

Answer of Exercise-5C are –

Q1: 269, Q2:  44348 , Q5: 13869, Q10: 741150 ,Q11: 230575.

Watch the video sent.

                                        Lesson – Subtraction

For practice solve questions explained in video and examples  given on page no. 33 of your book in rough copy. Once the concepts are clear, Do the following questions in Maths  c.w

Copy  .                              

  Exercise: 5 D

Q1: (b,c) , Q2: (a, c) , Q3: (b,c), Q4: (b,c), Q5: (b), Q6: (a).  


Subject- Science


                                     ‘ Safety  and first Aid’

Note – Write in your fair copy.

D: Long answer question.

Q3: How should you behave while giving first aid ?

A3: When someone is  hurt or  injured , keep the following in mind.

1: Do not panic or get frightened after an accident  takes place .

2: Do not crowd around the person who is injured .

3: While giving first aid be calm and make the injured person comfortable .

4: If a person is badly hurt first make him/her lie down and call a doctor.

Q4: How will you help a person who has fainted?

A4: The  following  steps   should be followed-

1: Make the person down with his/her head at a level lower than the body .This helps the blood and oxygen reach the brain.

2: Do not crowd around a person who has fainted.Let fresh air come to him/her.

3: Sprinkle cold water on his/her forehead. Call for the doctor immediately.

Q5: What first aid will you give to a person who has been bitten by an insect?

A5: The following steps should be followed .

1: Try to remove the sting gently with a pair of tweezers .

2: Wash the affected spot with soap and water.

3: Put some ice over the affected spot and pour cold water in it to reduce itiching  and  soothe  the affected area.

4: Apply calamine lotion to reduce itiching and soothe the affected area.


Prepare a first aid box using any waste box.


  Social Studies-

                                                             Chapter- 4

                                          ‘The Southern Plateau’

Note –  Do in the book

A: Tick the correct answer and write in the blanks.

 1: Deccan

2: Malwa

3: Rajmahal

4: Anamudi

5: Tamil Nadu.

C: Fill in the blanks. (Do in your book).

1: Bay of Bengal ,  Indian Ocean , Arabian sea.

2: Iron , Coal , Copper.

3: Damodar , Hoogly.

4: Sahayadris.

D: Name the following.( Do in your fair copy).

1: The three divisions of the plateau region are Malva , Chota Nagpur and Deccan Plateau.

2: The two rivers which flows westward into the Arabian sea are river Narmada and river Tapti.

3: The two hills ranges that flank the Deccan Plateau are the Western  Ghats and the Eastern Ghats.

4: The highest waterfall of India is Jog Falls and the river that forms it is river Sharavathi.

5: The passes in the Western Ghats are Pal Ghat , Thal Ghat and Bhor Ghat.

E: Answer the following question.( Do in your fair copy).

A1: A plateau or table land is an area of flat land that is higher than the land around it.

A2: The Deccan plateau lies between the Western Ghats the Eastern Ghats and the Satpura hills.

A3: Himalayan Rivers

1: The Himalayan rivers originats from the snow covered mountains.

2: These rivers are perennial in nature and receive water both from the monsoon and the melting of the snow.

Plateau Rivers

1: The plateau rivers are seasonal  rivers which depend on monsoon rains.

2: The plateau rivers from small rivers they even dry up partially or totally during summers.

A4: Doddabetta of the Nilgiris in Tamil Nadu is the second highest peak of the Western Ghats .

A5: Many rivers of the plateau region flow east ward because the plateau region slops from west to east.



