

  17/08/2020   Maths- Answer of Exercise-5C are – Q1: 269, Q2:  44348 , Q5: 13869, Q10: 741150 ,Q11: 230575. Watch the video sent.                                         Lesson – Subtraction For practice solve questions explained in video and examples  given on page no. 33 of your book in rough copy. Once the concepts are clear, Do the following questions in Maths  c.w Copy  .                                 Exercise: 5 D Q1: (b,c) , Q2: (a, c) , Q3: (b,c), Q4: (b,c), Q5: (b), Q6: (a).   =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=- Subject- Science                                             Lesson-3                                      ‘ Safety  and first Aid’ Note – Write in your fair copy. D: Long answer question. Q3: How should you behave while giving first aid ? A3: When someone is  hurt or  injured , keep the following in mind. 1: Do not panic or get frightened after an accident  takes place . 2: Do not crowd around t