

हिंदी साहित्य 

       पाठ 4 

लिखित प्रश्न उत्तर

G.K.assignment :
Students as we had read many things about plants and animals in our previous lessons so it's time to have some activity with plants and animals and create some interesting pictures of animals with the help of plants.

Watch the above video and collect different types of leaves and try to do the activity and send me the pic with your name ,class- section
 Maths assignment
Watch videos

Do these questions in copy
Lesson 7 Division
1)  203047 ÷ 54
2)  725 ÷ 25
3)  49600 ÷ 62
4)  1975 ÷ 180
5)  12780 ÷ 142
6)  42660 ÷ 711
Practice questions of 7A in rough copy
Class 4.  Science Revision of lesson 1to 4
Do the following in your revision copy by yourself. 
Q1.Fill in the blanks :-
1. Foods containing carbohydrates and fats are also called ----------.
2. Foods containing-------- are called body building foods.
3. Protective foods contains -------- and --------.
4.Roughage, are also known as --------.
5. Molars are also known as -------- teeth.
6 Digestion begins from-------.
7. Microbes are very tiny organisms that can only be seen under -------.
8. Apply an ---------- cream or lotion over a wound.
9.floors must be kept -------- to prevent  slipping on them.
10. Jute is a ------- fiber.
Q2.Short answer questions:-
1.Name two insects that can damage clothes.
2. Linen is obtained from which plant?
3 Write any two uses of bacteria?
4. What is secreted by salivary glands?
5. What are nutrients?
6. Define germs.
Q3. Draw the structure of tooth and label it.
Draw different types of microbes
 Hindi language assignment 
Watch the video carefully.

हिंदी व्याकरण पाठ 7 कारक
पुस्तक में किया गया कार्य पुस्तक में ही करना है और कॉपी का कार्य कॉपी में करना है
 Sst. Revision work. 
Do it in your revision copy.

Do all the following questions by yourself in the revision copy..
Q1.Find the following:-
a)the two groups of islands that belong to our country.
b) the island country that neighbours India.
c)the only Indian state that is flanked by two countries on both eastern and western sides.
Q2. Define the following:-
Climate, loo, valley, glacier, pass
Q3. Differentiate between:-
Eastern Himalayas and western Himalayas.
Q4. Answer the following questions:-
1. How many states and union territories does India have?
2. Why is India called a Peninsula?
3. What are the different seasons experienced in India?
4. State any three uses of the Himalayas.
5. Name the three parallel ranges of the Himalayas.
6. Name a few hill stations of the lesser Himalayan range.
Maths Assignment
Watch the video sent
Do in book
Lesson-7 Division
Ex- 7B
Q1(a to n)
Do the following revision work in rough copy
ENGLISH-1 (Revision)
Note- Do in your revision copy. 
Q1: Write the meaning of the following words.
1: Rumour-
2: Rations-
3: Chestnuts-
4: Relented-
5: Uproar-
6: Glide-
Q2: Write true and false.
1: The dog entered Mr.Oliver's tent-
2: Some of the things the speaker wishes to see are a little fish, a water rat and a spider-
3: There were about 10 of us in the troop-
4: Speaker was a boy in the poem " On the Bridge".-
Q3: Answer the following questions. 
1: Do you think the speaker enjoys standing on the bridge? Use words or lines from the poem to say why you think so.
2: Unfortunately, we were not good trackers.
(a): Why does 'we' refer to ? Why were they tracking?
(b): What did they do instead of tracking the person?
Q4: Write the poem on the bridge.
Do page no 10 in your drawing book and colour it. 
Draw Rooster in your drawing copy with the help of your drawing book page no 10 and colour it.
 English language 
Watch the video through the following link

Do in your book.

 Maths assignment 
Watch the videos carefully.👇

Lesson -7 Division
EX- 7B
Q1 (all)
Q2 (all)

English l
Note- Write in your fair copy.

English Grammar
Possessive Adjectives 
Watch the videos

Do in your book.



Chapter 5 

Formatting in Word

Answer the following questions

Q1 what is formatting? 

Ans. Formatting means to beautify the text like changing the size and colour of text, highlighting etc. 

Q2 How do you create a list with bullets? 

