preservation? Why does food need to be preserved?
A2: Food preservation is storage of food to prevent it from spoilage.
Food need to be preserved so that they will stay fresh for a long time.
Q3: Draw the chart as given on page no. 14 to show the process of digestion of food in the human body.
           Chapter -1
 Write in your fair copy. 
Q3: Name three types of printers.
A3: Three types of printers are -
1: Dot matrix printer
2: Inkjet printer
3: Laser printer.
Q4: What is an application software? Give example.
A4: Application software are special software that are used to perform special type of task ex- excel, word  etc.
Q5: What are the difference between software and hardware?
A5: Hardware- Physical part of computer which we can see touch and feel ex- CPU,Mouse,keyboard  etc.
Software- Set of instruction that help computer to perform a specific task ex- Game,   word, windows etc.
Q6: Write the use of the following devices.
A6: Webcame- it is used to capture photo or videos and stored on the computer.
b: Touchscreen- it is a screen that has sense of touch of finger or an  object.
c:Inkjet printers- it is a type of printer that can print in both black and white or colour also.
d: Hard Disk- it is internal memory of computer that help to store the data in the computer.

Lesson-1 "Our Country India".
Write in your fair copy.
Answer the following questions
Q1: Why is India called peninsula?
A1: India is called peninsula because it is  surrounded by the water bodies from the three sides and land on one side. It has the Bay of Bengal to its east, the Arabian sea to its west and Indian ocean in the South.
Q2: State the location of India.
A2: India is located to the north of the equator, the longest latitude.It is also located to the east of the longitude called the prime meridian.
Q3: Name the physical features of India.
A3: On the basis of physical features, our country is divided into five division.
1: The Great Himalayas- the abode of snow.
2: The Fertile plains of North India.
3: The Great Indian Desert - the Thar Desert.
4:The Costal Plains
5: The Southern Plateau.
Q4: How many states and union territories does India have?
A4: India have 29 states and 7 union territories.
Q5: What are the different seasons experienced  in India?A5: India generally experience three seasons.
a: The Cold season or winter.
b: The hot season or summer.
c: The monsoon or the rainy season.
Q:Do exercise A, complete the web chart on page 7 in book.
          Lesson- 4
       Do in book.
1: Exercise 4 A- question 1,2,3,4,5,8,9,10.
Do in copy.
2: Question 12 a,b,c,d. Arrange the numbers in columns before adding.
Avoid cutting and over writing.

Subject- Hindi-l-
       पाठ -1
नोट-स्मस्त कार्य अपनी (कापी) अभ्यास पुस्तिका मे करे।
प्रश्नो के उत्तर लिखिए ।
प्र1: दीपक बनने की सार्थकता किसमे है?
उ 1:जिसमे त्याग ,परोपकार और सहायता करने की भावना हो उसमे दीपक बनने की सार्थकता है ।
प्र2: सबके लिये दीपक बनने वालों को सूरज क्यों कहा गया है?
उ 2:सबके लिये दीपक बनने वालो को सूरज इसलिये कहा गया है क्योंकि सूरज सबको एक समान स्वयं जलकर प्रकाश देता है।
प्र3:प्रकाश जीवन के लक्ष्य को पाने मे किस प्रकार सहायक है?
उ 3: जिसके जीवन मे अन्धेरा 
होता है उन्हे अपने लक्ष्य तक पहुँचने मे बहुत मुश्किलों  का सामना करना पड़ता है।
प्र4: दीपक से आपको क्या शिक्षा मिलती है ?
उ 4: दीपक से हमे यह शिक्षा मिलती है की स्वं कष्ट सह कर भी दूसरों की खुशी देना चाहिए ।

        मौखिक प्रश्न उत्तर 
प्र1: चंद्रमा किसके प्रकाश से प्रकाशित होता है?
उ 1: सूर्य के प्रकाश से ।
प्र2: रात मे प्रकाश  किससे-किससे मिलता है?
उ 2: दीपक ,चांद और तारों से।
प्र3: दीपों का त्योहार किसे कहते हैं?
उ 3: दीपावली को ।
प्र4: दीपावली किस उपलक्ष्य मे मनाई जाती है?
उ 4: भगवान श्रीराम के चौदाह (14) वर्ष के बाद वन से लौटने के उपलक्ष्य में ।

      Hindi - ll-
         "   संज्ञा "
नोट-संज्ञा पाठ को पढें ।
 संज्ञा की परिभाषा-किसी वस्तु , व्यक्ति, स्थान , प्राणी और भाव के नाम का बोध कराने वाले शब्द संज्ञा कहलाते हैं । जैसे- राम, ताजमहल, घोड़ा, भारत  इत्यादि ।
       " संज्ञा के भेद"
संज्ञा के तीन भेद होते हैं ।
1: व्यक्तिवाचक संज्ञा -(proper noun)
2: जातीवाचक संज्ञा- (common noun)
3: भाववाचक संज्ञा-(Abstract noun)
नोट- समस्त कार्य अपनी (कापी)  अभ्यास पुस्तिका में करे ।

