

  01/02/2021 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Subject-English ll Revision work Note-learn and write this work in your  rough copy👇 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 02/02/2021 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==- ENGLISH-- Social studies Revision Answer the following questions in one word :- 1-  The largest Indian desert.  2-In which season tree shed their leaves?  3- Which season comes after autumn?  4- Which animal is considered as the ship of the desert?   5- Which is bigger  - A sea or an ocean ?  6-Which is the largest island in the world?  7- One Water transport.  8- Name one air transport.  9- Name one ocean.  10 - Name one sea.  11- Where Victoria Memorial is situated.  12-Who built the Taj Mahal?  UNSCRAMBLE THESE WORDS :- TERWIN RIGSPN MERSUM SOONMON UMNAUT =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=