Please read lesson
1 4&15
1-Regional Kingdoms-1
2-The Sultanate period(1206-1526)
3- solve exercises 1,2&3 of both the lessons.
4-on the map of India locate
A) Slave Dynasty
B) Lodi Dynasty
C)Khalji Dynasty
D) Chalukyas Dynasty
5 -Make a project on the temples in South India which were constructed during the early mediaeval period
(page no. 129)
6- Draw the Flow Chart of The Delhi Sultanate

1-Please read lesson( 25&26) and solve the exercises 1,2&3 A)Democracy Elements and Functioning
B) State government
2- Make a project on"Source of public opinion on covid 19"paste pictures and write about each.
3- Draw the political parties election symbols and write about each.
4- What is Universal Adult Franchise?
5- What is a political party? What are it's functions ?   

Q1- Make a model on structure of the Earth.(or u can draw on chat paper properly with labels)
Q2- Do chapter 1 and chapter 2 all the questions and exercises in ur fair note book.(sincerely)
Q3- Prepare these two chapters for unit test-1.


* Biology *
Do, 'Answer the following questions in detail' in your classwork copies.
1. Explain the autotrophic mode of nutrition.
2. How can you prove that sunlight is necessary for photosynthesis?
3. Explain the symbiotic mode of nutrition, with an example.
4. How do some harmful fungi spoil things?
5. What is the role of carbon dioxide and water in the process of photosynthesis?

* Chemistry *
Do, 'Answer the following questions in detail' in your classwork copies.
1. What are the various steps involved in the process of making wool?
2. Name any five animals that provide wool. Write a line about the wool obtained from them.
3. Explain the process of silk production.
4. What are the occupational hazards of silk industry?
5. What safety and health measures are required in silk industry?
6. What is selective breeding? Mention the advantage of selective breeding of sheep.

Note- You can still revise 1st chapters of Biology and Chemistry, by clicking on YouTube links given below.



Do answer the following questions in detail in your class work copy       
 Q.1)Explain the three scales used to measure temperatures.How will you convert 50 degrees Celsius(centigrade) to Fahrenheit?                           
 Q.2)What precautions should you take while using a clinical thermometer?                   
  Q.3)How does transfer of heat take place by conduction? Justify your answer with a suitable example.                               
Q.4)How are land and sea breeze produced?
You can revise physics

१)वंदना का श्लोक याद कीजिए।
२) प्रथम पाठ कृष्ण जन्माष्टमी पर्व के शब्दार्थ और प्रश्न उत्तर याद कीजिए।
३) द्वितीय पाठ संस्कृत के साथ हिंदी अनुवाद पढ़िए। सभी अभ्यास कार्य पुस्तक में पेंसिल द्वारा भरिए।
शब्दार्थ, प्रश्न संख्या 7 और मूल्य आधारित प्रश्न फेयर कॉपी में लिखिए।
४) पेज नंबर 93 पर दिए गए 5वस्त्रों, 5रोगों और 5अनाजों के नाम फेयर कॉपी में लिखिए और याद कीजिए।


Note:  1. All the questions are compulsory.
            2. Write and learn in fair copy.
Q1-     Write differences between Data and Information.
Q2-     Write differences between RAM and ROM.
Q3-     Draw and label RAM and ROM both on same A4 page.
Q3-     Draw and label MS Excel screen on A4 page.
Q4-     Write names of three data types used in MS Excel.
Q5-     Write full forms of www regarding Internet.
Q6-     Write names of three web browsers.
Q7-     Convert the following from Binary to Decimal numbers.
                                i.            1011
                              ii.            1111
                            iii.            0101
                           iv.            1100
                             v.            0011

English Literature-
1. Do questions and answers of chapter-1 in the class work copy. 
2. Read chapter-2 'The Master Artist' and write word-meaning in the class work copy. 
3. Do exercises of chapter-2 in the book. 
4. Do questions and answers of chapter-2 in the class work copy. 
5. Write the poem 'Maps' and  draw the picture in the class work copy.  
Learn all exercises and questions- answers and the poem 'Maps'.

Write these two formal letters.
1- Write to the Principal of your school requesting her to grant your class permission to go on a field trip (educational tour)  for three days.
2-Write a letter to the Editor of a Dainik Jagran, for a national movement on cleaning the Ganga river.

Maths: Summer assignment : Do the following exercises in the fair copy :2.1 n 2.2

Answer key of english literature-



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