Subject- Science 
    Lesson- 1
"Food and digestion "
Note- Write in your fair copy.
Long answer question.
Q1: Categories food into different types based on the nutrients present in them.Explain any two with examples.
A1: Food can be categorised into seven different types of nutrients that our body needs. These are carbohydrates, protiens,fats,vitamins,minerals,fiber and water.Vitamins and minerals are called protective foods.
Carbohydrates are called energy giving food.
Q2: Explain the complete process of digestion of food in the human body.
A2: The process of digestion of food begins from the mouth when we chew the food.From the mouth,food goes into the stomach through a food pipe. The digestive  juices which are present in the stomach break down the food into simpler substances.After this process the food from the stomach  is pushed into the small intestine and the food is digested completely here.The undigested food goes into the large intestine and is passed out of the body through the anus.It generally take about three to six hours to digest the food.
Q3: Explain the precautions that need to be kept in mind while cooking food.
A3: Precautions while cooking food-
1: Do not overcook foods such as leafy vegetables, tomatoes,carrots as it destroys the vitamins in them.
2: Do not throw away the water in which vegetables or cereals have been soaked as some vitamins get disolved in the water.
3: Always peel or cut fruits and vegetables after washing them because vitamins and minerals which is present below the skin of fruits and vegetables will be lost if wash them after cutting.

     Lesson -2
" Abode of snow"
Do in your book.
B.Tick the correct answer and write in the blanks.
1: The Himalayas stretch to about - 2400 kms
2: The highest peak of the Himalayas  in India  is - Mt Everest.
3: Terai- is the foothills of shiwalik range .
4: kahwa- is the special tea prepared  by the Kashmiris.
5:The word 'anchal' means - mountain.
6: The outer Himalayas are known as - shiwalik.

Do in your book.
C: Fill in the blanks.
1: The - Himalayas stand as a land barrier separting India from the rest of Asia.
2: The people of sikkim belong to three tribes - Bhutia, Lepcha and Nepalis.
3: Garo, khasi,Jaintia,Naga and Mizo hills together form the - purvanchal.
4: Agriculture,animal rearing and handicraft- are the major occupations of the people of the Himalayan region.
5: The people of purvanchal Himalayas weave beautiful - woolen garments.

Do in book.
QD: Match the columns.
1: Nathu La  - a hill station . 5
2: Dehradun--    Eastern Himalayas.6
3: Terai --   a perennial
4: Yamuna - a pass.1
5: Nainital-- a valley.2
6: Purvanchal- foothills of Shiwalik range. 3

Check the answers of work done in copy.
(a) :79789 ( b): 677989 (c): 888970 (d): 639878. Do the correction  where required.
1:Do the following questions in book- Exercise - 4 B Q- 1,2,3,4,7,8.
2:Do the following in copy. Q 9- a,b,c,d. Watch the video given before attempting the work given to do.
  Subject- English I

 Poem- “On The Bridge”
Note- Write in your fair copy.
Q1: Write the poem “On the bridge” in your fair copy and decorate it.
Q2: Write the word meaning in your copy.
  1:    Glide- move smoothly and quietly.
  2: A bite – A little while.
Q3: Write the central idea of the poem “On the bridge”.
A3:           Central Idea of the poem.
       The poem “On the bridge’’ is composed by Kate Greenaway, an English writer. In this poem , the speaker and a companion are standing on a bridge and watching things around them, as they stand there they wish to see  many things—a fish ,a spider,a flower, boat. The  poem present these  simple things in a manner that  brings great delight.

English- II
Lesson – 1 ( Sentences)
Note- Write in your fair copy.
  Q1:  Define kind of sentences with examples.
Ans: Assertive sentences- An assertive sentence expresses a statement  to tell a fact .A statement ends with  a  full stope (.) eg – His  sister  is  a  nurse.

2: Interrogative sentences – An interrogative sentence asks a questions. A question always  ends with an interrogation mark (?) eg- Where do you live?
3: Exclamatory Sentences- An exclamatory sentence  expresses a strong feeling. It ends  with  a exclamation mark  (!) eg- How beautiful she dances!
4: Imperative Sentences- An imperative sentence expresses an order or a request. It always ends with a fullstop(.)  eg- Come here.   Please open the window.
“Lakes  of India”
Note- Write  in your fair copy.
Q1: What are lakes?
A1: Lakes  are large water bodies  that  are  surrounded  by  water. They are larger  and deeper  than ponds.
2: Importance  of  lakes-
1: Prevent  flooding.
2: They  help  to  regulate the flow  of  a river .
3: They help to generate hydro electricity power.
4: Maintain the climate of the surroundings.
Q2:  Do the exercise given on page no-4 in your book.
1: Chilka  Lake
2: Vembanad  Lake
3: Pangong Lake
4: Sambhar Lake
5: Sardar  Sarovar Lake

6: Nagarjuna Sagar Lake.

