Summer Assignment.
English 1

1: Make sentences from the given words- Trail, Romping, Relented, Garnishing.
2: Learn word meaning  of lesson-1( Be Prepared).
3: Do the exercise given in the book on page no 6 and 7.
A: Exercise (a and b) given on page no 6( Read and mark the nouns) and Add a,an,or the to complete  the sentences. B: Exercise (Read the hints and write the words) given on page no 9.
4: Learn and write the poem(On The Bridge)in a plain sheet and decorate it.

English II.

1: Learn and practice lesson 5 The Noun (Definition of its kinds, examples) do exercise of page 25,26,27,28.
2: In Gulmohar work book- do work sheet 1and 2.
3: Do one page hand writing  daily in your writing book.


1:Complete all book exercises of chapter 3(Large Number)in book from page no 11 to 18.
2:Copy Work- exercise
3 (A)Question 7 all questions.
 (B):Write the predecessor of the following number.
(a): 53000 (b): 593004 (c): 14832169.
(C): Write the successor of the following numbers.
(a): 32782 (b):698732 (c): 340701.
3: Exercise- 3B Question  no 5 and 6 all Questions in copy.
4: Complete all book exercises  of  chapter 1 and 2.
5: Review Worksheet - page no1 - 35 do in book and also in drawing sheet all questions.


1:Reading of chapter 1 to 4 and do all exercises in your book and learn it.
2:Do the practice of the given diagram in your rough copy.
(a): Digestive system in human beings.
(b): Structure of a tooth.
(C): Different types of teeth. 

1: Learn page 117 and 118(India At A Glance).
2: Practice to draw map of India and locate the state and capitals.
3: Draw safety measures  from  corona virus.
4: Reading of chapter 1to 4 and do the exercises in your book and learn all the questions  and answers.


1: Draw different types of micro computer.
2: Draw any three input, output and storage devices.
3: Draw and name any four operating software and application software.
4: Read chapter 2 and 3 and try to solve book exercises.

 Hindi 1
1: पाठ 1(क) कविता 'दीपक बन जाये ' को सुन्दर चित्रों के साथ लिखिए ।
ख: पाठ 1के शब्द अर्थ लिखिए ।
ग: पेज 11,12 के अभ्यास कार्य को पुस्तक मे ही करिये।
2: पाठ 2-पढिए। शब्द-अर्थ लिखिये,पेज 17,18 के अभ्यास कार्य को पुस्तक मे ही
करिए,पाँच प्रकार की पत्तियों का चित्र बना कर उनके नाम लिखिये ।(अपनी कापी मे ही करे)।
3: प्रतिदिन एक पेज सुलेख लिखिये।
4: सभी कर्यो को अपनी कॉपी में ही करे ।
         Hindi II
1: पाठ 1से 3 याद करिए।
2: पाठ 13 विलोम शब्द लिखिए- अमृत,आदान,असली,इच्छा,आसान,खरा,जय,देश,धूप,
न्याय,प्रथम,मोटा,लाभदायक ,वीर ,साहसी ।
3: पाठ 14 पर्यायवाची शब्द लिखिये 1से 11 तक ।
4: पाठ 15 अनेक शब्दों के एक शब्द लिखिये 1से 18 तक।
5: पाठ 15 मुहावरों को अर्थ और वाक्य सहित लिखिये 1से 12 तक।
6: पाठ 19 कहानी लेखन -पृष्ठ संख्या 83 मे दी गयी कहानी "हीरामन तोता और रानी चीटी" की कहानी लिखिये ।
Activity for class 4 

Make mask for yourself and family members without stitching it.
Activity in Science-  Make a first aid box..

 Quietly do your work with full concentration  , neatly, and also learn atleast two lessons from each subject.your assignments will be checked when the school reopens.
you are expected to do all assignment it in your class work copy. 


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