Ans. To create a bullets list 
1. Type the items of the list and select it. 
2. Click on Bullets option of paragraph group of home tab. 

Q3 What is the difference between Lowercase and Uppercase? 

Ans. Lowercase : it changes all the selected text to small letters. 
Uppercase : it changes all the selected text to capital letters. 

Q4 what is alignment ?
 Name the types of alignment in Word? 

Ans. Alignment is the way in which the text is placed between left and right margins. 
The types of alignment are:
1. Left alignment
2. Right alignment
3. Center alignment
4. Justify alignment

Q5 what is line spacing? 

Ans. The vertical space between the line in a paragraphs is called line spacing. 

Q6 write the steps to add space before a paragraph. 

Ans. Steps to add space before a paragraph are:
1. Select the paragraph. 
2. Click on page layout tab. 
3. Click ‘before' option  paragraph group. 

( do it in the book) 

A. Tick the correct option. 

1. Font size
2. Lowercase
3. Ctrl + I
4. Five

B. Write shortcut key for the following

1. Bold  -- Ctrl + B
2. Left align  --  Ctrl + L
3. Center align – Ctrl + E
4. Underline – Ctrl + U
5. Right align – Ctrl + R
6. Italic – Ctrl + I

C. Name the following pictures 

D. Fill in the blanks blanks

1. Vertical
2. Select
3. Toggle
4. Font
5. Slanted

E. Answer these questions orally

1. Character are unique symbol , letter or mark used in writing. 

2. Left alignment place the text at left margin where as right alignment place the text at right margin. 

3. Text highlight color option of home tab help to highlight the text.


 Moral Science

Watch the above value based story and enhance some values in yourself.👆
G.K assignment 

Lesson 17 Hydrogen and Full Cells
Watch the video and Learn the information given in the lesson .

 Hindi Literature 
Lesson 5.
पाठ 5 
    खरगोश के बच्चे
 मौखिक प्रश्न उत्तर
प्रश्न 1. आपके घर में कपड़े कौन कुतरता है?
उत्तर 1. हमारे घर में कपड़े चूहा कुतरता  है।
 प्रश्न 2. पांच शाकाहारी पशुओं के नाम बताइए।
उत्तर 2. पांच शाकाहारी पशुओं के नाम
1. गाय
2. बकरी
3. भैंस
प्रश्न 3.आपको कौन- से पशु पक्षी अच्छे लगते है और क्यों ?
उत्तर 3. बच्चे स्वयं करें।
प्रश्न 4 परीक्षा नजदीक आने पर आप क्या करते हैं?
उत्तर4. परीक्षा नजदीक आने पर हम खूब मन लगाकर पढ़ते हैं।

Lesson-7 Division
Watch the videos,solve the questions again in rough copy for better understanding
Do the following in copy
EX- 7D


Watch the videos carefully.

Remaining part of the chapter will be taught in next session.
Chapter-8:- Our Resources

Social Studies 
B- Fill in the blanks. (DO IT IN THE BOOK)
1. hydroelectric power.
2. Indira Gandhi 
3. rocks
4. Chinta Nagpur,  Deccan Plateau 
5. food, needs 

C- Name the dams built across the following rivers. (DO IT IN THE CLASS WORK COPY)
1. Tungabhadra----- Tungabhadra
2. Satluj------- Bhakra- Nangal
3. Krishna------- Nagarjuna Sagar
4. Mahanadi------ Hirakud

D. Distinguish between these. (DO IT IN THE CLASS WORK COPY)
1. Wells-- Wells are dug in the soil. Underground water can be drawn out through wells and used for various purposes. 

Tube wells-- Tube wells use electricity to draw underground water mainly for use by farmers for irrigation. 

2. Perennial rivers-- The rivers that have water throughout the year are called perennial rivers. In India Himalayan Rivers like Ganga and Brahmaputra are perennial rivers and are fed by the melting ice. 

Seasonal rivers-- Seasonal rivers are the  rivers which flow only in rainy seasons and remain dry mostly. Seasonal rivers of India are Godavari, Krishna, Kaveri and are fed by the monsoon rains. 

