

English language 

Revision work 

Subject  Hindi l 
Revision work

Revision work

1 .सही विकल्प चुनकर लिखिए -
1 . जिनका उच्चारण स्वतंत्र रूप से किया जाता है  , वे कहलाते हैं  - 
क) स्वर  (ख) व्यंजन  (ग) मात्रा 
2 . खाली जगह भरिए  - 
1 . भाषा की सबसे छोटी इकाई.......
3 . निम्नलिखित भाषाओं की लिपि लिखिए  - 
1 . हिन्दी  -
2 . उर्दू  - 
4 . निम्नलिखित वर्णों से एक शब्द में लिखे  - 
1 . त्र - 
2 . क्ष - 
5 . भाषा की परिभाषा लिखिए और उसके कितने प्रकार होते हैं?
6 . व्यंजन किसे कहते हैं  , उदाहरण सहित लिखिए?
Subject  Science 
Chapter 4

Science  (Do it in the book) 
            Ln 4
Write true (T) or false (F) for the following statement ( pg 34) 
3. False

A. Write T for true and F for False statement

Draw A seed becomes a seedling in the copy and colour it (pg 35)
Ln 4
(Write in the Science copy) 

Living and Non living Things

Define the following

1.Seedling-A young plant that grows from a seed. 
2.Nares- Tiny opening on birds' beaks that help them breathe
3.Stomata- Tiny openings on the leaves through which air enters and leaves. 
4.Stimuli- Factors that produce a reaction in a living things. 
5.Reproduction - The process by which living beings produce their own kind.

Short answer question(pg 38) 

Q1. Name two natural and two man made things. 
Ans- Natural things -- sun, water
Man -made things-- road, television
Q2. How do human beings breathe? 
Ans--Human beings breathe through their nose and mouth. 

Q3. What are nares? 
Ans- Birds breathe through tiny openings on their beaks. These opening are called nares. 
Q4. Why do living things need food? 
Ans --Living things need food to get energy. 
Q5. Define the term --reproduction
Ans-- The process by which living beings produce their own kind is called reproduction.
[4:12 PM, 7/1/2021] Ruby Maam Class3: Lesson-3
Early Man
Do it in your copy:

Answer the following questions:
Ques1) How did the early man lead a nomadic life?
Ans1) The early man lead a nomadic life as they move from one place to another in search of food and shelter.

Ques2) How were stones used by the early man?
Ans2) The early man used stones to make tools and weapons for digging the ground and for hunting.

Ques3)Name the three periods of the Stone Age?
Ans3) The three periods of the Stone Age are-
1)Old Stone Age
2) Middle Stone Age
3) New Stone Age.

Ques4) Which are the two major inventions of the early man?
Ans4) Wheel and fire are the two major inventions of the early man.

Ques5) In which age did early man become more civilized and how?
Ans5) In New Stone Age early man became more civilized and settled. They started to build mud houses , grew crops and domesticated animals like cows,oxen and horses.
Subject  G.k
Chapter  9

               Moral science
        The king's gift
Sense of social responsibility citizenship common good

Answer these questions
Q1. Why did the merchant not bother to shift the rock ? 
Ans.. The Merchant did not bother to shift the rock because he was lazy.
Q2. What would have happened had the farmer not moved the rock? 
Ans... If the farmer would have not moved the rock he would not have get silver coins for being a good citizen. 

What was written on a slip of paper
Ans.. it was written -
A giftfrom the king to the good citizen who removed this rock.
Draw a signboard in the M. Sc copy and colour it (pg16)

Chapter - 4
Simple Addition and Subtraction
Complete page number 36 and 37 in your maths book

Do it in your maths copy.
Social studies
Early Man
Book Work:
Subject- Drawing
Do page no 13 in your drawing book and colour it, also draw in your drawing copy and colour it. (Same thing which has given on page no 13)
            Ln 4
Long answer questions(Write in the Science copy) (39) 