Class-IV Assignment 
Subject Hindi- l
पाठ 4-'जादू है जी जादू है'
प्र1: कविता का पठन कीजिये तथा कापी में लिखिए ।
प्र2: पुस्तक मे दीये शब्द-अर्थ कापी में लिखिए ।
क: मौखिक उत्तर दिजिये।कापी में लिखें ।
उ1: ध्रुव तारा 
उ2: गोलाकार
उ3: सूरज पूरब में उगता है और पश्चिम में अस्त होता है।
उ4: पानी को गर्म करने पर भाप बनता है ।
भावार्थ लिखिए।कापी में लिखें ।
1: उसे हवा ने सहलाया।
भावार्थ-फूल को हवा ने प्यार से छुआ ।
2: सोने के रथ पर बैठा ।
भावार्थ-सूरज की किरणें रथ के समान दिख रही हैं जिस पर सूरज बैठ कर चारों दिशाओं में भ्रमण कर रहा है।
3: धरती कौन सजाता है।
भावार्थ-धरती का श्रिंगार कौन करता है कोई नही जानता ।
4: जादू है जी जादू है।
भावार्थ-प्रकृति की सुन्दरता कौन बढाता है यह किसी जादू से कम नही है।
5: भावार्थ-प्रकृति का सौंदर्य दिखाने वाला जादूगर हमारे बदले में कोई उम्मीद नहीं करता।
च:प्रश्नों के उत्तर लिखिए ।
प्र1:प्रकृति के किन दृश्यों को जादू कहा गया है और क्यों?
उ1: पौधों का उगना,फूलों का खिलना,हवा का बहना ,सूरज का उगना,बादल का बनना,पक्षियों का चहचहाना आदि प्रकृतिक दृश्यों को जादू कहा गया है क्योंकि यह कैसे होता है कोई नही जानता ।
प्र2: सूरज को सोने के समान रथ पर  बैठा हुआ क्यों कहा गया है ?
उ2: सूरज की सोने के समान किरणें फैलती जाती हैं वैसे ही सूरज भी पूरब से पश्चिम की ओर बढ़ता जाता है।
उ 3: परमात्मा ने धरती को किन किन चीज़ों से सजाया है?

उ 3: परमात्मा ने धरती को फूलों,पेड़-पौधों,नदियों,पहाड़ों आदि से सजाया है।
प्र4: इस पाठ से हमें क्या शिक्षा मिलती है?
उ4: इस पाठ से हमें यह शिक्षा मिलती है कि हमें प्रकृति से प्रेम करना चाहिए ।
H.w- वाक्य प्रयोग कीजिये (पुस्तक मे लिखें)।

हिंदी व्याकरण पाठ 5 लिंग उपरोक्त कार्य केवल पुस्तक (book )में ही करें.

          Lesson -3
         " Caves of India"
Note: Read the lesson and find out answer.(Do in your fair copy).
Fill in the blanks.
1: ____ caves are located in Jalgaon city, Maharashtra.
2: Ajanta and Ellora caves are ___ in numbers.
3: Badami caves are located in ___.
4: ____ caves are located near Bhubaneswar Odisha.
5: Elephanta caves are located near ____ on an ____.
6: Elephanta caves is famous for ___ depicting ____ in three forms.
7: ____ caves are UNESCO World Heritage site , located in Tamil Nadu.
8: ____ cave is located in the dark forest of _____.
9: Krem Liat Prah is located in the ____ in Meghalaya.
10: _____ caves located in district, Andhra  Pradesh.
             Lesson -4
" Indian Superlative"
Write in your copy.
Give the answer of the following .(do it by your self).
Q1: Name the highest dam in India?
Q2: Name the highest peak in India?
Q3:Name the longest river in India?
Q4: Write the largest dome in India.
Q5: Name the highest statue in India?
Q6: Name all weather highest altitude bridge.
 Note- Write in your fair copy.
Match the following.(Do it by your self).
1: Mysore        Lal Bagh
2: Bengaluru    Mughal 
3: New Delhi     Hanging
4: Sri Nagar       Mehtab
5: Jodhpur          Rao
6: Kolkota       Shalimar 
7: Agra        Acharya 
                 Bose Indian 
8: Mumbai   Brindavan 


                                           Lesson- 4   “Editing in word”

Note- Do in your book.

A: Tick the correct answer and fill in the blanks.

1: Shift + arrow keys are used to select---text.

2: Redo--- is the reserve action of Undo.

3: Windows --- is not a word processor.

4: Making changes in a  document is called --- editing.

5: Words marks a ---red wavy  line  under the words not found in the dictionary.

B: Write shortcut keys for the following.

1: Cut-  Ctrl+x   ,   2: Paste- Ctrl+v   ,  3: Copy- Ctrl+C  ,     4: Undo-Ctrl+z.

