
(क) मौखिक उत्तर दीजिए।
१-तीन प्रमुख त्योहारों के नाम बताइए ।
उत्तर- दीपावली, ईद और क्रिसमस।
२,-सेवई विशेष रूप से किस त्यौहार से जुड़ी है?
उत्तर-सेवई ईद के त्यौहार से जुड़ी है।
३-होलिका दहन कब किया जाता है?
उत्तर-रंग वाली होली से 1 दिन पहले होलिका दहन किया जाता है
४-क्रिसमस किस के जन्म से जुड़ा हुआ त्यौहार है?
उत्तर-यीशु जी के जन्म से जुड़ा हुआ त्यौहार है।

(घ) प्रश्नों के उत्तर लिखिए
१,-दीपावली का त्यौहार क्यों मनाया जाता है?
उत्तर-अधर्म पर धर्म की जीत की खुशी में यह त्यौहार मनाया जाता है।
२-दीपावली के त्यौहार में क्या-क्या तैयारियां होती है?
उत्तर-घर की सफाई, रंग रोगन, तरह-तरह के पकवान, पटाखे और दीए जलाए जाते हैं।
३-दीपावली के त्यौहार में दुकानों पर क्या-क्या चीजें बिकती हैं?
उत्तर-लक्ष्मी-गणेश की रंग-बिरंगी मूर्तियां, दिए और पटाखे दुकान पर बिकते हैं।श
४-दीपावली के त्यौहार पर हमें क्या संकल्प लेना चाहिए?
उत्तर- कोई बुरा कार्य नहीं करने का और सच्चाई का साथ देने का संकल्प करना चाहिए।
५-दीपावली में किस किस की पूजा-अर्चना की जाती है?
उत्तर-लक्ष्मी-गणेश की पूजा अर्चना की जाती है


Subject - science 

Lesson - 2 (uses of plant)
Revision  work (do in your fair copy)

1 .Tick the correct answer  -
1 . Which flower is used to make perfumes  -
A) rose [    ]  b) lotus [     ]  c)sunflower [     ]

2) which plant is used to make medicines  -
a)neem [     ] b)banyan [      ] c)cactus [      ]

3)which type of dye do we get from plants  ?a)henna[     ] b) fruits[       ] c)neem[      ]
4 )Plants gives us -
a)food [     ] b) house [      ] c) both of these [     ]
5 ) From which part of plant do we get coffee?
a)beans [     ] b) grains [      ] c) none of these [       ]

6 )From which part of plant do we get tea?
a) leaves[     ] b)root [      ] c) stem[      ]

7)Which part of radish do we eat?
a) stem[      ] b) root [     ] c) flower [      ]

8 )From which plant of  seeds do we get oil?
a)mustard[     ] b)rose [     ] c )neem [     ]

9 )Plants make the air around us -
a)dirty[     ] b)clean[     ] c)airy [      ]

10)we get paper from the - 
a) bamboo[     ] b)mango [    ] c) cereals [     ]

11)Which type of clothes do we wear in summer?
a)woollen [     ] b)cotton[     ] c)clothes [      ]

12)Which one of the following do we not get from plants?
a)fruits [      ] b)vegetables [      ] c)leather[      ]
Lesson - 2 (uses of plant)
Revision  work (do in your fair copy)

1 .Tick the correct answer  -
1 . Which flower is used to make perfumes  -
A) rose [    ]  b) lotus [     ]  c)sunflower [     ]

2) which plant is used to make medicines  -
a)neem [     ] b)banyan [      ] c)cactus [      ]

3)which type of dye do we get from plants  ?a)henna[     ] b) fruits[       ] c)neem[      ]
4 )Plants gives us -
a)food [     ] b) house [      ] c) both of these [     ]
5 ) From which part of plant do we get coffee?
a)beans [     ] b) grains [      ] c) none of these [       ]

6 )From which part of plant do we get tea?
a) leaves[     ] b)root [      ] c) stem[      ]

7)Which part of radish do we eat?
a) stem[      ] b) root [     ] c) flower [      ]

8 )From which plant of  seeds do we get oil?
a)mustard[     ] b)rose [     ] c )neem [     ]

9 )Plants make the air around us -
a)dirty[     ] b)clean[     ] c)airy [      ]

10)we get paper from the - 
a) bamboo[     ] b)mango [    ] c) cereals [     ]

11)Which type of clothes do we wear in summer?
a)woollen [     ] b)cotton[     ] c)clothes [      ]

12)Which one of the following do we not get from plants?
a)fruits [      ] b)vegetables [      ] c)leather[      ]

 Number stories
* Do page 38 and 38 in the book.

Checking Subtraction with Addition---
A fruit seller had 46 oranges. He sold 21 oranges. How many oranges are left?
*To find out the number of oranges left, we subtract 21 from  46 oranges. 
    T.   O
-- 4.    6
    2.    1
    2.     5
*25 oranges are left.
To check if this answer is   correct,we add the answer to the smaller number .
IF we. get the  bigger number, then the 
answer is  correct .
Like-- 46_ 21=25
Now we add  21+25=46
On adding 21 and25 , we got 46. So , the answer (25) is  correct. 
(Do page no 41 and 42 in the book. )

Lesson 4
All the exercises do in book and question- answers in copy.
Do you  know them?

