

  02/11/2020 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Subject : English l English literature  Chapter 7 Rabbit's  Turnip Do it in your book Difficult words  1. Winter  2. Hopping  3. Pawed  4. Hurried  5. Trotted  6. Cabbage  7. Carefully  8. Trudged 9. Exclaimed  10. Retuned  Word Meaning  1. Pawed __to dug 2. Hurried __moved quickly  3. Trotted _ to walk fast 4. Passed this way _ walked by this way  5. Trudged _ moved slowly  6. Exclaimed __ speak loudly  Answer these chapter  Q1 Why did all the animals have to find food? Ans  All the animals have to find food because it was going to snow.  Q2 "But my potato is enough for me. " A)who says this line? Ans The donkey says this line.  B) what does the speaker do next? Ans The speaker leaves the two at goats door.  C) what does this tell us about the speaker? Ans This line tell us that the speaker is kind and caring.  Q3 what did Goat do with the turnip? Ans Goat left the t