Subject - Hindi-I
नोट- समस्त कार्य अपनी (कापी )अभ्यास पुस्तिका में करें।
प्र1: रेखांकित का भावअर्थ लिखिए ।
1: मन का लक्ष्य नही थकता है।
भावार्थ – अगर मन में आगे बढ्ने की चाह हो और रास्ते
प्रकाश से भरे हों तो हम सबका मनोबल और
आगे बढ्ने का उद्देश्य कभी समाप्त नही होगा।
2: दूर-दूर तक अलख जगाये ।
भावार्थ-जो लोग अपने जीवन से निराश हो गये हैं उन्हे रास्ता दिखाना चाहिए
और प्रेरित करना चाहिए ।
3: आओ,हम दीपक बन जाए।
भावार्थ-जो लोग दुसरो की मदद करते हैं और उन्हे रास्ता दिखाते हैं ।
4:घर का दीपक कहलाने से।
भावार्थ-सिर्फ घर का दीपक बनने से केवल घर का ही मान बढ़ेगा इस लिये
हमेशा दूसरों को भी रास्ता दिखाना चाहिए ।
5: फिर से नयी रोशनी लाएं ।
भावार्थ-जो लोग प्रयास करते थक गये हैं उन्हे अपने नये विचारों से प्रेरित
करना चाहिए ।
नोट-अपनी कापी मे लिखें ।
1: व्यक्तिवाचक संज्ञा-(proper noun)
जिस शब्द से किसी व्यक्ति (प्राणी) विशेष,वस्तु,विशेष या स्थान विशेष के नाम का बोध हो,
उसे व्यक्तिवाचक संज्ञा कहते हैं । जैसे-लता मंगेशकर ,कलश, एफिल टावर।
कुछ अन्य व्यक्तिवाचक संज्ञा-
पर्वतों के नाम-नीलगिरि,हिमालय आदि।
दिनो के नाम-रविवार,सोमवार,मंगलवार आदि।
इमारतों के नाम-ताजमहल,कुतुबमीनारआदि।
व्यक्तियों के नाम-विशवनाथन आनन्द,आशा भोसले आदि।
पर्वो के नाम-दीपावली,दशहरा,ईद आदि।
देशों के नाम-भारत,जापान,भुटान आदि।
नदियों के नाम-क्रिकेट,फुटबाल,हाकी आदि ।
2:जातिवाचक संज्ञा (common noun)-
जिन शब्दों से एक ही प्रकार के सभी प्राणियों या वस्तुओं का बोध होता है,उन्हे जातिवाचक संज्ञा कहते हैं ।
जैसे-मजदूर,किताब,रेल गाड़ी,मक्खी आदि।
कुछ अन्य जातिवाचक संज्ञा-नदी,पहाड़,सब्जी,आदमी,गाय,लड़का-लड़की,अध्यापक,-अध्यापिका,खिलाड़ी,
पशु-पक्षी,बच्चे,मन्दिर,मस्जिद,गिरजाघर ।
3: भाववाचक संज्ञा (abstract noun)-जिन शब्दों से किसी व्यक्ति या वस्तु के गुण,दशा,स्थिति या भाव आदि का पता चलता ,उन्हे भाव वाचक संज्ञा कहते हैं।जैसे-प्यार,मिठास,बचपन,सुन्दरता आदि।
कुछ अन्य भाव वाचक संज्ञा:
1: गुण-दोष-भलाई,बुराई,अच्छाई,कड़वाहट नमकीन,खट्टा आदि।
2: अवस्था-बुढापा,युवावस्था,अमीरी,गरीबी आदि।

Types of computers
Q1: Read the chapter.
Q2: Draw or paste different types of computer in your fair copy.
Q3: Exercises ( do in your book).
1: k- 2020
2: Super computer
3: Micro computer
B:True or false.
1: False
2: False
3: False
5: True
C: Identify the following (do it by finding from the chapter.
D: Answer the following ( write in your fair copy).
Q1: Name some places where super computers are used.
A1: Super computer are used in forecasting,weathers controlling satelites etc.
Q2: Write the feature of microcomputer?
A2: Microcomputer are small in size compair to other types and also easy to use for multipurpose.
Q3: Name three types of microcomputers.
A3: Three types are-
1: Desktop computers
2: Laptop
3: Tablet.
                                                     Subject- Science
                                                     Lesson -2
                                                “Teeth and microbes”
Note- Do in your book.
A: Tick the correct options.
1: 32
3: Dentine
4: Brushing
B: Fill in the blanks.
1: Yeast
2: Bacteria
3: Pulp
4: Germs
5: Protozoa
C: True or false.
1: False
2: True
3: True
4: False
5: False
6: True
D: Answer in one word. (Do  in your fair copy).
1: The hardest  part of the tooth--- Enamel
2: The  microorganisms that cannot be seen  under a normal microscope ---- virus.
3: A fungus  that is  eaten ------- Mushroom.
4: The sticky substance  formed  on teeth ------ Plaque
5: The crushing teeth------- Premolars
E: Short  answer questions.( Do in your fair copy).
Q1: Why are teeth important ?
A1: Teeth are important because they give shape to the face and help us to speak clearly.
Q2: What are milk teeth ?
A2: The first set of teeth are called milk teeth.
Q3: Mention     the conditions that help microbes grow.
A3: Microbes can    grow easily in the  presence of  moisture, food, air and warmth.
Q4: Write any two uses of  Bacteria.
A4: Bacteria  are  used  to    change  the milk  into curd and to make bread and cake soft.
Q5: Name the diseases caused  by  fungi.

A5: Ringworm  infection ,athlete’s foot.

