

  17/8/2020 Sub- English literature - l Write the poem given on page- 15  in your class work copy and decorate it.  Poem - Have You Seen the Cuckoo Bird?      English Grammar- || Do this in your class work copy.      Chapter 4-Articles. Q1.What are Articles? Ans. A, An and The are called  Articles.A or An are lndefinite Articles.The is definite Article. For example - 1.He saw an old man. 2.There was a king. 3. The gold of Nepal is cheap. Q2. How many vowels are there in  the English    alphabet? Ans. Their are five vowels . They are a, e, i, o, u. Do this exercise of work sheet page 19 &20 in your book only. Lesson -5 Draw and colour it :- 1-Pucca house 2-Kutcha house 3-Tent 4-Stilt house  5-Igloo Do complete the following sentences in your copy :-(page no-30) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 19/08/2020 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-===-=-