Q1. Living things need food. Explain with examples
Ans.. All living things need food to grow and get energy for their life activities. For example- Animals and human beings need plants for their food. 
Q2. How will living things respond to the stimuli? Give example
Ans.. Stimuli are factors that cause living things to respond to them. For example.. If you see ice cream, your mouth will start watering. Here the ice cream is the stimulus and mouth watering is the response. 
Q3 How are living things dependent on each other? 
Ans.. All living things are dependent on each other directly or indirectly. Plants provide animals with food and shelter. 
Q4. Explain with examples the different ways in which living things move. 
Ans.. Animals move in different ways. Most birds fly. Insects crawl or fly. Monkeys swing from tree to tree. Most land animals walk or run.Animals that live in water such as fish and turtles swim.
Subject  Hindi l 
Chapter 6

Subject  Social Studies 
Revision work

Social studies
Revision Work
1)Learn book exercise of lesson 1 and 2.
2) Draw: Solar System,Realms of earth in your rough copy.

Subject English ll

Chapter - 4
Simple Addition and Subtraction
Write in your maths copy

English language
Do in book
Do the revision work in your rough copy
Subject English l 
Chapter 3

Social studies
Lesson - 4
Our Basic Needs.

Subject English language 
Chapter 4

Do it in your copy.

Chapter - 5
Addition with carrying
Watch the video and learn addition with carrying and complete page number 41 in your maths book

Subject  English literature 
Chapter  4
A Wonderful Gift 
Write difficult words and word Meaning in your copy.


Subject  Hindi ll

Subject  G. K.

Subject English literature 
Chapter 4
A Wonderful Gift


Do it in your book

Subject   Science

             Ln 5
       Parts of a plant. 
(Write in the science copy) 
Define the following
1.Taproot--- type of root that has one main root and many smaller roots growing from it. 
2. Fibrous root-- the type of root in which a number of roots arise from the base of the stem. 
3.Leaf blade-- the broad part of the leaf. 
4.Midrib--- the central line running from the base to the tip of the leaf. 
5.Photosynthesis --- the process by which leaves prepare food for the plant using water, air and sunlight.
Short answer questions
Q1. Name the parts of a leaf. 
Ans- Leaf blade, veins, leaf tip, stalk, midrib
Q2. How do fruits help the plant? 
Ans-Fruits help the plant by protecting the sees inside them. 
Q3. What is a shoot? What does it bear? 
Ans- The plant of a plant above the ground is called the shoot. The shoot of a plant bears the branches, leaves, flowers and fruits. 
Q4. How does a baby plant grow? 
Ans- The baby plant grows when the seed receives enough water, air and warmth. 
Q5. How do veins help the leaf? 
Ans- Veins provide support and shape to the leaf. The midrib and the side veins carry water and food.

Long answer questions
Q1. Differentiate between taproot and fibrous root with examples. 
Ans- Difference between taproots and fibrous roots are----
A taproot is one main root that grows from the end of the stem into the soil where as a fibrous root consists of many roots growing from the end of the stem. 
Example of taproots are---- Bean and mustard plants. 
Example of fibrous roots are--- Grass and onion plant
Q2. How does the stem help the plant? 
Ans -Stem helps the plant in many ways like -
1.It bears the branches, leaves, buds, flowers & fruits. 
2. It is the main support of an upright plant. 
3.It carries water and minerals absorbed by the  roots to other parts of the plant. 
4.The stem also stores food. For example-- potato, onion, ginger etc are stem eaten by us. 
Q3. Write the functions of the root. 
Ans - The functions of the roots are -
1.Roots help fix the plant firmly in the soil. 
2.Roots absorb water and minerals from the soil. 
3. Roots of some plants also store food . For ex - carrot, beetroot, turnip etc.

Subject English language

Subject  English literature 
Chapter 4
Write it in your copy.

Social studies

Our Basic Needs
Do it in your copy:

Answer the following questions:
Ques1) What are needs? Give an example.
Ans1) The things that are essential for our existence are known as needs.An example of needs are food, shelter and clothing.

Ques2) What are wants? Give an example.
Ans2) Things which we need to live more comfortable is known as wants. An example of wants are Luxury car,AC etc.

Ques3) Differentiate between needs and wants.
Ans3) Needs: Needs
are essential for our survival.
Wants: Wants are person's own desire to live comfortably.
Ques4)Where did the early man live?
Ans4) The early man lived in caves,forest on the tree tops or tree holes.