                                                                Lesson-2 (Abode of Snow)
  E: Answer the following questions. ( Do  in your  fair  copy ).
   Q1: Give  a brief  description  of  the  location  of the Himalayas.
A1: The  Himalayas  stretch  to  about  2400 km.passing  through  northern  India, Southern China,  Tibet , Nepal  and  Bhutan. Their  width  varies  from  150  to  400 kms.The  Himalayas  enclose nine  of the highest  peaks  of the world.
Q2:  Name the three  parallel  ranges  of  the Himalayas.
A2: The three  Himalayan  ranges  are –
1:  Western  Himalayas
2: Central Himalayas
3: Eastern Himalayas
Q3: What  is  a  phiran?
A3: A long  clock  traditional  dress  of  Kashmiris  is  called  phiran.         

Check  your  answers  of  last  week’s    work-
A: 104945  
(b)  718455 
  (c)  489565 
  (d)  1277552. 
  Now  open your  book  to page -26  write question 1  method  of  writing  statement  is  being  sent  , write  statement  as  shown  and  solve  your self. 
Do  Question -1,2,3,4,5.



Subject- English I
‘’ On  The Bridge’’
A: Complete these sentences.( Do in your book).
1: A little fish, a water rat, a spider.
2: A flower boat.
3: Ripples caused by a stone thrown  in the water.
B: Think and answer these question.( Do in your fair copy).
Q1: Do you think the speaker  enjoys standing on the bridge? Use words or lines from the poem to say why you think.
A1: The speaker seems to enjoy standing on the bridge and watching things she uses the  word ‘wish’numerous times.She watches various things standing there .The speaker also says, I think I’ll get some stones   to throw,and watch the preety circle show.
Q2: How old do you think the speaker might be? What makes you think so?
A2: The speaker seems to be eight or ten years old because she is excited about  on a bridge and watching various insects  and animals  and  doing things such   as  throwing  stones and sailing flower boats.
C: Complete these sentences with the correct forms of words from the poem.( Do in Your book).
1: Threw
2: Sat
3: Floated
4: Sailing.
Lesson- 1
“ Sentences’’
 A: Read the following sentences and write their kinds. ( Do in your book).
1: Assertive sentence
2: Assertive sentence
3: Assertive sentence
4: Interrogative sentence
5: Interrogative sentence
6: Imperative sentence
7: Imperative sentence
8: Exclamatory sentence
9: Exclamatory sentence
10: Imperative sentence
B: See the following pictures .Write four kinds of sentences about picture.(Do in your book).
1: Tiger- ( Answer is given in the book).
2: Lotus- Lotus is the natural flower of India.(Assertive sentence).
b : Where does the lotus grow? (Interrogative sentence).
C : What a pretty lotus it is ! ( Exclamatory sentence).
d : Don’t pluck it . (Imperative sentence).
3: Rainbow- The rainbow has seven colours. (Assertive sentence).
b : How many colours are there in rainbow ? ( Interrogative sentence).
C: How beautiful it is !  ( Exclamatory sentence).
d : Let’s see the rainbow. (imperative   sentence).
C: Rearrange the words in the following groups to make each group meaningful sentence also write the kinds of sentences in the the box.(  Do in your book).
1: Take care of your health.- (imperative sentence).
2: When did you come yesterday ? ( Interrogative sentence)
3: Come and look at these insects. ( Imperative sentence)
4: How cunning the fox is ! ( Exclamatory sentence)
5: Can you lend me fifty rupees? (Interrogative sentence)
6: Who taught you English grammer? ( Interrogative sentence)
D: Read the following sentences and put the correct punction marks at their ends also mention their kinds in the box.(Do in your book).
1: Do not pluck the flowers. (Imperative sentence)
2: Where is the squirrel? ( Interrogative sentence)
3: How dirty your room is !( Exclamatory sentence)
4: I do my home work after school.( Assertive sentence)

5: Which is your book?(Interrogative sentence)
6: How did he come here? (Interrogative sentence)
7: What nonsense !  ( Exclamatory sentence).
Homework- Do page no 9 in your book.
Lesson -1 
“Lakes of India”
Short type answers. ( Do in your fair copy).
Q1: Chilka lake is located in.
A1: Odisa
Q2: Sambhar lake is located in.
A2: Rajasthan
Q3: Name the lake partially covers Rajasthan,Maharashtra.
A3: Sardar Sarovar lake.
Q4: Name the lake that was created as a project for green revolution in India and for hydroelectricity production.
A4: Nagarjuna sagar lake .
Q5: Name the famous lake of Kerela that covers three districts.
A5: Vembanad lake.      