P.g. No.16

Answer the following questions in one word.

Q.1 Who is the caption of Indian cricket team?

Ans. Virat Kohli

Q.2 Who is lata mangeshkar?

Ans. A Singer

Q.3 Who is Birju Maharaj?

Ans. A Kathak Dancer

Q.4 Who is Vidya Balan?

Ans. A flim actor.

Q.5 Who is sumit nagal?

Ans. A tennis player.

Q.6 Who is Ravi Shankar?

Ans. A famous sitar player.

Q.7 Who is Ruskin bond?

Ans. A famous writer.

Q.8  who is M.F.Husain?

Ans. A painter.

       I love my india 
      Page no.18

Q.1 Name the largest library in india.

Ans.The national library.

Q.2 In which state the National library is situated.?

Ans. Kolkata

Q.3 Which country has the largest number of post offices?

Ans. India    

Q.4 Which is the Indian longest river?

Ans. River Ganga

Q.5 Which of the seven wonders of the world is located in agra?

Ans.Taj mahal

Q.6 What is the capital of india?

Ans. New Delhi

Q.7 How many states are  there in india?

Ans 29

Holy holidays (pg. no.18)

Match the following

Vaishno devi ------------- Jammu & Kashimir

Ajmer sharif --------------Rajasthan

Tirupati tample ----------Andhra Pradesh

Haridwar --------------- Uttrakhand

Golden Tample ---------- Punjab

Bodh gaya --------Bihar

St. Francis Church --------Kerala

Meenakshi Temple -----Tamil Nadu

Sports Day

Answer the following

Q.1 Which game is used to play on the horse back?


Q.2 Which game is played with bow and arrow?


Q.3 In Which game we use to play with big ball and net in front?

Ans. Volly ball.

Lesson 5
Our special friends

Q.1 How we should treat with special children?
Ans. *Be friends with them.
*Play with them.
Q.2 how we should not treat with special children?
Ans.* Avoid them
*Make fun of them

Lesson 6
Brave Amit
Q.1 what an honest person will not do?
Ans i) He never cheat 
ii) He never tell a lie 
iii) He never steal
Q.2 Write the moral thought of this chapter..

Question related to covid-19

Q.1 Which of the following is a symptoms of covid-19?
Ans.1 loss of weight
2. Fever
3. Rashes and itching

Q.2 What we should do frequently to keep us safe from covid-19
1. Hand wash
2. Hand shake
3. Celebrations

Q.3 who are more effected from covid 19
Ans 1)older people
2) infants
3) young
Q.4 covid19 caused by a newly discovered...
Ans. 1) bacteria
2) fungi
3) virus

 Maths work.
 Chapter-3 Numbers Up to 1000.You are requested to watch the video and do the exercises in your Maths textbooks.


1)Draw and colour (Brinjal, Pumpkin)and National Flag in your drawing copy.
2) Colour page no5,6and page no7,8 in your Drawing Book.
             Craft Work
1) Make the paper Rabbit with the help of the video provided.
2) Make a pen holder using waste material available at your home.

Video 👇

English language
Worksheet 5

English literature 
chapter 3 The lost Laugh

Exercise B Answer these questions
Ans 1 Hyena was sad because he had lost his laugh.
Ans 3 Monkey found Hyena's laugh by tickling him and making him happy.
Ans 4 Hyena can be sure that he will not lose his laugh again as he came to know that his laugh was only inside him all the time.


                SOCIAL STUDIES
(Note:- Do in revision copy)
Tick[ √] the correct option:-
1 . In a ------- family, children live with either father or mother. 
A) single parent[    ]  b) small [     ]  c)joint [     ]

2) Ria and Rohan are twins. They may be called
a)brothers [     ] b)sister[      ] c)siblings [      ]

3-Common family name is
a)surname[     ] b) family[       ] c)none of these[      ]
4 )Fathers brother is 
a)brother[     ] b) uncle [      ] c) both of these [     ]
5 ) Unscramble the word" RUNASME"
a)RESUME[     ] b) SURNAME [      ] c) none of these [       ]

6 -Uncle's wife is -
a) sister[     ] b)Mother [      ] c) Aunt[      ]

7)A group of people related to each other is ---
a) Family[      ] b) surname[     ] c) sibling [      ]

8 )My ------------ brother is my maternal uncle. 
a)Father's [     ] b)Mother's [     ] c )sister's [     ]

9)In which family do grandparents, uncle, aunts and parents live together? 
a)Big[     ] b)Small[     ] c)Joint [      ]

10)Mother's sister is -------
a) Grandmother [     ] b Cousin [    ] c) Aunt [     ]
Subject -ENGLISH -l

Do this in your class work copy .
Difficult words.
Word Meaning:-
1.Park-keeper =someone who takes care of the park.
2.Team=a group of people who always work together.
3.Weekend=Saturday and Sunday.
4.Litter=pieces of wastepaper ; bottles and so on lying on the ground.
5.Rubbish=things that people do not want and throw away.
6.Nodded=moved the head up and down to say  'yes' .
7.Weeded=removed the plants that were not wanted .
8.Flower-beds=long , neat rows of plants with flowers.
9.Trimmed=cut the top part .
10.Scrubbed=rubbed something hard to clear it.
11.Fixed=made something that is broken work again .
12.Put up=show something so that everyone can see it.
13.Notices=words or pictures on a picture on a    piece of paper or cardboards that tell you something important.
14.Snacks=food like biscuits, fruits , and so on, that you eat between breakfast, lunch and dinner.


