

  02/11/2020 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Subject English I Chapter 7 The Kite Hard words 1.Wags 2.Shakes 3.Flies 4.Naughty 5.Pretty 6.String 7.Stuck 8.Children 9.Ladder 10.lifts Do it in your fair copy. Do the Q/A from next page. Answer the following questions.  Q1.Why is the Kite naughty? Ans. The Kite is naughty because it breaks its string and flies away. Q2. How does the kite look? Ans.The kite has a snow  white face and pink and white ears .It looks pretty. Q3. What is the Kite made of? Ans. The Kite is made of paper and bits of string. Q 4 ( No need to do in copy) Q5. What happens when the wind lifts the Kite? Ans. When the wind lifts the Kite, it flies over the field and far , far away. Subject: English II Worksheet: 7 Describing Words           (Adjectives) Q1. What is describing words.( adjectives) ? Ans: Adjectives are the words that tell something more about the noun. For example: 1. This is a very tall tree. 2