       “ दादा जी की बगिया”
नोट-अपनी कापी मे करे ।   1:कठिनशब्द
1:निराई,2: बगिया,3: उखाड़कर,4: जीवधारी,5: वातावरण,6: पत्तियाँ,7:कार्बनडाइऑक्साइड 8:ओक्सिजन,9:क्लोरोफिल,10:फेफड़ा,11: शुद्ध ,12:पर्यावरण ।
2:शब्द       -            अर्थ
1: निराई    -    पौधों के विकास को रोकने वाली अनावश्यक घास-पात को खुरपी से खोदकर हटाना।
2: भूमि    _ जमीन
3: जीवधारि _ प्राणी
4: मुक्त करना _ छोड़ना
5: उप्लब्ध    _ मिला हुआ,प्राप्त
6: प्रबंध    _  व्यवस्था
प्र1:पौधों की निराई क्यों आवश्यक है?
उ1: निराई के द्वारा काम के पौधे को अधिक खाद पानी और भूमि मिलती है,जिससे वे तेज़ी से बढ़ते हैं इसलिये निराई आवश्यक है।
प्र2: पेड़-पौधे अपना भोजन कैसे बनाते हैं?
उ2:पेड़-पौधों की पत्तियों मे क्लोरोफिल नामक पधार्थ पाया जाता है जो सूर्य के प्रकाश, जल और कार्बनडाइऑक्साइड की सहयता से स्टार्च बनाता जो पेड़ पौधों का भोजन है ।
                          पाठ-4 (संज्ञा)
नोट-कापी मे करे।
प्रश्नो के उत्तर।
प्र1: संज्ञा के कितने भेद होते है? उनके बारे मे लिखिए।
उ1: संज्ञा के तीन(3) भेद होते हैं ।
1: व्यक्ति वाचक संज्ञा(proper noun)
2: जातिवाचक संज्ञा(common noun)
3: भाववाचक संज्ञा (abstract noun)
प्र2: भाववाचक संज्ञा से आप क्या समझते है? उदाहरण सहित लिखिए ।
उ2:जिन शब्दों से किसी व्यक्ति या वस्तु के गुर्ण दशा,स्थिति या भाव आदि का पता चलता है,उन्हे भाव वाचक संज्ञा कहते है ।जैसे-प्यारा,मिठास,बचपन,सुन्दरता आदि।
प्र3: जातिवाचक संज्ञा किसे कहते हैं?उदाहरण सहित लिखिये ।
उ 3: जिन शब्दों से एक ही प्रकार के सभी प्राणियों या वस्तुओं का बोध होता है,उन्हे जाति वाचक संज्ञा कहते है।
कुछ विद्वान संज्ञा के अन्य दो भेदों को भी स्वीकार करते हैं ।
: समुदाय वाचक संज्ञा (collective noun)
: द्रव्य वाचक संज्ञा(Material noun)
: समुदाय वाचक संज्ञा (collective noun)- जिस संज्ञा शब्द से किसी समुदाय का बोध होता है उसे समुदाय वाचक संज्ञा कहते हैं ।जैसे-सभा,कक्षा,सेना,भीड़ आदि ।
: द्र्व्यवाचक संज्ञा (Material noun)-जिस संज्ञा शब्द के किसी द्रव्य-पदार्थ या धातु का बोध होता है उसे द्रव्य वाचक संज्ञा कहते है।जैसे-सोना,चांदी,तेल,जल आदि।
विशेष-हिन्दी व्याकरण मे अधिकांश विद्वान समुदाय वाचक संज्ञा और द्रव्य वाचक संज्ञा को पृथक(अलग) न मान कर जाति वाचक संज्ञा के अंतर्गत ही मानते हैं ।जैसे-मजदूरी,किताब,रेलगाड़ी,मक्खी आदि।
प्र4:द्रव्य वाचक संज्ञा की परिभाषा उदाहरण सहित  लिखिए ।
उ 4: जिस संज्ञा शब्द से किसी द्रव्य पदार्थ या धातु का बोध होता है,उसे द्रव्य वाचक संज्ञा कहते हैं ।जैसे-सोना,चांदी,तेल,जल।
नोट-उपरोक्त पूरा  कार्य अपनी कापी मे सुन्दर लिखावट मे लिखे तथा याद करे।
                   Chapter- 3
      “  GUI  Operating system ”
Note- Do it in your fair copy
Q1: Draw the picture of operating system software ex- Linux, Mac OS,Windows 7 etc .
Q2: Draw any three icons of desktop.
Q3: Draw taskbar.
Q4: Read the chapter loudly and do the following exercises in the book . Page no 28.
1: CLOCK            2: START BUTTON
3: ICON              4:DESKTOP
Page no 30 (do in the book).
A1: User     2: Folder   3: Microsoft.
B1:  T          2: F       3: T       4:  T.     

Subject- Social Studies-

                                     Lesson-2  ‘’Abode  of  snow’’
E: Give answer in brief . Do  in your fair copy.
Q4: State any three uses of the Himalayas.
A4: The  three uses of  Himalayas are –
a: They protect us from the dry cold winds blowing from the north.
b: They entrap the monsoon winds which give us rains.
c : They are the source of the never ending rivers which are for irrigation and for generating electricity.
Q5: Name a few hill stations of the Lesser Himalayan range.
A5: Shimla, Kullu, Manali , Almora, Nainital , Mussoorie, Darjeeling are the hill stations of the lesser Himalayan range.
Q6: Differentiate between the western and the eastern  Himalayas.
A6:  Western Himalayas –
1: These are spread over Jammu and Kashmir as also Himanchal Pradesh.
2: Width of these Himalayas  is  400 Km.
3: These are divided  into –
a : The greater Himalayas .
b : The middle Himalayas and the Shiwaliks.
2:  Eastern Himalayas__
1: These are spread over  west  Bengal, Sikkim, Bhutan, and  Arunachal Pradesh.
2: Eastern Himalayas forth around 150 Km circle.
3: These have a single range which runs from north to south.
F:  Define the following . (Do in your fair copy).
1: Pass__ A pass is a gap or break in high rugged terrain such as a mountain ridge.
2:  Valley __ A valley is a depressed area of  land  between mountains  or hills.
3:  Glacier__ A  glacier is a huge mass of  ice  that  moves slowly  over  land.
                        Activity-  Do in your fair copy.                                                           
1: Collect   information  about  famous  Indian  and  world  mountaineers who went on the Mt  Everest first.