Hindi 2
प्रश्नों के उत्तर दो-
1) सर्वनाम किसे कहते है?
उ० संज्ञा शब्दों के स्थान पर जिन  शब्दों का प्रयोग किया जाता है उन्हें सर्वनाम कहते है
2) सर्वनाम के कितने भेद होते हैं।
प्रत्येक के नाम लिखिए।
उ० सर्वनाम के छः भेद होते है:-
1) पुरुषवाचक सर्वनाम
निश्चयवाचक सर्वनाम
अनिश्चयवाचक सर्वनाम
प्रश्नवाचक सर्वनाम 
संबंधवाचक सर्वनाम
निजवाचक सर्वनाम
3. संबंध वाचक सर्वनाम किसके लिए प्रयोग किए जाते हैं?
उ० संबंध वाचक सर्वनाम संबंध बताने के लिए प्रयोग किए जाते है
जैसे:-उसका, जिसका, जो, सो,। आदि।

Hindi 2
पर्यायवाची शब्द
पाठ में दिए गए सभी पर्यायवाची शब्दों को अपनी कॉपी में सुंदर अक्षरों में लिखें और याद करे
Pg no.43&44 (1 से 21 तक )
H.W 45 & 46 in your homework

Numbers  UP To 1000.
Fill in the  blanks.
1- Write  the  successor  number of 286------287-- - 
2-10 hundreds =----1--thousand.
3-- What comes between  420----421---422
4- Count  and  write the numbers. 🍇🍇🍇🍇🍇🍇🍇🍇🍇🍇
5- What comes after?
6--The expanded form of--- 627----600+20+7-------.
7--The place value of 0(zero) is always------0---.
8----Even----- number
 are those that form pairs. 
9---Descending------- order  numbers arranged from the biggest to smallest.
Revision work of science 

Lesson  - 3 (domestic animal)
(Do this work in your copy)
Tick the correct answer  -
1 .which animal gives us milk ?
a.cow[     ] b .elephant [       ]  c.parrot [      ]
2.In which dish your mother uses egg?
a.chapati [       ] b.cake [       ] c.cheese [       ]
3.From which animal do we get honey?
a.honeybees [       ] b.goat [      ] c.cow [       ]

4.Which thing is made from milk?
a.curd [     ] b .fruits [       ] c .vegetables [       ]
5.which type of clothes do we wear in summer?
a.cotton [      ] b .woollen [     ] [     n]
6.which type of animals do we keep at home?
domestic animals  [      ] b .wild animals [     ] c .both of these [       ]
7 .which animal carry load for us ?
a.donkey [       ] b .cow [      ] c .dog [      ]
8 .which thing is made by leather?
a. Shoes [      ] b .shawls [     ] c .sarees [      ]
9 .which type of clothes made by silkworm?
a. Silk [      ] b .shirts [     ] c .wool [     ]
10.who guards our house ?
a. a dog [       ] b.a fish [      ] c .a cat [       ]
11. From which animal do we get wool?
a.sheep [      ] b .goat [       ] c .camel [      ]
12.who keeps mice away from home?
a.a cat [        ] b .a dog [      ] c .a goat [      ]




Know yourself more
Give answer in one word
Q.1 I see with my
Q.2 I wear shoes in my
Ans. legs
Q.3 I taste with my
Q.4 I feel with my
Ans. skin
Q.5 I hear with my
Ans. ears
Q.6 I work with my
Ans. hands

Genral questions 
Q.1 Tree help people to stay____.
Ans Healthy
Q.2 to whom we can help by not burning dry leaves
Ans. Air
Q.3 Where we should study in silence
Ans. Library
Q.4 To whom we can help by switching off the lights when not in use
Ans. Electricity
Q.5 To whom we can help by storing rain water
Ans. Water
Q.6 To whom we can help by not burning plastic
Ans. Air 
Q.7 To whom we can help by not cutting of the branches
Ans. Trees
Q.8 To whom we can help by turning off tapes  after use
Ans. Water
Q.9 Where we should go to play
Ans. Park
1)Draw and Colour Fish in your Drawing Copy .
2)Do page no 9,10and 11,12 in your drawing book and Colour it.

Do page no 7,8,9and 10,11,12 in your Craft book.
        Craft work👉

M. Sc-

1-How do you protect yourself from covid-19?

Ans:-1-Wear a face cover
2-Wash your hands
3-Keep a safe distance

2-What is the major symptom of Covid-19?