Click here------👉



                                    “Tine and the Faraway Mountain”

Write the word meaning in your fair copy.

1: Wondrous- Wonderful,almost magical.

2: Draw to it – Very interested in it.

3: Trudged – Walk with slow and heavy steps because she did not want to do something.

4: Poster- A person who carries luggage and other heavy loads.

5: Ban- A law that does not allow people to do something.

6: Coordinator- Someone who plans trips to the mountains.

7: Mentor – A person who helps , teaches and advises someone regularly.

8: Hypnotised – Affected her like a magic spell.

9: Accustomed- Used to.

10: Urging- Trying to persude or make someone do something.

Question and answer. (do in your fair copy).

A1: In the Mishmi hills Tine spent her time by climbing trees,running through the jungle and spending long days lying in the sun.

A2: Tine was unhappy in roing  because there was no mountains in roing . Tine could not be able to hear the wonderful call from the distant mountains she missed the sound so she wanted to return to the mountain again.

A3: Tine applied to be a porter for army expeditions in the mountains this would help her return to the mountain she missed.

A4: Tine met Dr. Meitei on one of her expeditions as a coordinator so Dr. Meitei recognised Tines talent and helped her to train as a mountain climber.

A5: Tine dreamed of climbing mount Everest so she went to the Everest base camp to get used to the harsh weather before she began climbing the mountain .

A6(a): The storm blew Tine and cherrings  tent and supplies away when they were just about to take rest in the final camp .They had to borrow a tent where they spent the night.

(b): When Tine and Cherring started climbing the mountain the next day, the wind was so strong that walking ahead became very difficult and climbing the mountain seemed to have become almost impossible for every two steps they took, they reeled back one step.

A7(a): Tine became the first woman from NothEast India to climb Mount Everest .

     Yes she deserved it .

(b): Tine was a gifted mountain climber she had not met  Dr. Meitei , however she would possibly never have received training to become skilled mountain climbing Cheering  Sherpa who accompanied her to the top of mount Everest also supported her and helped her to bravely climb to the top.


 English II

                                                Lesson- 4

                                                      “Interrogative Sentences”

           Watch the video before starting the chapter.

Do  in your book.

A: Change the following sentences into interrogative .

1: Is she an excellent  cook ?

2: Were they in complete agreement ?

3: Were they famous advocates?

4: Does he often advice her?

5:When did the bus arrive?

6: Were they suffering from fever?

7: Was he carrying a suitcase?

8: Were the soldiers fighting?

9: Was she writing legibly?

10: Do the birds fly high in the sky?

B: Tick the correct answer. (do in your book).

1: Do

2: Is

3: Is

4: Is

5: Does

6: Are

7: Are

8: Aren’t

9: Do





Moral Science 

1: Write the prayer  "OUR FATHER "  in your fair copy and decorate it.

2: Write the poem "Another Chance" in your fair copy and decorate it.

Question and answer (Do it in your fair copy).

Q1: Should one wait for some special day to make a new beginning? Give reasons for your answers.

A1: No one should wait for a new start.We need to have a strong desire to try once again with all our heart because there is always a tomorrow and the hope of starting  new.

Q2: How can we make the world a better place?

A2: We can make the world a better place by making ourself a better person by helping and forgiving each other


Learn to draw a bird sitting on a branch and shade it with crayons.Use sketchpen for outlining.

Do these exercises in your book.👇




 Subject- Hindi-I 


 "खरगोश के बच्चे"

नोट-अपनी कॉपी में लिखें।


1: मुग्ध-मोहित

2: खूबसूरत-सुन्दर

3: कायम-स्थिर

4: बाड़ा-पशुओं के रहने की 

                जगह ।

5:ठठेरा-बर्तन बनाने वाला।

6: मासूम-भोला

7: अटपटे-अजीब

8: इम्तहान-परीक्षा

लिखित प्रश्नोत्तर:-

प्र1: फत्तू कौन था?

उ1: फत्तू लेखक के घर का बरसों पुराना नौकर था।

प्र2: प्रार्थना के समय लेखक की कल्पना में क्या आता था?