                                            Lesson – 2  “ Teeth and Microbes”
Q :  Draw proper way of brushing teeth given on page no- 20.
F: Long answer questions. ( Do  in your fair copy).
Q1: What are the different kinds of teeth? Explain with diagrams.
A1: The different kinds of teeth are – Incisors, Canines, Premolars and Molars.

1: Incisors-  The four  front  teeth in each jaw are called incisors. They  have sharp edges and are used for biting.

2: Canines- On either side (both side) of the incisors is a pointed tooth , known as canines.They  are used for tearing food.
3: Premolors- These teeth are located behind and next to the canines.They are broad,flat,teeth that help to crush and grind food.
4: Molars – Teeth present at the back of the mouth . they have broader surface than the premolars. They help to grind the food.
Q2: What are microbes? Name the diseases caused by different kinds of microbes.
A2: Microbes are very tiny living organisms that can only be seen under the microscope. Microbes are present every where in air,water,soil and inside our body. Harmful microbes can cause many diseases in human beings as given below.
   Types of microbes  ___  Diseases caused
           Bacteria           ___   Typhoid,tuberculosis, pneumonia food poisoning.
          Protozoa         ____  Malaria ,dysentery.
           Fungi              ____  Ringworm infection, athlete’s  foot.
           Viruses        _____  Common cold, polio,flu,mumps,measles,chickenpox,dengue.

     Check your answers  of word problems- 94015,64890,837250,3814650, 66000.
                                          Chapter -5  ‘’Subtraction’’
    Q1:  Write the definition in your  fair  copy.
        1: Minuend—The number from which we subtract.
        2: Subtrahend--  The number that is subtracted.
        3: Difference—The  result of subtraction.
           Example--  4423  Minuend
                        __  3102    Subtrahend
                               1321     Difference
Do the following  exercise of subtraction in book . Ex_ 5A,Q1: a,b,c.  Q2:  a,b,c.  Q3:  a, b, c, d.  Q4: a , b ,c , d.
Do in your  copy.
Q5  of  Ex 5 A,  (a), (d) , (f).    
Watch  the video sent before attempting the exercise.          ↓                              

Subject- English I
                                                 Lesson- 2
                                              “The visit to the mansion’’
Note – Write in your fair copy.
A:  Answer the following questions.
Q1: Why  did  Jo toss up  a   snowball ?
A1: Jo  tossed  up  a  snowball  to  attract  Laurie’s attention and  make him look  out of  his  window.
Q2: Why  did Laurie invite Jo  to  his house?
A2: Laurie  was  unwell  and  alone  at  home.He  invited  Jo  to  come to his  house as  he  was  lonely  and  bored  and  knew  that  he would  feel  better  if he  had  someone  to talk  to.
Q3: What  gifts  did  Jo  bring  for  Laurie? Which  one  did  he  like  the most ?
A3:  Jo  bought  some  blancmange  and  three  tiny  kittens   for  Laurie. He  liked  the kittens  the most.
Q4:  How    did   Laurie   know  all  the  March  sister?
A4:  Laurie could  often  hear  the  march  sisters  talking  to  each  others   sometimes  he  also  saw them sitting  around  the  tables    with   their mother .  That   is  how  he  knew  all of  them.
Q5: Why  did  Laurie’s   grand father  not  allow  him  to  visit  their  neighbours?
A5: Mr  Laurence  thought  that  people  who  did  not  know  Laurie  would  feel  disturbed   if  Laurie  visited  them  so  he  did  not  allow  Laurie  to  visit  their  neighbours.
Q6: Why  did  Laurie leave  Jo  alone  in  the  library ? Did  she mind ? Why/Why not?
A6: Laurie  went  to  meet  the doctor who  had  come to  check if  he  was  recovering well. Jo  did not mind  she  was very  happy  to  be surrounded  by  the  innumerable  books, and was looking  at  the  portraits  with  great  curiosity  and  interest.
QB: Choose  the  correct  answer  to  complete these sentences. ( do in  your book).
1:  Jo  wanted to ask  her  mother .
1: If  she  could  visit  Laurie.
2: Laurie  started  cleaning  and  arranging  things  in  his  room  because .
2: He  wanted  it  to look  good  and  ready  for  his  guest,Jo.
3: Jo  felt  sorry  for  Laurie  because .
3: He  was unwell  and  lonely while  she  had  fun  with  her  family.
4: Jo started  dancing  when  they  reached  the  library  because..
4: She  was  extremely  happy  to see  the  innumerable  books,pictures,statues,tables and  great fireplace there.
                                              English -II
                                  ‘’Subject  and  Predicate’’
Note- Do  in  your  fair copy.
Q1:  Write the  definition  of  subject.
A1:  The  subject  is  the part  of  a  sentence  about  which  something  is  said.
Q2: Write  the  definition  of  predicate.
A2:  The  predicate  is  the part  of  a sentence  which  says  something  about  the subject.   Ex-  ( The  gardener ) subject
       (  Waters  the  plant)  predicate.
  Exercise- A
Separate  the  following  sentences  into  subject  and  predicate.
1: Stars  twinkle  in the sky .
1: Subject – The  stars
   Predicate—Twinkle  in  the  sky.
2:  They  are  walking  down  the  road.
2:    Subject- they
    Predicate—are  walking  down  the  road.
3: The  monkey  sat  upon  a tree.
3:  Subject – The  monkey
   Predicate – sat  upon  a  tree.
4:  All  the  students  were  wearing  uniforms.
4: Subject—All the  students
Predicate—were  wearing  uniform.
5: Barking dogs  seldom  bite.
5: Subject—Barking dogs
  Predicate—seldom  bite.
Exercise- B  (  Do  in book).
Complete  the following  sentences  by  adding  suitable predicates.
1: My  parents-
1: My  parents  are hard working.
2: Their  house-
2: Their house is very big.
3: That tree-
3: That  tree  is  tall.
4: Those  birds-
4: Those birds  are  flying  high.
5: The rainbow –
5: The  rainbow  looks beautiful.
 Do   exercise C,D and E in book.
                                                     Lesson -2
                                                 “ Festive  Dishes”
Q1: Do  page no  5  in  your book.
Q2:  Name  the dishes prepared on the following  festivals.   ( Do  in your  fair copy).
1: Basant Panchami
2: Onam
3: Christmas
4: Holi
5: Bihu
6: Eid