Ans-Most common symptoms:
:-Dry cough

English literature
Chapter 5 Nani walks to the Park
Write it in your copy
Difficult words

Word meaning
Nani_ grandmother
Treasures__beautiful and valuable things
Ahead__in front of
Mischief__naughty behaviour

Answer these questions
Ans 1) No, it's not only because she walks slowly Nani takes time to get there because she takes a longer path to get there.
Ans 2) It doesn't sum like Nani is first time here because the cats and dogs know Nani's voice when she calls them.
Ans3) Nani calls the lane with the bookshops ' The lane of Dream because just like dreams books take us to different worlds through stories.
Ans 4) Yes, Vikas had a good time on the walk because he enjoyed all the lanes and asked if he could come with her next week too.

Subject - English l

Write the poem "The Raindrops" page- 42 in your class work copy and decorate it.
Do this exercise of page -43 in your book only.


CLASS -2                 SOCIAL STUDIES
LESSON -2 ,3 and 4
(Note:- Do in revision copy)
Tick[ √] the correct option:-
1 . Which is not energy giving food?
A) rice    ]  b)sugar  ]  c)milk [     ]

2) which food do we eat raw? 
a) tomato [     ] b)pulses[      ] c)potato [      ]

3- which food does a vegetarian not eat? 
a)rice[     ] b) curd[       ] c meat[      ]
4 )    which of these do we take at night?
a)lunch[     ] b) Dinner [      ] c) both of these [     ]
5 ) which of the food item and flavor and color to our food?
a)Garlic [     ] b) Sugar [      ] c)Spinach [       ]

6 -We should drink at least -------- glasses of water everyday. 
a) 1-2 [     ] b 0-3 [      ] c) 6-8 [      ]

7-Body building food is-
a)Rice[      ] b) eggs[     ] c) fruits [      ]

8 )People use -------- to draw out groundwater. 
a)jug [     ] b)well  [     ] c ) Matka [     ]

9)  Earthen pot is made up of -----------
a)wax  [     ] b)Mud Clay[     ] c)plastic[      ]

10- Tick odd one 
a) jug [     ] b pond [    ] c) river [     ]

11 . Which is not made of animal skin?
A) Belt  ]  b)Sweater  ]  c)shoes[     ]

12) when do we wear cotton clothes? 
a) winter[     ] b)summer[      ] c)rainy season [      ]

13-We get silk from the -
a)Silkworm [     ] b) Bee[       ] c Bird[      ]
14 )   The food that protects us from diseases is called-
a)Body building food[     ] b) Protective food[      ] c) both of these [     ]
15 ) We must ---------our food properly. 
a)throw [     ] b) chew [      ] c)none of these[       ]

16. Protective food is-
A)sugar[  ]  b)Pulses [  ]  c)Spinach[     ]

17) Which is not a winter cloth
a) Shirt[     ] b) Shawl[      ] c)Muffler[      ]

18-A non-vegetarian  eats-
a)fruit [     ] b) Meat [       ] c vegetable [      ]
19 )   Always drink plenty of -------
a)Cold drink [     ] b) Tea[      ] c) Water [     ]
20) Brunch is a meal that we take between 
a)Dinner and lunch[     ] b) Breakfast and lunch[      ] c)none of these[       ]
(क) मौखिक उत्तर दीजिए।
१: 2 देशों के नाम बताइए जहां साल भर गर्मी पड़ती है।?
उत्तर- १)सऊदी अरेबिया २) मलेशिया
२ भारत में सबसे अधिक वर्षा वाला स्थान कौन सा है।?
उत्तर: चेरापूंजी।
३: गर्मी के बाद कौन सी ऋतु आती है?
उत्तर: बसंत ऋतु वसंत।
४: क्रिसमस का त्यौहार किस ऋतु में मनाया जाता है?
उत्तर: जाड़े में।
( घ) प्रश्नों के उत्तर लिखिए।
प्रश्न.1. तालाबों और कुओं में पानी किस ऋतु में कम हो जाता है?
उत्तर: गर्मी की ऋतु में तालाबों और कुओं में पानी कम हो जाता है।
प्रश्न.2. खेती के लिए कौन सी ऋतु सबसे अच्छी होती है?
 उत्तर. खेती के लिए वर्षा ऋतु सबसे अच्छी होती है।
 प्रश्न.3.पुराने समय में रास्ते क्यों बंद हो जाते थे?
  उत्तर पुराने समय में वर्षा ऋतु में रास्ते बंद हो जाते थे।
  प्रश्न 4. जाड़े की ऋतु किसके लिए कष्टदायक होती है?
  उत्तर पशु पक्षियों तथा गरीब लोगों को अधिक कष्ट होता है।
  प्रश्न 5. मुख्य रूप से किन महीनों में अधिक वर्षा होती है?
 उत्तर जुलाई और अगस्त के महीने में अधिक वर्षा होती है।