उ2: स्कूल की प्रार्थना के समय भी लेखक की कल्पना मे खरगोश के बच्चों की 'कीं कीं ' की मीठी आवाज़ रहती थी।

प्र3: पिता जी लेखक को क्यों डाटते थे?

उ3: चूंकि खरगोश के बच्चों के चक्कर में लेखक की पढाई पर उसका बुरा असर ना पड़ जाये इसी चिंता से लेखक के पिता उसे डांटते थे कि कही लेखक फेल ना हो जाए ।

प्र4: पिंजरा खुला कैसे रह गया?

उ4: स्कूल जाने की जल्दी में पिंजरा अच्छी तरह से बंद नही कर सका जिससे पिंजरा खुला         

रह गया और एक कुत्ते ने मौका पाकर दो खरगोशों के प्राण ले लिये यह सुन कर लेखक फूट- फूट कर रोने लगा।

प्र:मौखिक प्रश्नों के उत्तर दीजिए।

प्र1: आपके घर में कपड़ों को कौन कुतरता है?

उ1: चूहा।

प्र2: पाँच शाकाहरी पशुओं के नाम बताइए।

उ2: पाँच शाकाहारी पशुओं के नाम निम्न हैं ।


घोड़ा ।

प्र3: आपको कौन से पशु अच्छे लगते हैं और क्यों?

उ3: उपरोक्त प्रश्न का उत्तर बच्चे स्वयं लिखें ।

प्र4: परीक्षा नज़दीक आने पर आप क्या करते हैं?

उ4: परीक्षा नज़दीक आने पर परीक्षा की तैयारी करते हैं तथा  

 मन लगा कर पढते हैं।

नोट----पुस्तक का कार्य पुस्तक में ही करें

          पाठ-6  'वचन' (Number)
नोट- कॉपी मे लिखें।
प्र1: वचन किसे कहते हैं? उदाहरण सहित लिखें?
उ1: शब्द के जिस रूप से संज्ञा या सर्वनाम के एक या अधिक (अनेक) होने का पता चलता है उसे वचन कहते हैं ।
पुस्तकें,गुरु,गुरूजन आदि।
प्र2:एकवचन से बहुवचन बनाने के दो नियमों को उदाहरण सहित लिखिए ।
उ2: एकवचन से बहुवचन बनाने के नियम इस प्रकार है।
(क): पुल्लिंग शब्दों के अंत में आये 'आ'के 'ए' में बदलकर बहुवचन बनाये जाते हैं ।
खिलौना,पौधा,चेहरा,घोंसला ।
बहुवचन-खिलौने,पौधे,चेहरे,घोंसलें ।
स्त्रीलिंग-शब्द के अंत मे आए 'आ' के बाद 'एं' जोड़ कर बहुवचन बनाये जाते हैं ।
बहुवचन-कक्षाएँ ,हवाएं,
शाखाएँ,कविताएं ।

Maths Assignment
1.Multiplication: Multiplication is the repeated addition.
2.PRODUCT: The result of multiplication is called the product.
3. Multiplication of a number and zero is equal to zero.
4.Product of 1 and number is the number itself.
Watch the video sent and do Ex-6A in book.
Note- Do in your fair copy.
I: Solve.
1: 7×9=           2: 5×6=
3: 11×4=        4:9×9=
5:6×3=           6: 13×7=
7: 15×5=         8: 8×8=
9:2×4=            10: 6×8=
11: 18×400= 
13: 10×100=
15: 201×4000=
17: 125×0=
18: 0×171=
19: 6×3×1×0=
20: 4×2×1=
Q2: Fill in the missing values.
1: (8×11)×7=(7×__)×11.
2: __×21=21.
3: 14×__=0.
4: 40×30=30×___.
5: 6+6+6=   3×___.
7: 4×2=4+___.

Subject- Science


                                                      ‘ Clothes we  wear’ 

( Do in your book.)

A: Tick the correct options and fill in the blanks.

1: Cotton

2: Winter

3:Synthetic fibres

4: Flax

5: Neem

B: Match the following .

1: Silverfish                               damage clothes

2: Synethic                                fibre  rayon

3: Natural fibre                          jute

4: Dry clean                                petrol

5: Soldier                                    uniform

(Do it in your fair copy)

Draw or paste different type of clothes , we wear in different types of seasons.