1. Water is an essential resource to sustain life on the earth. It is needed for irrigation, navigation, to generate power and also source for fishing. 
2. Rajasthan is sparsely populated because they do not have fertile soils and rivers and coastal plains of Ganga are densely populated because of fertile soil, presence of many rivers and favourable climate.
3. The earth's resources are rapidly depleting because of the modern technology and industrial development. 

F. Answer the following questions. (DO IT IN THE CLASS WORK COPY)
Q.1 What are the different sources of water?
Ans.1. The different sources of water are perennial and seasonal rivers, streams, lakes, ponds, canals, wells and tube wells, etc.

Q.2. Name any two tributaries of the rivers Indus and Ganga. 
Ans.2. The two tributaries of the river Indus are Jhelum and Satluj and the two  tributaries of the river Ganga are Yamuna and Gomti.

Q.3. What are multi- purpose projects? Give two examples. 
Ans.3. Dams are constructed across rivers. They serve many purposes, like save water of the rivers for irrigation, control floods,produce hydroelectricity, are called multimulti-purpose projects. Examples are:1. Dam---Damodar, river--- Damodar.
2. Mettur---Kaveri.

Q.4. How are minerals classified? Name any four minerals mined in India. 
Ans.4. Minerals are classified into metallic, non-metallic and fuel minerals. Four minerals mined in India are iron, coal, petroleum and limestone. 

Q.5. What are the impacts of over population in India?
Ans.5. The impact of over population is alarming and is giving rise to the following problems. 
● Natural resources like water and petroleum are depleting rapidly. 
● It is causing shortage of food and other essential needs. 
● Unemployment is increasing. 
● It is leading to increased deforestation, environmental pollution and health problems.

Watch the videos carefully👇


 English Literature 
Poem "Seeds "
Watch the videos carefully and learn the poem and write it in your copy in beautiful handwriting and decorate it.

English l 
Lesson- "Seeds "(poem)
Note- Write in your fair copy.

Maths assignment
Ex -7C  Lesson -7
Word Problems

Watch the videos

Do in copy

Practice other Questions in rough copy

Subject- Drawing
Do page no 11 in your drawing book and colour it. 
Draw Leaves on the tree in your drawing copy with the help of your drawing book page no 11 and colour it.

English Grammar
Lesson - 9 order of Adjectives

Do QD and QDIY Exercise yourself as H.W.
One sentence for each has been done to explain the method.

Class4.   Mathematics

Do the above work in rough copy
Lesson 7 (remaining part of the lesson.)
Watch the following videos carefully.

 Moral science assignment 
(Do the following work in your rough copy)
Learn and write the Lords prayer and 5 thoughts.

  Gk. assignment 
(Do the following in your rough copy)
Write 10 current affairs and learn it.
Learn all the exercises of the book.

. Hindi literature 
Learn and write word meaning and exercises of the book of lesson 1 to 5 in your rough copy.
Don't write only answers of Q2
Show all the calculations also.
Many students have written only answers in their c.w. copy,which is wrong.Follow all the instructions that are sent.

Learn the exercises of lesson 4, 5, and 6
and do it in your rough copy.

.  Science
Lesson 7.  How do plants survive?

In your fair copy draw the flow chart that was drawn on the black board in the video sent to you. 

Q1.Name two plants that grow in
   a. Hills and mountains. :-- pine and cedar
   b. Marshy areas :-- mangroves , cattails and papyrus
  C. Deserts:--- cactus and date palm
Q2. Give one difference between aquatic and terrestrial plants.
A2. The main difference between both is:-
 Aquatic plants grow in water and terrestrial plants grow on land.
Q3. Plants in hills are come shaped. Give reason.
A3.because the come shape helps the snow to easily slide off the branches.
Q4. Name the three types of aquatic plants.
A4. The three types of aquatic plants are:-
Floating plants , fixed plants and underwater plants. 
Q5. What is fodder?
A5. Fodder is a food  especially hat or straw ,for animals such as cows and horses.
Q6. Why do plants growing in the plains have broad leaves?
A6. Plants growing in the plains have broad leaves to capture sunlight and to help water to evaporate easily and keeping the plants cool during summer.
F.  Long answer questions will be given in the next session.

English l
Lesson 4
"The Trumpet of the Swans".

Note- Do the following in your fair copy.

Do in your book.



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