Lesson 1,4,5and 6
सही उत्तर के सामने [√] का चिन्ह लगाइए
1. विचारों के आदान प्रदान को___कहते हैं।
2. भाषा कितने प्रकार की होती हैं।
●दो ●तीन ●चार
3. हमारी राष्ट्रभाषा हैं-
●गुजराती●चीनी ●हिंदी
4. किसी वस्तु स्थान प्राणी अथवा भाव के नाम को कहते हैं-
5. बचपन शब्द किस संज्ञा भेद के अंतर्गत आता है?
6. संज्ञा शब्दों से किसके कारण परिवर्तन होता है
7. जिन संज्ञा शब्दों से स्त्री जाति का बोध हो उसे कहते है
●पुंलिंग●स्त्रीलिंग●इनमे से कोई नही।
8. गेंद शब्द का बहुवचन होगा
9. एकवचन में कितनी संख्या का बोध होता है
10. वचन कितने प्रकार के होते हैं?
●दो ●तीन ●चार
11. अपने से बड़े के लिए सर्वनाम शब्द प्रयोग किया जाता है....
●तुम ●आप●हम
12.सर्वनाम में कितने भेद हैं?
13.संबंधवाचक सर्वनाम का उदाहरण है....

Addition of bigger numbers. 
Adding 2-Digit  Numbers 
1H.   1T.    O.
        3     5
+      8      7
    1     2      2
1H.     1  T.   O
            6.       2
 +          5.      9
    1         2        1
H.    1 T.      O 
          8.      3
+         3.    9 
    1         2        2
 Adding two3-digit numbers. 
 H.    T    O  
3.      5.   6
3        2.   1  
6.        7    7
H.      T    .O
7.       3.     6
1.        2.     2
8           5       8
H.      T.       O.
6.       0.        6
2         0.        3
8.          0.        9
 Adding 3-digit numbers with regrouping. 
H  1  T     O
3.    6     8
+     2      9
 3      9       7

1H.    1  T.      O
4.        7     8
1         9     8
   6       7        6 

1H.   1  T.       O
4.      5.      8
3.      8.     .9
8         4.      7   
Note--Students will do these exercises in the  classwork copy.

Subject  - science ( Revision)
Lesson - wild animals
Tick the correct answer   :-
1 .which animal is a big wild animal?
.a. elephant (     )  b. dog (    ) (     )
2 .which animal lives in holes?
a.rat (     ) (     ) cow (    )    

3.where is monkey lives?
a.on the tree(    ) the water (     ) home (    )

4 .A den is the home of  -
a. Lion (     ) b. Cow(    ) c. Goat (     )

5 .wild animals live in  - (    ) b. Jungles (    ) c.tree(    )

6.which animal makes a web?
a.spider (    ) b.snake (    ) c.rat (    )

7.some animals eat only grass,leaves and fruits.They are called - 
a. Plant eating animals(    )
b.flesh eating animals (    )
c.water animals (     )

8.which animal eats both plants and animals?
a.cockroach (    ) b.monkey (   ) c .deer(    )

9 .which animal eats the flesh of dead animals?
a. Goat (    ) b.crow(    ) c .vulture (    )

10.The endangered animals are becoming  -
a.less in number(      )
b.huge in number (     )
c.only one or two in number(    

11.snake lives in a hole made by  - 
a .itself(    ) b .frog (    ) c.other animals (     )

12.which animal lives both on land and in water ?
a.monkey (     ) b.crocodile(   )    (     )
Q.1 The national library is the largest libaray in India which is situated in.
Ans. Kolkata
Q.2 Which is the longest river in india
Ans. Ganga River
Q.3 It is one of the seven wonders of the world
Ans. Taj mahal
Q.4 How many states are there
Ans. 29
Q.5 Name the flower which has thoru on its stem
Ans. Rose
Q6This flower always focus the sun
Ans. Sunflower

Subject -ENGLISH ll

Note - Portion completed.
          Revision work.
Do this in your rough copy.
1.Pick out uncountable noun.
a) sugar.    b) bottle.  c) mango.
2.(Change the singular to Plural form). Window____.
a)wind. b) windowes.c) windows.
3.A____nouns are the special names of a persons, places animals or things.
a) proper.   b) abjective. c) common.
4.The Ganga is a sacred river.(pick out proper noun)
a)Ganga.  b) scared . c)river.
5.Choose the noun which is in Singular form.
a)tables.  b) tomato.c) glasses.
6.A___nouns are the names given in common to all persons, places, animals or things.
a)collective.   b) common. c)proper.
7.Complete the line with the phrases. A doctor always____.
a)at a hospital.
b)wears a white coat.
c)treat sick people.
8.Put a, an , the in the given blank)____orange.
a) the.   b)a.   c)an.   
9.The  opposite word of "fast".
a)slow.   b)top.   c)hot.
10.The train will reach Pune tomorrow (pick out the common noun)
a)Pune.   b)reach.  c)train.
11.Write opposite word
Of "clean".
a)dirty.    b)thin.    c)sad.
12.Choose the countable noun.
a)juice.  b)ball.   c)oil.
13.We saw ____in Agra(choose the suitable pronoun).
a)their.    b)they.    c)them.
14.Write the suitable Article of the word- "____fish.
a)A    b) The.  c)An.
15.Tick the correct pronouns.___clean our rooms every Sunday.
a) She.  b)He.  c)We.
16.The Sun is____.(Fill the blank with suitable adjective).
a) bright.  b)soft.   c)kind.
17.This painting is beautiful (Pick out the adjective)
a) painting.   b) beautiful.  c)this.
18.The Snake hid inside a____.(Tick the correct word to complete the sentences).
a)hole.  b) whole.   c)bowl.
19.How many vowels are there in English?
a)four.   b)five.  c)three.
20.(Underlined word is of which noun) l saw _Salma__ at the mall.
a) collective noun.
b) common noun.
c)proper noun 
             Answer key 
          7.wear a white coat.
                 20.Proper noun.