Activity-   Draw or paste different pictures of  special dishes   with the name  in your fair copy.


            Subject-Hindi I
      “दादा जी की बगिया”
नोट- कापी में लिखें ।
प्र3: ऑक्सीजन  न हो,तो क्या होगा?
उ 3: ऑक्सीजन  हमारे साँस लेने के काम आती है,अगर ऑक्सीजन  न हो तो हमारा जीना मुश्किल हो जाएगा ।
प्र4: शहर का फेफड़ा किसे कहते हैं?
उ 4: बाग,बगीचों,और पार्कों को शहर का फेफड़ा कहा जाता है।
प्र5: पेड़-पौधों से हमे क्या मिलता है?
उ 5: पेड़-पौधे हमारे जीवन की लगभग सारी आवश्यकताएँ पूरी करते हैं ।पेड़-पौधों से हमें फल,फूल,मसाले,अनाज,लकड़ी  इत्यादि प्राप्त होते हैं ।
 मौखिक प्रश्नोत्तर-
प्र1: बाग,बगीचों की देखभाल कौन करता है?
उ1: माली ।
प्र2: जल के ठोस रुप को क्या कहते हैं?
उ2: बर्फ ।
प्र3: शहर मे  पेड़-पौधे क्यों कम होते जा रहे हैं?
उ3: शहरों में जनसंख्या बढ़ती जा रही है जिस कारण से पेड़ों को काट कर मकानों का निर्माण करते जा रहे हैं ।
प्र4: पर्यावरण से आप क्या समझते है?
उ 4: हमारे आस-पास के वातावरण को पर्यावरण कहते हैं ।
(ख): रिक्त स्थानों की पूर्ति कीजिये।(पुस्तक मे लिखें)।
1: बेकार की घास।
2: क्लोरोफिल युक्त पदार्थ के कारण।
3: हमारे साँस लेने के ।
4: शहर ,फेफड़ा ।

5: सारी आवश्यकताएँ ।
                 Hindi- II
               पाठ-4  “संज्ञा”

नोट-पुस्तक में लिखें
प्र3: दिए गये सही संज्ञा शब्दों द्वारा वाक्य पूरा कीजिये ।
1: हिन्दी हमारी राष्ट्र भाषा है।
2: कठिन परिश्रम से सफलता  अवश्य मिलती है ।
3: भारत की राजधानी दिल्ली  है।
4: हमेशा सच बोलें झूठ न बोलें ।
5: महात्मा गाँधी को बापू भी कहा जाता है।
6: राम को भगवान माना जाता है।
प्र4: निम्नलिखित वाक्यों में से संज्ञा शब्द छाटिए।पुस्तक मे ही करे।
:       संज्ञा शब्द
1: लड़की
2: गुस्सा
3: जयपुर
4: फल
5: नदी
6: प्यारा
प्र5: नीचे लिखे वाक्यों में से भाववाचक संज्ञा छाठकर लिखिये।पुस्तक में लिखें ।
: भाववाचक संज्ञा
1:  गरमी
2: क्रोध
3: दुखी
4: प्यार
5: बचपन
Homework- प्र2 और प्र6 अपनी पुस्तक मे करें ।

Note- Write in your fair copy.
Answer the following questions.
Q1: What do you understand by GUI ?
A1: GUI stands for Graphic User Interface. It is a bind of operating system that is based on Graphics.In this all the program are given in the form of Icons or symbols, which makes windows operating system interactive.
Q2: Write the steps to create a program shortcut.
A2: The steps to create a program shortcut are-
1: Right click on empty area of the desktop you will get a menu.
2: Click on new to open sub- menu.
3: Now click on the program from the list.
Click on shortcut option you will get the dialog box.
4: Click on Browse option and select the program and click on next.
5: Click on type a new list and write the name and click on finish button.
Q3:Name the components of windows7 Desktop.
A3: The components of windows 7 Desktop are-
1: Icons
2: Start button
4:Desktop Background.