Ques5) What was the initial clothing known to early man?
Ans5) The initial clothing known to early man was made of leaves and barks of trees.

Give reasons:

1. People started to live in small groups along river banks.
1. People started to live in small groups along with river bank due to the discovery of fire and the use of wheels, community living came into existence

2) Wants differ from person to person but needs don't.
2) Wants depend on one's desire and ambition in life.where as  needs are essential for existence

Subject- Drawing
Do page no 14 in your drawing book and colour it. 
Draw Tortoise scenery in your drawing copy with the help of video and colour it.

Chapter  - 5
Addition with carrying
Complete page number 42,43 and 44 in your maths book
Social studies
Lesson 4
Our Basic Needs
Do it in your book.


Lesson- 6  पाँच सौ चादरें

(क) मौखिक उत्तर दीजिए
१. बुद्ध के बचपन का नाम क्या था? 
उत्तर- बुद्ध के बचपन का नाम सिद्धार्थ था। 
२. महात्मा बुध को किस वृक्ष के नीचे बैठकर ज्ञान की प्राप्ति हुई थी? 
उत्तर- महात्मा बुध को बोधिवृक्ष अर्थात् पीपल के वृक्ष के नीचे बैठकर ज्ञान की प्राप्ति हुई थी। 
३. आप अपने फटे पुराने कपड़ों का क्या करते हैं? 
उत्तर- इसका उत्तर स्वयं दे। 
४. बुद्ध के पुत्र का नाम क्या था? 
उत्तर- बुद्ध के पुत्र का नाम राहुल था। 

(घ) प्रश्नों के उत्तर लिखिए-

१. आनंद कौन थे? 
उत्तर- आनंद महात्मा बुद्ध के सबसे प्रिय शिष्य थे। 

२. आनंद को दान में क्या मिला था? 
उत्तर- आनंद को दान में पाँच सौ चादरें मिली थी। 

३. सम्राट का क्या नाम था? 
उत्तर- सम्राट का नाम उदयन था। 

४. चादरों से क्या बनाया जाएगा? 
उत्तर- चादरों का भिक्षुओं के चीवर बनाने में उपयोग किया जाएगा। 

५. झाड़न किनसे बनाए जाएंगे ? 
उत्तर- पुराने पायदानो के झाड़न  बना लिए जाएंगे।

Chapter - 5
Addition with carrying
Complete page number 25,26 and 27 in your maths book

Subject English literature 
Chapter 4
Do it in your book.

Subject English literature 
Chapter 4

विजय  - हिन्दी 2
पाठ - 5 (लिंग)
पुस्तक में करें।


Subject  G.k.

Ln 5
(Do it in the book) 

Parts of a plant

Fill in the blanks(pg43) 
2.Tap root

Write true(T) or false (F) for the following statements(pg44) 

A. Fill in the blanks (pg 48) 
2.leaf blade
4.The midrib and side veins

B. Give two examples of the following(pg 48) 
1. Rose plant   ,  Hibiscus plant
2.Mint  , grass
3.Mango  , plum
4.Banana flower  , broccoli flower

Draw parts of a plant (pg 41) in the science copy and colour and label it. 

Draw taproot and fibrous root (pg 42) in the science copy and colour it

Social studies
Lesson - 5
Transport and Communication

Book exercise 
Do it in your book

M. Sc
         Ln 5
Value---- Reverence for old age compassion kindness

Tick the correct answer (pg 20) 
Answer these questions
Q1. What did Aswini and Aruna miss about their Grandpa? 
Ans... Aswini and Aruna missed about their grandpa, his stories, his smiling face and his warm hugs. 
Q2. What did they say when Grandpa gave them money for jamuns? Why? 
Ans... When Grandpa gave them
money for jamuns they said, who will come with us to buy jamuns. Mummy will not allow us to go along. They said this because they wanted their Grandpa to come out of the bed. 
Q3. What would you have done to make Grandpa feel better? 
Ans.  I spent some time with my Grandpa to make him feel better. 
Draw and colour any four gifts which you would like to give someone.

Subject: Social studies

Subject- Drawing
Do page no 15 in your drawing book and color it.

Chapter - 5
Addition with carrying
Complete page number 45,46,47 in your maths book and do this work in your maths copy



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