Subject- English l

Note- Portion completed.
           Revision work.
Do this in your rough copy.
I.Rahul is sleeping.  Don't
disturb_____.(choose the correct word to complete the sentence.)
a)he.  b)him.  c)it.
2."I'LL bring you a bug or two".  (Who said  this word.)
a) Grandpa. b)Ammi.  c) Amir.
3.Tick the suitable rhyme for"sing".
a)night.   b)wing. .c) heard.
4.Choose the correct meaning of the word."scared".
a)a soft part.  b) small insects. c) afraid.
5.Write the opposite of the word"large".
a) small.  b)near.  c)short.
6.What colour are the Cuckoo's wings?
a) yellow.   b)white.  c) black.
7.Find the meaning of 'mischief'.
a)bored.  b) naughty.  c) hanging.
8.Choose the correct meaning of the word "trimmed".
a)a group.   b)cut the top part.  c) quicker.
9.When does the Cuckoo sing?
a)at day.   b)at afternoon.   c)at night.
1O.Who said this line.  "Please help me find my laugh , Hippo".
a) Hyena.  b) Elephant. c) Giraffe.
11.Who said this line" People should throw rubbish only in the bins".
a)Amir.  b)Nani.  c)Partho.
12 . A clock____.(choose the suitable sound for this thing)
a)tick -tock.  b) ding-dong.  c)jingle-jangle.
13.(Complete the line)
The Cuckoo on our___.
a)mango tree.   b)Champak  tree.   c)Neem tree.
14.Find the meaning of". a head ".
a) making a noise.
b)roll out.   c) in front of .
15.The speaker cannot walk ,_____or go out.
(Complete the poem in a few words)
a)sing.  b) dance.  c) play.
16.Choose the countable  noun.
a)salt.   b)eggs.   c) milk.
17.Why is Shanu puzzled?
a) because she doesn't know if she is too big or too small.
b) because Ammi can't lift her up anymore.
c) because she can't walk to school alone.
18.(Complete this sentences)
___ to walk to school alone.
a)too big.   b)too old.  c)too small.
19.Who said this word" Let's go, we are almost at the park now".
a)Vikas.   b)Nani   c)Abbu .
20.Monkey picked up a feather and___.
(Complete the sentences)
a)a big teeth.
b)used to laugh.
c)began to tickle,Hyena all over.
         Answer key.
         8.cut the top part. night.
          12.tick- tock.
           13.Champak tree.
  front of.
            17.because she doesn't know if she is too big or too small.
            18.too small.
             20.began to tickle, Hyena all over.
Subject _ English l

Revision work
Do this in your rough copy
Answer in one word
1. What is the meaning of puzzled?
2. What is the meaning of perfect?
3. What is the meaning of Ammi?
4. What is the meaning of closely?
5. What is the meaning of disappeared?
6. Poem'Have you seen the cuckoo bird? is composed by whom?
7. What is the opposite of clean?
8.what is the plural form of school?
9. Partho is __.
10. The luggage is__ for me to carry.
11. The pests in the Grandpa Farouk's garden were__.
12. Hyena had lost his _.
13. Hyena's laugh was __all the time.
14. Asif is __ to fit into this shirt.
15. The food at the restaurant is___.

Answer key

2. The best
3 mother
4 carefully
5 vanished
6 swapna Dutta
7 dirty
8 schools
9 a park keeper
10 light enough
11 eating the ladybirds in the garden
12 laugh
13 inside him
14 old enough
15 delicious

Subject  English language
Revision work
Fill in the blanks
1. India is _ country.
2. I met my __ neighborhood yesterday.
3. After his illness, he felt very__.
4. _ am walking to school.
5. Do _ want some tea?
6. Change into plural boat
7. Change into plural bunch
8 write the opposite word of happy.
9  The teacher asked___ to sing.
10 Arav begins reading___ book.
11 The toy belongs to___.
12 Did they speak to___ yesterday?
13 They went to Bengaluru by train.( Pick out the common noun)
14 My birthday is in July.( Pick out the proper noun)
15 The sun is__.