  1. Why you give 2 que in other assignment in computer

  2. Where is the ques 1,2 and 3 of science

  3. Replies
    1. Maths ka question
      Chapter 4 ka 4A me ka que no. 12 krna hai copy me aur baki ka excercise 4A book me hi krna hai

    2. Wo toh pata hai par last line me kya likha hai

    3. Ye likha hai ki copies me jada cut pit nhi krna hai aur over writing means ye ki kisi word pe pen do tin bar ni chalana hai

    4. Pen se likens hai ki pencil se

    5. जी पेन से लिखना है।

    6. Thank you for telling my all questions

    7. What pen se likhna hai writes after 20 days

  4. Where is the lesson no 123 of Hindi 2

  5. Where is the lesson no 123 of Hindi 2

    1. It may be given after sometimes
      Those chapter are not much important for write .

    2. In previous assignment the lesson of hindi 2 LESSON 3

    3. Yes
      Because these chapter are assignment work and after 3 lesson these are the class work copies work so we have to do in copy after lesson 3.

  6. Where is the ques no 1,2 of computer

  7. Hindi2 me ( vyakti vachak Sangya- nadiyon ke Naam) galti se cricket, football, hockey likha hai

  8. Maths ka hw nahi samajh nahi aaya

    1. Maths me hi (a,b,c,d)diya gya hai wo answer hai isse pahle jo hw aaya tha uska
      Aur uske aage page no. 26 ka question no. 5 tk solve krna hai. Bs thi hai isme

    2. Aur English 2 me Kon sa book me karna hai aur Kon sa copy me

    3. All questions will have to do in book of english 2.

  9. We have to write these all with pencil or pen

  10. English 2 me galti se lotus is natural flower of India likha hai

  11. Miss you have given the word meaning of Hindi1

  12. Miss please tell us that we have to do it or not

  13. Please miss please please please please please please

    1. Do it only one time
      Not twice
      It is given by mistake . So don't worry about it.

    2. Do only those homework which you have not donein copies.
      Don't think about twice question or another questions . OKAY

  14. 13/7/2020 Maths hw me akhri line ka matlab kya hai please tell mam

    1. Lesson 5 ka excercise 5A ka question no. 5 (a,d,f) krna hai copy me
      Aur niche ek link diya h usko open karke samjhna hai ki kaise question solve hoga .

  15. 15 July 2020 ke English HW me last HW me akhri HW me kya likha hai miss please tell please

    1. Book me jo excercise diye gaye h B,C,D,E WO Sb complete krna hai khud se book me hi

  16. Replies
    1. I am also a gaurdian of a child,

      Not a school teacher.

  17. English2 me last hw me exercise-A copy me karna hai ki book me??????

  18. Why any homework is not coming from 17th

    1. because 19th is Sunday so in that day any homework is not come but why any homework is not come on 18/7/2020

  19. Thanks for giving me assignment

  20. Thank you for giving me assiment

  21. I had known assiment are coming

  22. Miss of which questions are the answer that you have given on 6 july of the subject maths

    1. Open 1 July HW and question a,b,c,d then do these questions their answer is their

  23. Jo questions 1st july ko aaya tha uska answer hai 6th july wala

  24. Computer ma chapter 3 ko 4 galti as likh Gaya ha

  25. Mam what's app group bana hai kya please join me my name is Amrit Anand

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    3. School ke pas jo number hai tumhara usi mobile ke WhatsApp pe apne aap group ban jayega. Ayse hi mera bhi bana tha.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. Mera to bana hai Naam hai Class4-b attendance.jis class me tum gaye hoge usi Naam se tumhari class ka bhi group bana hoga.Mera group to 22 July ko bana tha. Ayse hi tumhara group bhi bana hoga.

    6. Mera to mere papa ke phone pe bana tha lekin maine request kiya to miss ne mere papa ka number group se remove karke meri mummy ka number add kar liya miss ne

    7. Tum mam se pucho sabka bana hai ki jo bolega usi ka hoga
      My number is 9451743713
      Miss se iss number ko add karne ki request karna

    8. Hum request bhej diye hain

    9. Group ban jaye to reply kar dena!

    10. Thank you mera group ban gaya

    11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Maths ke HW me chapter5 me exercise 5-(A) me Q-5 me a,d hai par f nahi hai

  27. 20/7/2020 ke Hindi 2 he me kya karna hai last line me kya likha hai miss please tell the answer or Kon sa book me karna hai aur Kon sa copy me karna hai miss please tell

    1. Mujhe lagta hai ki Hindi 2 me 20 July ka sara work book me hi karna hai.

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  31. Mam when is online classes started

  32. Are whatsapp pe mera to group bana hai online class kab start honge Yeh Mujhe nahi pata.

  33. Good evening mam angel lal class 4 please add Mobil number 8318965783 attendance group

  34. Mam my class is 4D I am shriyansi Pandey

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  40. Mam please add me to your WhatsApp group 9721053340

  41. Dear teachers
    I am 4th class student and I face lots of problem in finding these particular chapters of these subjects:-
    1. Science ch 2,3
    2. Hindi II ch- 1,2,3,5,7
    3. EnglishII ch - 2,3,6
    4. ch- 3,4
    5. Math FULL
    6.hindi I ch 2,3,4
    Please help me..


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