C: Short answer questions.(Do in your fair copy).

1: Name two incests that can damage clothes .

1: Sliverfish, moths.

2: What are the special clothes that people wear to work called?

2: Uniform.

3: What did early humans used to cover themselves ?

3: Animal skin , leaves and bark of trees.

4: Why should clothes be dried in the sun?

4: To keep safe from insects.

5: What are fibres?

5: Thin and long threads are called fibres.

D: Long answer questions.

1: Differentiate between natural and synthetic fibres .Give examples for each.

Natural fibres-

1: Natural fibres are obtained from plants and animals .

2: Natural fibres are- cotton, jute and flax.

3: Cotton clothes are more durable cotton clothes absorb sweat easily .They are light and keep us cool.

Synthetic fibres-

1: Synthetic fibres are made by man in factories using chemicals .

2: Synthetic  fibres are nylon, rayon and polyester.

3: Synthetic clothes are more durable than cotton clothes . They are stretchable , wrinkle-free and dry quickly. Synthetic fibres do not absorb sweat.

Q2: How should we take care of our clothes ?

A2: We must take care of our clothes in these ways –

1: Clothes should be washed  and dried regularly.

2: Clothes should be ironed to appear neat.

3: Slik and wollen clothes should be washed with mild detergent.

4: Clothes should be mended on time if they are torn.

5: Clothes of patients must always be disinfected by  washing them in an antiseptic solution.

Q3: How should  woollen clothes be stored?

A3: Woollen clothes should be exposed to sunlight  before packing them. Moth balls or dried neem leaves should we put between the folds of wollen once they are packed.

Q4: Why do we need clothes ?

A4: There are various reasons for which we need clothes .

1: To protect  us from dust .

2: To protect us from heat of the  sun .

3: To protect us from cold.

4: To protect us  from rain .

5: To protect  us  from insect bites.

Video of Science---👇


Do page 15 chapter 9 “Famous Bridges’’ in your book.

  2.write 10 current affairs in your fair copy.(do it by yourself).



Chapter 4

Editing in Word



D. Answer this questions orally.

1. How does word mark spelling errors?

Ans: Red wavy line.

2. How do you insert a Blank Page?

Ans: Blank page option from Page group of Insert tab.

3. Which option is used to find synonyms of a selected word?

Ans: Thesaurus option of proofing group on Review tab.



E. Answer these questions.

1. Write any three features of word.

Ans: the three features are…

A) we can make our document, text attractive.

B) we can insert pictures and tables.

C) we can change the existing text.

2 What is the difference between copying and moving text?

Ans: Copying means to create duplicate copy of the selected text.

ð  We use copy ( ctrl + c) and paste ( ctrl + v) command for copying text

Moving text means shift the selected text to new place.

ð  We use cut ( ctrl + X) and paste ( ctrl + v) command for moving text.

3. How do you correct misspelt words in a document?

Ans: Spelling and Grammar option in Proofing group of Review tab  OR F7 function key help to correct misspelt words in a document.

4. What is the use of Thesaurus feature in Word 2010?

Ans: Thesaurus feature help to find out the similar meaning or synonyms of the selected word in the Word document.

5. What is the difference between undo and redo?

Ans: undo is used to cancel a command given earlier. Keyboard shortcut for undo is ctrl + z.

Redo is used to reverse the action of undo.  Keyboard shortcuts for redo is ctrl + y.




Subject- Social Studies

                                              Lesson-5  “The Coastal plains and Islands”

Do exercise B in the book and exercise C in the copy.

B: Tick the correct answer and write in the blanks .

1: Emerald Island

2: Odisha

3: Circars

4: Kerala

5: Narmada

C: Answer the  following questions.

A1: The Eastern Coastal Plains lies between the Eastern Ghats and the Bay of Bengal and the Western Coastal Plains lies between the Western Ghats and the Arabian sea.

A2: The water bodies where the two groups of islands of India lie are : The Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea.

A3: The coastal plains have a tropical humid climate . They are influenced by the seas and experience  a moderate climate which is neither too hot nor too cold .

A4: The largest lagoon of India is the Chilka lake and found in the state of Odisha .