Answer key
1 our
2 new
3 weak
4 l
5 you
7 bunches
8 sad
9 me
10 a
11 him
12 you
13 train
14 July
15 round

CLASS -2                 SOCIAL STUDIES
LESSON -5 , 6 and 8
(Note:- Do in revision copy)
Tick[ √] the correct option:-
1 . A portable house is:-
A) Tent [  ]  b)Hut  [  ]  c)Igloo [     ]

2) House on a boat :-
a) Hut [     ] b)Tent [      ] c)Houseboat [      ]

3-Single storey house has --------- floor. 
a)Three[     ] b) Two[       ] c One [      ]
4 ) People living in igloos are called -
a)Inuits[     ] b) House [      ] c) both of these [     ]
5 ) A ------- paints the walls, doors etc. 
a)Mason [     ] b) painter[      ] c)plumber [       ]

6-In which room do we find a chimney? 
a) Hall [     ] b kitchen [      ] c)  Bedroom [      ]

7-When do we celebrate Teachers day?
a)5 September [      ] b) 8 September [     ] c) 14 August [      ]

8 )-------- school includes classes 6- 8 .
a)Pre primary[     ] b Middle [     ] c ) primary [     ]

9)  On November 14 , we celebrate  --------- day
a)Mother's  [     ] b)Teacher's [     ] c)Children's [      ]

10- --------was the founder of Islam. 
a) Prophet Muhammad [     ] b Guru Nanak Dev[    ] c) None of these[     ]

11 . ------------ go to a church to pray. 
A) Hindus ]  b)Muslims  ]  c)Christians[     ]

12) Where is the Golden Temple? 
a) Jalandhar[     ] b)Amritsar [      ] c) Chandigarh [      ]

13-Which is the holy book of Muslims? 
a)Gita [     ] b) Quran [       ] c Bible [      ]
14 )  Whose holy book is the Bible? 
a)Hindus [     ] b) Muslims [      ] c)Christians[     ]
15 )We celebrate  Christmas on December ------- .
a)25.     [     ] b) 5     [      ] c) 31  [       ]

16. Fire temple is a place of worship for -------- .
A)Parsis [  ]  b) Muslims [  ]  c)None of these [     ]

17-A --------- fits the water pipes,  sinks and taps. 
a) Plumber [     ] b) Painter [      ] c)Mason[      ]

18-A carpenter  makes the things of ------
a)Wood  [     ] b) clothes [       ] c plastic [      ]
19 ) Igloos are houses made of --------
a)wood [     ] b) snow [      ] c) Water [     ]
20) Pre-school includes play school and ------------------. 
a)Kindergarten [     ] b)  kitchen [      ] c)none of these[       ]
       Hindi - l  (literature)         
Revision work will be done in revision copy.
सही विकल्प के आगे (√) का चिन्ह लगाइये |
 प्र 1 हम सपना कब देखते हैं?
 १ सवेरे २ रात में ३दिन में
 प्रश्न 2.जगना का विपरीत अर्थ क्या है?
 1 खाना 2 पीना 3 सोना
 प्रश्न 3. जींस लाने का अर्थ क्या होता है?
 1चिढ़ाना 2 रोना 3 चिल्लाना
 प्रश्न 4. मनुष्य का स्वभाव किस प्रकार का होना चाहिए?
 1जटिल और क्रोध 2 सरल और शांत 3 कठिन और जटिल
 प्रश्न 5. किसकी सदैव विजय होती है?
 1 सत्य 2 झूठ 3 हिंसा
 प्रश्न 6 यंत्र का अर्थ क्या होता है?
 1 समान 2 वस्तु 3 मशीन
 प्रश्न 7 बच्चे किस तरह हर कार्य कर सकते हैं?
 1मिलकर 2 अलग-अलग 3 दूर-दूर होकर
 प्रश्न 8 आपस में .............. करें?
 1 क्रोध 2 प्रेम 3 हिंसा
 प्रश्नों 9 बड़े-बड़े महल कैसे बनते हैं?
1 ईटों से 2 घास से 3 फूलों से
प्रश्न 10 ठोकना का अर्थ क्या होता है?
1 क्रोध करना 2 चिड़ना 3 शाबाशी देना
प्रश्न 11 झूठ शब्द का विलोम क्या होता है?
1 क्रोध 2 लड़ना 3 सत्य
प्रश्न 12 अध्यापक ने बच्चों को क्या काम दिया था?
1 गणित 2 हिंदी 3 अंग्रेजी
प्रश्न 13 प्रकाश का अर्थ क्या होता है?
1 रोशनी 2 अंधेरा 3 काला
प्रश्न 14 क्रिसमस किस के जन्म से जुड़ा हुआ त्यौहार है?
1 राम जी 2 बौद्ध जी 3 यीशु जी
 प्रश्न 15 दीपावली के त्यौहार पर हमें क्या संकल्प लेना चाहिए?
 1 बुरा कार्य करने और सच्चाई का साथ नहीं देने की 2 बुरा कार्य नहीं करने और सच्चाई का साथ देने की 3 कोई कार्य नहीं करने करेंगे और हिंसा करेंगे
 प्रश्न 16 ऋतु का अर्थ क्या होता है?
 1बारिश 2 धूप 3 मौसम

Hindi - ll
Revision work ( do it in revision copy ) 
सही विकल्प के आगे (√) का चिन्ह लगाइये |
1) वर्णों के योग से बनते हैं-
2) शब्दों के सही मेल से__ का निर्माण होता है।
3) समान अर्थ का बोध कराने वाले शब्द कहलाते हैं।
●विलोम शब्द●पर्यायवाची शब्द●मुहावरे
4) 'अनेक' शब्द का पर्यायवाची है-
5) 'करीब' शब्द का पर्यायवाची है-
6) 'शिक्षक' शब्द का पर्यायवाची है-
7) संज्ञा शब्दों के स्थान पर प्रयोग होने वाले शब्द कहलाते हैं।

Maths (copy work)
Subtraction of big numbers.

