1. All the questions are compulsory.
2. Write and learn in fair copy.
Q1- Draw and label MS Excel screen on A4 size page.
Q2- How many cells are there in an Excel worksheet?
Q3- Write names of five excel functions.
Q4- What do you understand by Formatting in excel?
 Q5- Write about four types of network.
Q6- Write full form of HTML?
Q7- Write differences between Empty tag and Container tag.
Q8- Write difference between BGCOLOR attribute and Background attribute in HTML.

English Literature : 
VIII Write a paragraph of at least 100 words on : (1) Ambedkar Jayanti and (2) Covid 19.




English literature 
Q1- Do the exercises of lesson III, page 23, A words in use.
 Q2- Write about Nelson Mandela, in at least 100 words. 
 Q1-. Write an essay on any one of the following topics:. 
 A) A recurring dream
 (B) A success story. 
Q2 . Write kinds of Pronouns with definition s and give two examples each. 
Q3- Read the instructions and answer the question in the following picture. 

Do the following exercises in the fair copy: 2.1, 2.2 n 2.3

Q1- Make a working project on Rain water harvesting. 
Q2- Do chapter 1 and chapter 2 all the questions and exercises in your fair note book.(sincerely) 
Q3- Prepare these two chapters for unit test 1. 
Q4- Pick any three wild animals of any one continent and find out about their:
 1. Habitat
 2. Eating habits
 3. Prey base and natural enemies
Q.4-Factors threatening their survival 
Q.5-On in outline map of world, mark the following 
1. Desert Region 
2. Any two wild life sanctuaries 
3. Any three national park 
4. Tropical evergreen forest 


 i. Design a poster to spread awareness about the girl child and girl education. 
ii. Write about fundamental rights and duties. 
iii. What is preamble? Write it and learn it.
 iv. Why are laws needed for the smooth and effective governance of a country? 
v. Draw and write a short note on dowry and female foeticide HISTORY Click the following link to Study chapter
 1: Modern period.

Students will read the chapter and do the exercises in the book. 
 It is a duty of every person to protect the environment and its surrounding. 
Prepare a poster to show don't and do's to make your environments healthy.( A4 sheet)


First listen to the following audio file and then solve exercises and question answer given in the book.

Chemistry and Biology-
 keywords of Biology Keywords of Chemistry

Kindly listen to the explanation of the chapter of biology - 'Crop Production' by clicking on the YouTube link given below.

CHEMISTRY Fill in the blanks: 
1. polyester fibre 
2. oil; coal 
3. nylon
 4. PVC
 5. air 
6. acrylic 
7. rayon 
8. polyester 
9. PET 
10. disposable plates
 Mention true or false:
 1. true 
2. true 
3. false 
4. false 
5. true 
6. true 
7. true 
8. false
 9. false 
10. false 
Choose the correct answer: 
1. d
 2. a 
3. b 
4. d 
5. c 
6. a 
7. c 
8. d
 9. b 
10. d

Answer the following questions in one word: 
1. nylon 
2. cotton 
3. thermosetting plastic 
4. polymer 
5. amide 
6. cotton, silk, jute 
7. thermoplastic 
8. rayon 
9. wool 
10. nylon 

Fill in the blanks: 
1. second 
2. wheat ; rice
 3. NPK fertilizer 
4. mixed cropping
 5. pisciculture 
6. levelled 
7. weeds
 8. combine 
9. buffer 
10. pesticides 
Mention true or false: 
1. true 
2. false 
3. false
 4. true
 5. false
 6. true 
7. true 
8. false
9. true 
10. true 
Choose the correct answer: 
1. c 
2. d 
3. a
 4. a 
5. b
 6. a
 7. d 
8. b 
9. b 
10. d 
Answer the following questions in one word: 
1. bufferstock 
2. kharif crops 
3. chain pump and lever system 
4. mixed cropping 
5. weeding
 6. denitrification 
7. tilling
 8. seed drill 
9. transplanting 
10. apiculture 
1. Write 'keywords' of the chapters in your fair copies. (biology and chemistry) 
2. Do, 'Fill in the blanks', 'Mention true or false', 'Choose the correct answer' and 'Answer the following questions in one word' in your books. (biology and chemistry) 3. Do, 'Answer the following questions in one or two sentences' in your fair copies. (biology and chemistry) 

***THE END***


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