A5: The difference between the western coastal plain and the eastern coastal plain are :

1 (a): Western Coastal plain is a narrow strip of  land.

(b): The people of the western coastal plains are mainly fishermen.

2(a): Eastern Coastal plain is the wide stretch of land.

(b): The people of the Eastern coastal plains  are mainly farmers.

A6: The  rivers that are draining the western coastal plains are Tapti ,Narmada, Mandovi and Zuari. The rivers that are draining the Eastern coastal plains are Ganga , Mahanadi Godavari Krishna and kaveri.

A7: The importance of the coastal plains are :

1: The beaches of the coastal plains are tourist attractions.

2: The coastal plains, being very fertile with  pleasant climate , support a very large population.

3: The seaports  on the coastal plains help in the development of trade  with other  countries.

Social Studies  Video👇

                                               English I

                                          Lesson-3  “Tine  and the faraway mountain’’

B: Answer to these questions and write them down in your copy.

A1: Tine Mena loved  the mountains  she knew the mountain routes well and loved  climbing the mountain routes well and loved climbing the mountains she become a porter so that she could spend all her time in the mountains . When she watched the film “The Race for Everest”. Tine came to know the names of the distant mountains and began to dream of climbing Mount Everest.

A2: Tine Knew  the journey to the top of Everest  was going to be very difficult and  dangerous .This  is  why  she  said  that Cherring  and  she  would share the other  half  of the packet  of noodles if they conquerd  the  Everest  and stayed alive after that Tine was very  determined to attempt the final  stage of her journey to the top of  Mount  Everest this helped her to continue her journey  in  spite of the terrible, and the numerous hardships.

A3:  Yes, Tine is a very special  person. She was  very  determined  and  hardwork . She applied to be a porter in the army though she knew that womens were not allowed to be porters because she wanted to return to the mountains . She knew the routes in the mountains  so well that even when the officer realised  that she was a women, She was allowed to continue working . Tine soon became a coordinator after she met Dr. Meitei , Tine also started training to be a mountain climber. She focused on her dream of climbing Everest, and did not give up she faced countless difficulties to reach the top of Everest and achived her dream.

A: Complete these sentences with the correct prepositions.Do in your book.

1: From ,to                                                                                       

2: Into

3: Across

4: Down

5: Towards

B: Join these parts to form meaningful sentences.Do in your book.

1:He  began the job late – Yet – he completed on time.

2: The team will win – if – the top batsman and bowlers do well.

3: The plants is growing quickly – because – it gets water and plenty of sunshine.

4: Would you like to stay longer- or-  leave soon?

5: She is very  caring and kind -but – she is quick to get angry.

6: We missed the train -so- we decided to take the bus.                                        

A: Use the hints in the brackets and try to complete the words.Do in your book.

2: Banned

3: Recognised

4: Journeyed

5: Hypnotise

6: Rewarded

B: Read these sentences and guess the meaning of the phrase.Do in your copy.

1: Turned the bottle so that the top was at the bottom and the bottom was at the top.

2: Made the house very untidy by moving everything from its place.

3: To change the practice in order to improve it.

4: Became very chaotic.

5: Searched the building.

                                                      English II

Chapter 5 ‘’Noun” has been already taught to students  in the beginning only. Learn all the definitions with examples  given in the book . Check your answer of page 25, 26, 27, 28 from the following.

Moral science

Lesson 2 The two Mirrors
B. Answer these questions.
Ques.1. Why did Mabati says, "He kills me. I kill him first "?
Ans. Mabati said this because when he saw himself at the first mirror he couldn't realize that the man behind the mirror was his own reflection and he smashed the mirror.

Ques.2. Why did Mabati say, "I, beautiful"?
Ans. Mabati said this because at the first mirror he looked with anger and he saw an angry face in the reflection but when he smiled he saw a smiling reflection and he shouted with joy "I, beautiful!".

Ques.3. How will others treat you if you are kind and helpful?
Ans. Kindness in helpfulness improves our quality of life in the society. If we are kind and helpful others will also show us kindness and will help us.

1) Draw and colour Flower Basket, scenery and Do Pencil shading Jug in your Drawing copy.
2) Do Page no 5,6and 7 in your Drawing book and colour it.