Subtracting two digit number from three digit number without Regrouping:-
1-    9   6   5
     -       3  4

2-    7   8    6
      -     5    3
3-     3   8    5
       -     4    2

4-     8    6    9
      -       5    7

5-      6    8    9
         -     6    7

Subtracting 3 digit numbers:

1-   8   5    4
   -  3   6    6
2 -   7    3     1
     - 2    7     7

3-    9    1    3
   -   5    8    9

4-     5    7     6
    -   2    9     8

5-      9     3     2
      -  4     6     7


1- There are 440 books kept in the cupboard. Three hundred and sixteen books are taken by the students to study. How many books are left ?

2- There are are 542 tables and chairs in all the section of the class. Section a has 48 chairs. How many how many chairs and tables are there in the other sections ?

3- There are 483 goats inside the room . 196 goats went to eat the grass. How many goats remain inside the room ?

4-There  are 600 mangoes in a bucket. 117 word taken out from the bucket. How many mangoes are left in the bucket now ?

5- the teacher has 700 crayons for all the students. 497  crayons has been used in the drawing class. How many Christians are left with the teacher ?

Students will do all these exercises in fair copy that means in your maths copy .


Revision work 
Tick the correct option:-

1. I mend shoes.  
Potter Carpenter Cobbler 
2. I Design building.
Architect    Scientist Teacher 
3. I write for a Newspaper. 
Journalist    Doctor Curator  
4. I cook food in a Restaurant . 
Banker  Waiter Chef 
5. I fly Aeroplane. 
Fisherman  Pilot Nurse 

6. I make and sell Spectacle 
Optician Grocer Historia 
7. Who is the caption of India cricket team.   
Virat Kohli M.S. Dhoni Sachin Tendulkar 
8. A famous singer of India. 
Vidya Balan Lata Mangeshkar Sumita Willian 
9. A famous painter of our country.    
M-F Husain Ruskin bond Ravi Shankar 
10.   A famous Kathak dancer of India. 
Ravi Shankar  Birju Maharaj Ruskin bond 
11. Where is the largest library in India.  
Mumbai  Delhi Kolkata
12. Which country has the largest number of post offices in the world? 
America India Pakistan 
13. The longest river in India 
Ganga Yamuna Godawari 
14. Capital of India
Mumbai Delhi Kolkata
15. Number of States In India 
25 26 29
16. One of the seven wonder of the world 
Taj Mahal Lal Qila India Gate 
17. Vaishno Devi is in ……………….
Jammu & Kashmir Uttarakhand Rajasthan
18. Haridwar is in ………..
Uttarakhand Kerala Tamil Nadu 
19. Golden Temple is placed in 
Shimla Bihar Punjab
20. Ajmer Sharif 
Rajasthan Shimla Punjab
21. Bodh Gaya
Rajasthan Shimla Bihar
22. Mary Kom is from which state 
Bihar Manipur None of these 
23. Who won a Bronze Medal in wrestling at the Rio 2016 ? 
Sushil Kumar Sakshi Malik P.T.  Usha 
24. In which sports has India won eight gold medals at the Olympics ? 
Hockey Cricket Tennis 
25. Indoor Game 
Badminton Tennis Carrom 
26. Outdoor Game 
Football Carrom Chess 
27. This is more important to me 
My toys My family Nothing 
28. I respect my ………………..
Elders Friends Toys  
29. I always ………………this things 
Share Eat alone Fight with all 
30. I always try to - 
Frown Smile Cry 
31. The game of ……………. Is played on horse back 
Polo Snooker Volley Ball 
32. The game of …………….is played by big ball 
Polo Cricket Volley Ball
33. Tree helps people to stay 
Unhealthy Healthy Nothing 
34. To whom we can help by not burning dry leaves 
Water Air Trees 
35. Where we should study in silence 
Garden Library Park 
36. To whom we can help by switching off the lights when not in use. 
Trees Electricity Water 
37. To whom we can help by storing rainwater. 
Water Trees Air 
38. To whom we can help by not burning plastic-  
Air Trees Electricity 
39. To whom we can help by not cutting off branches - 
Trees Electricity Water 
40. To whom we can help by turning off taps after use - 
Water Air Trees  
41. Where we should go to play 
Mall Park Library

Computer  Revision 
Write answer in one word:-

1-How many buttons a mouse have?
2-  which Mouse uses an LED Lite for the movement of the mouse pointer?
3- Quickly pressing the left mouse button twice is called?
4- Where we can see the computer icons?
5- Pressing the left mouse button is called?
6- Which action moves an item from one place to another on a monitor?
7- How can you move the page up and down?
8- Which computer have an inbuilt Mouse?
9- Who invented the first touch pad in 1988?
10- Which Mouse action opens a list of commands?

Answer key of Revision sheet
1- Two
2- Optical mouse 
3- Double click
4- Desktop
5- clicking 
6- Drag- and- drop
7- By scrolling 
8- Laptop
9- George E. Gerpheide
10- Right click


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