Hindi literature-

कविता की 10 पंक्तियां याद करिए।
पाठ 1 और 2 के शब्दार्थ व प्रश्नोत्तर याद कीजिए।
पाठ ३ 'ऐसे थे वे' ध्यानपूर्वक पढ़िए,संक्षिप्त उत्तर खोजिए और अपनी फेयर कॉपी में शब्दार्थ के साथ संक्षिप्त उत्तर लिखिए

Hindi grammar-
1) पाठ 1 और दो के प्रश्न उत्तर तथा अभ्यास कार्य याद कीजिए।
२) 10 विलोम शब्द याद करके अपनी फेयर कॉपी में लिखिए।
३) 10 पर्यायवाची शब्द याद करके अपनी फेयर कॉपी में लिखिए।
४) 10 मुहावरों के अर्थ वाक्य प्रयोग के साथ याद कीजिए।

1.Learn all exercises and questions- answers from lesson 1and 2
2.   On a map of India locat the following places- Lothal, Sarnath, Mathura, Hampi, Arikamedu.
3.   Draw pictures of various stone tools used in the Stone Age.
* Do this drawing work in your class work copy.
* Paist the map in your class work copy.

1- make a working project on Our Solar system.
2- Do chapter 1 and chapter 2..all the questions and exercises in ur fair note book.
3- Learn all from these 2 chapters for unit test-1.


Write complete these sentences and questions- answers in your class work copy. And other exercises in your book only.
 Learn all word meaning and  questions- answers of lesson one and two .
 Write the poem Dust of Snow in your class work copy and decorate.




chapter 1 , Food
Chemistry-chapter 3,  Separation of substance and cleaning of food. 

Children in both chapters I am sending you the exercises which you have do in your book only. 
And answer the following question in one word, answer the following question in one Or two sentences and answer in detail . You have to do in your class work copy and learn it. And in biology you have to do Answer in detail by yourself.

Fill in the blank (biology) 

1 Ingredients
2 Producers
3 Apiculture 
4 Tiger, lion
5 Protruding  , swallow

True or false 

1 False
2 True
3 True
4 False
5 False
6 False 

Choose the correct

1. a
2. c
3. d
4. a
5. c
6. a
7. b
8. d

Answer in one word

1 Water & salt
2 Pisciculture
3 Bear
4 Bear, Crow
5 Fruit

Answer the following in one or two sentences. 

Ans 1 Trashing of rice crop is done by a machine (thresher) and by beating crops on the rock or on hard surface. 

Ans 2  Principal behind winnowing is that lighter solid particles (here chaff) can be easily seperated from the heavier solid particles (here any grain). 

Ans 3  Sedimentation is a simple Method to separate insoluble and heavy particles from a liquid. 

Ans 4 Separation of unwanted and undesirable substance from grains by hand is known as hand picking. 
For example- Picking stones and insects from rice. 

Ans 5 Evaporation can be be made faster by increasing the temperature.

Answer in detail 

Ans 1  We need to clean food because it contains some undesirable things like dust particles, small insects and stones and if we eat food containing this then we may fall ill.

Ans 2 Threshing process can be done by the following ways:
1. Mechanised thresher are also available to seperate the grains. 

2 . Tractor threshing is also a method of threshing commonly followed for saving time and labour. 

3. In normal threshing, the harvested stalks of crops are beaten on a rock or any other hard surface. This separates the grains from stalks.
Ans 4  Removal of undesirable fine particles from coarse grains is known as sieving. It is done by a sieve. 

Ans 5  Filtration is a method to separate the undesirable substance in liquid, which may be in a form of suspended particles. Filtration is done by passing a mixture through a filter paper. (Draw the diagram from the book) 

Ans 6 The seawater is collected in a shallow pond and allowed to evaporate in sun, till the water totally dries up. This way the water evaporates and solid particles of salt are left behind. This salt is purified or refined and is then used as common salt. (Draw diagram from the book)

Write these answers in your class work copy.

Chapter 11:Motion and measurement and chapter 12 : light shadow and reflection

Complete all exercises in your book, which includes -fill in the blanks, true or false, choose the correct answer and in your class work copy write the key word and answer the following question in one word.

Chapter 11 
Fill in the blanks 

1 20th
2 SI
3 Scale
4 linear
5 multiple
6 degree of temperature

True or False
1 True
2 True
3 True
4 False
5 False

Choose the correct answer

1. d
2. a
3. c
4. d
5. b
6. a
7. c
8. d

Chapter 12 
Light shadow and reflection

Fill in the blanks

1 Non-Luminous 
2 reflect
3 Eclipse
4 Beam
5 Real, virtual

True or False

1 True
2 False
3 True
4 False
5 True

Choose the correct answer

1. d
2. a
3. d
4. a
5. a
6. a
7. b
8. a


  1. Dear Madam/Sir,
    Will three separate copies of science be made or is it to be done in a single copy.


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