Make this paper collage with the help of old newspaper cutting and pasting.


 Subject- Hindi-l

पुस्तक में लिखें👇

    पाठ-6  "मौसी"
नोट-कापी में लिखें ।
मौसी-माँ की बहन
रोज़-प्रति दिन 
पेड़ तले-पेड़ के नीचे 
ठिठकर -रूक कर 
गठरी-कपड़े में बंधा हुआ सामान ।
प्याऊ-प्यसों को पानी पिलाने वाली।
मौखिक प्रश्नों के उत्तर ।
1: माँ (मम्मी) का भाई।
2: बच्चे स्वंय लिखे जो आपको कहानियां सुनाते हो उनका नाम व संबंध लिखिए ।
3: जानवरों में मौसी बिल्ली को तथा मामा बन्दर को कहते हैं ।
4: पांच पकवानों के नाम निम्न हैं- खीर,जलेबी,लड्डू,पकौड़ी,
प्रश्नोत्तर -
1: मौसी को बच्चों के साथ खेलना,उन्हे कहानियाँ और चुटकुले सुनाना बहुत पसंद था।
2: मौसी ने बच्चों को तोता-तोती की कहानी काठ के घोड़े की कहानी सुंदरबाई की कहानी  इत्यादि सुनाई थी।
3: मौसी के न होने पर बच्चों को मोहल्ला खाली-खाली तथा सूना -सूना लगता था।
4: क्योंकि मौसी बहुत बीमार थी तथा बीस दिन से बिज्जू के घर पर ही थी और मौसी कुछ काम भी नही कर पा रही थी इस कारण बिज्जू की माँ मौसी को घर पर नही रखना चाहती थी ।
5: स्कूल में मौसी को बच्चों को पानी पिलाने का काम मिला।


पुस्तक में लिखें  👇

Hindi- ll
नोट-कॉपी मे लिखें ।
प्र1: सर्वनाम किसे कहते हैं?उदाहरण सहित लिखिए ।
उ1: संज्ञा शब्दों के स्थान पर जिन शब्दों का प्रयोग किया जाता है उन्हे सर्वनाम कहते है।
प्र2: सर्वनाम के कितने भेद होते हैं?प्रत्येक के नाम लिखिये।
उ2: सर्वनाम के छह भेद होते है।
1: पुरुषवाचक सर्वनाम ( personal pronoun)
2:  निश्चयवाचक सर्वनाम ( Definite pronoun)
3: अनिश्चवाचक सर्वनाम (indefinite pronoun)
4: संबंधवाचक सर्वनाम (Relative pronoun)
5: प्रश्नवाचक सर्वनाम( Interrogative pronoun)
6: निजवाचक सर्वनाम (Reflaxive pronoun) I 
प्र3: निश्चयवाचक सर्वनाम और अनिश्च्यवाचक सर्वनाम की परिभाषा उदाहरण सहित लिखिये ।
उ3: निश्चयवाचक सर्वनाम की परिभाषा-जो सर्वनाम किसी निकट(पास) या दूर के व्यक्ति या वस्तु का बोध कराते हैं उन्हें   निश्चयवाचक सर्वनाम कहते हैं। इसे संकेत वाचक सर्वनाम भी कहा जाता है ।
उदाहरण-यह मेरी पुस्तक है।
वह सिनेमाघर है।
ये मेरे दादा जी है।आदि।
अनिश्चय सर्वनाम की परिभाषा- जो सर्वनाम शब्द किसी निश्चित व्यक्ति या वस्तु के विषय में जानकारी नही देते हैं उन्हे अनिश्चय वाचक सर्वनाम कहते हैं ।
उदाहरण-दुध में कुछ पड़ा है ।
मुम्बई से कोई आ रहा है।
यह फ्रॉक किसने दी ।आदि।
Maths  Video👇

Maths assignment
Lesson 7 " Divison"
Do in book
Ex- 7A  Fill in the blanks.
Q- 1, 2,3
  In  Copy 
WRITE Definitions and properties of division from the video in copy.
EX- 6D Q1( b, d),Q2(c,d),Q3 (b) Q4(a)







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